Red Hat Satellite Blog: December 2016 archives

  • Satellite 6.2.5 is released

    Satellite 6.2.5 has been released today. 6.2.5 introduces many performance and stability improvements. There are two errata, one for the server [1] and one for the clients [2]. The install ISOs will be updated later this week. Customers who have already upgraded to 6.2 should follow the instructions in the errata. Customers who are on 6.1.x should follow the upgrade instructions at [3]. Customers who have received hotfixes should verify the list below to ensure their hotfix is contained in the...
    Posted December 12 2016 at 8:57 PM - 1
  • Migrating from Satellite 5 to 6

    Overview Red Hat’s Systems Engineering group recently tackled the task of migrating their lab infrastructure from Satellite 5.6 to Satellite 6.2.4. The Satellite 5.6 server managed several hundred physical and virtual machines. The migration consisted of moving over DNS, DHCP, TFTP, PXE, custom provisioning scripts, and content. For those unfamiliar with Satellite 6 and it’s capabilities, please refer to: Let’s take a look at how we...
    Posted December 9 2016 at 6:39 PM - 2