5.2. Verifying an OpenShift Container Platform monitoring installation for use with Knative Serving

Manual configuration for monitoring by an administrator is not required, but you can carry out these steps to verify that monitoring is installed correctly.


  1. Verify that the ServiceMonitor objects are deployed.

    $ oc get servicemonitor -n knative-serving
    NAME         AGE
    activator    11m
    autoscaler   11m
    controller   11m
  2. Verify that the openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true label has been added to the Knative Serving namespace:

    $ oc get namespace knative-serving --show-labels
    NAME              STATUS   AGE   LABELS
    knative-serving   Active   4d    istio-injection=enabled,openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true,serving.knative.dev/release=v0.7.0