Red Hat Satellite Blog: March 2017 archives

  • SPECIAL OFFER - Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration Video Classroom

    Newly launched this week is the Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration (RH403) Video Classroom course! Red Hat is offering a discount of 20% off the video classroom course if you register before August 31st, 2017. Why did we launch a Satellite 6 video classroom course? Video classrooms provide you with an interactive "classroom" experience, anywhere you choose. When traveling to an in-person class and spending a week away from the office isn't feasible, having a self-paced video training option is...
    Posted March 13 2017 at 1:55 PM - 0
  • Satellite 6.2.8 is released

    Satellite 6.2.8 has been released today as part of RHBA-2017:0447 Customers who have already upgraded to 6.2 should follow the instructions in the errata. Customers who are on 6.1.x should follow the upgrade instructions in the Installation Guide. Customers who have received hotfixes should verify the list below to ensure their hotfix is contained in the release before upgrading. Please reach out to the Satellite team in these cases. A number of significant improvements are delivered in this...
    Posted March 6 2017 at 10:33 AM - 4