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Red Hat Satellite and Puppet Enterprise integration is now available

Anonymous published on October 9 2015 at 12:14 PM, last updated October 9 2015 at 3:32 PM

We are pleased to announce that Red Hat Satellite version 6.1.1, released August 2015, now features integration with Puppet Enterprise. It’s available today on the Puppet Forge.

For customers with both Red Hat Satellite version 6.1.1 and Puppet Enterprise, this module will enable the availability of facts and Puppet agent run reports in both Puppet Enterprise and in Red Hat Satellite, preserving the health dashboards, inventory, and search capabilities of both products. More information and kickstarts are available to existing Red Hat customers on the Customer Portal.

Red Hat Satellite is a lifecycle management tool for Red Hat infrastructure. Satellite customers can manage the complete lifecycle of their Red Hat infrastructure, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), from provisioning to decommissioning and everything in between. Puppet Enterprise makes managing the configuration lifecycle of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and non-Red Hat Enterprise Linux infrastructure more simple and unified through Puppet Apps, partner integrations, and supported Puppet Forge modules. Together, IT teams can take advantage of both products to help gain broader visibility and management of virtual compute resources, physical networks, and storage infrastructure to unify teams and processes.

Red Hat and Puppet Enterprise have plans to do more with this integration in the future to help make the lifecycle management of your infrastructure even more streamlined, automated, and powerful.

If you’re at Puppetconf 2015, please be sure to attend the talk by Puppet Labs and Red Hat about this integration.

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