10.4. Release Notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless Technology Preview 1.2.0

10.4.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless has been updated to use Knative Serving 0.9.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless has been updated to use Knative Client (kn CLI) 0.9.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform 4.2 now uses the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) dependency resolution mechanism to install the ServiceMesh Operator automatically. The required ServiceMeshControlPlane and ServiceMeshMemberRoll are also installed and managed for the user.
  • Access to the KnativeServing resource is now restricted to cluster-admin roles to prevent any user from blocking the resource. Only cluster-admin roles can create KnativeServing CRs.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator can now be found in the OperatorHub by searching for "knative".
  • The OpenShift Container Platform web console now shows status conditions for the KnativeServing resource.
  • In version 1.2.0, the OpenShift Serverless Operator inspects network policies for namespaces.

    If no network policy exists, the Operator automatically creates a wide open policy, to ensure that traffic can flow in and out of the namespace and OpenShift routes can be used.

    If there is an existing network policy, OpenShift Serverless will not create a new policy. The Operator expects the user to continue managing their own network policies as needed for their applications. For example, the user must set policies that allow traffic to flow in and out of the namespace, and allow OpenShift routes to still be used after the namespace is added to a ServiceMeshMemberRoll.

10.4.2. Fixed issues

  • In previous releases, using the same services or routes in different namespaces caused services to not work properly and caused OpenShift Container Platform routes to be overriden. This issue has been fixed.
  • In previous releases, different traffic split targets required a mandatory tag. A single traffic split can now be defined with untagged traffic targets.
  • Existing Knative Services and Routes which had been created with public visibility in OpenShift Serverless Operator version 1.1.0 were not able to be updated to cluster-local visibility. This issue is now fixed.
  • The Unknown Uninitialized : Waiting for VirtualService error has been fixed.
  • Knative service no longer returns a 503 status code when the cluster is running for a long time.

10.4.3. Known issues

  • Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator on OpenShift Container Platform versions older than 4.2.4 using OLM may incorrectly use community versions of the required dependencies. As a workaround, on OpenShift Container Platform versions older than 4.2.4, explicitly install the Red Hat provided versions of the Elastic Search, Jaeger, Kiali and ServiceMesh Operators before installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  • If you are upgrading the OpenShift Serverless from version 1.1.0 to version 1.2.0 and you have set up a ServiceMeshControlPlane and ServiceMeshMemberRoll to work with your Knative Serving instance, you must remove the knative-serving namespace and any other namespaces that contain Knative Services from the ServiceMeshMemberRoll in istio-system.

    You can also delete the ServiceMeshControlPlane from the namespace entirely if it is not required for other applications.

    Once the upgrade starts, existing services will continue to work as before, but new Services will never become ready. Once you unblock the release by removing the knative-serving and any other relevant namespaces from the ServiceMeshMemberRoll, there will be a brief outage to all active Services. This will fix itself. Make sure that you remove all namespaces containing Knative Services from the original ServiceMeshMemberRoll.

  • gRPC and HTTP2 do not work against routes. This is a known limitation of OpenShift routes.