Red Hat Satellite Blog: February 2018 archives

  • Satellite 6.3 is now available

    Red Hat Satellite 6.3 is now available. Red Hat is pleased to announce the general availability of Red Hat Satellite 6.3. The latest release increases product stability and usability, and introduces new and enhanced features designed to meet user needs. Key features of Red Hat Satellite 6.3 are organized into key content areas below. Most of the new features include links to the feature overview available on the content portal. Content Management: Improved content download policies and...
    Posted February 21 2018 at 4:57 PM - 41
  • Satellite 6.2.14 is now available

    Red Hat Satellite 6.2.14 includes fixes for performance improvements and stability, as well as upgrade enhancements to make it easier to upgrade Satellite 6.2 to the upcoming Satellite 6.3 release. There is one erratum for the server [1] and one for the hosts [2]. The install ISOs will be updated later this week. Customers who have already upgraded to 6.2 should follow the instructions in the errata. Customers who are on 6.1.x should follow the upgrade instructions in the Satellite 6.2...
    Posted February 5 2018 at 3:43 PM - 18