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7.208. redhat-lsb

Updated redhat-lsb packages that fix several bugs and add an enhancement are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
Linux Standards Base (LSB) provides a set of standards that increases compatibility among Linux distributions. The redhat-lsb packages provide utilities needed for LSB compliant applications. It also contains requirements that ensure that all components required by LSB are installed on the system.

Bug Fixes

Previously, the redhat-lsb-core subpackage was missing from the redhat-lsb packages. Consequently, a large number of unnecessary dependencies was pulled in when redhat-lsb was required. This update provides redhat-lsb-core, which has minimal requirements, thus preventing this bug.
An inaccurate brand name was used in the redhat-lsb package description. This update fixes the description.
Previously, the /etc/lsb-release file specified in the lsb_release man page was missing from the redhat-lsb packages. This update adds this file, which provides information about LSB modules installed on the system.


It is now possible to install LBS subpackages, such as redhat-lsb-core, redhat-lsb-c++, redhat-lsb-graphics, or redhat-lsb-printing, separately without having to install the redhat-lsb package with all dependencies that might be unnecessary on a system.
Users of redhat-lsb are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix these bugs and add this enhancement.