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Satellite 6.2.5 is released

Rich Jerrido published on 2016-12-12T20:57:13+00:00, last updated 2016-12-12T20:57:13+00:00

Satellite 6.2.5 has been released today. 6.2.5 introduces many performance and stability improvements. There are two errata, one for the server [1] and one for the clients [2]. The install ISOs will be updated later this week.

Customers who have already upgraded to 6.2 should follow the instructions in the errata. Customers who are on 6.1.x should follow the upgrade instructions at [3]. Customers who have received hotfixes should verify the list below to ensure their hotfix is contained in the release before upgrading. Please reach out to the Red Hat Support team if you require support.

In Satellite 6.2.5, we updated the bootstrap script to the latest upstream release (1.2.2), which introduces a number of new features. These capabilities are detailed in Red Hat Satellite 6.2 Feature Overview: Importing Existing Hosts via the Bootstrap Script

The list of bugs resolved in 6.2.5 are:

  • The error message presented to users when a repository cannot be enabled has been improved to tell users the correct next course of action. (BZ#1266358)
  • Two bugs related to the calculation of new synchronization plan start dates and the logic used to determine when plans must be activated have been fixed. (BZ#1279539, BZ#1302098)
  • Two bugs related to user permissions and the administrative account have been fixed. (BZ#1304815, BZ#1374434)
  • Improvements to the data in Capsule Server syncing were made. (BZ#1288656, BZ#1383463)
  • The katello-disconnected tool now provides an error message that tells users to instead use Inter-Satellite Sync (ISS). (BZ#1305591)
  • Multiple performance optimizations have been made. (BZ#1309384, BZ#1369234, BZ#1381352, BZ#1341338, BZ#1344708, BZ#1384074)
  • Multiple improvements have been made to the bootstrap script. (BZ#1313038, BZ#1343585, BZ#1383763, BZ#1386312, BZ#1380783, BZ#1378339, BZ#1360360, BZ#1380473)
  • Guest subscriptions had an incorrect link to the hypervisor. The link is now correct. (BZ#1318028)
  • The Puppet Master and CA fields were not inherited during auto provisioning. (BZ#1319283, BZ#1367136)
  • Hypervisor names reported by virt-who are now sanitized on input. (BZ#1353110)
  • Users of discovery needed to not associate all media in order for provisioning to work. This workaround is no longer required. (BZ#1364544)
  • Tasks that were in the planning stage were not shown correctly. (BZ#1364767)
  • Users can now choose to view errata based on the status of whether those errata can be applied or installed. (BZ#1368254)
  • Setting the service level on a host caused custom products not to be assigned via activation key. (BZ#1370496)
  • The activation key user interface showed all systems instead of those that were assigned to it. (BZ#1372826)
  • Several issues with Hammer have been addressed. (BZ#1379372, BZ#1394348)
  • The access insights plug-in has been rebased to version 1.13. (BZ#1383511)
  • Uploaded packages were not showing in the user interface due to date formatting issues. (BZ#1386670)

Please reach out with any questions or concerns.

[1] https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2016:2940
[2] https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2016:2939
[3] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-satellite/6.2/paged/installation-guide/chapter-6-upgrading-satellite-server-and-capsule-server


About The Author

Rich Jerrido's picture Red Hat Guru 3045 points

Rich Jerrido

Rich Jerrido, Red Hat Product Manager, is a “doer-of-all-things Red Hat Satellite,” including training, integration, enablement, documentation, and helping to identify product requirements. He serves as a technology expert, frequently speaking in web seminars and at industry events. With mor...