All Classes and Interfaces

A bridge for passing events between Infinispan (both embedded and remote) and Spring.
Abstract handler that handles request and cancellation of a given non blocking resource.
Array backed ObjectInput implementation.
Entry or key set backed by a cache.
Abstract stream that provides all of the common functionality required for all types of Streams including the various primitive types.
Base class for local and remote transaction.
Factory that creates components used internally within Infinispan, and also wires dependencies into the components.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 9.4, please use BasicComponentRegistry instead.
Base counter configuration with its name, initial value and Storage mode.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 10.0, custom interceptors support will be removed and only modules will be able to define interceptors
This is a convenient base class for implementing a cache delegate.
Delegate that forwards all the of the method calls to the underlying cache stream.
Delegating collection that delegates all calls to the collection returned from AbstractDelegatingCollection.delegate()
This is a convenient base class for implementing a cache manager delegate.
Delegating data container that delegates all calls to the container returned from AbstractDelegatingInternalDataContainer.delegate()
Designed to be overwrite.
An abstract base class for factories creating cache managers that are backed by an EmbeddedCacheManager.
Base class for both Sync and XAResource enlistment adapters.
Abstract class that provides a method to round up to the nearest value of 8 which is important for most jvm when doing size calculations.
Base class for AdvancedExternalizer implementations that offers default implementations for some of its methods.
Base class for those commands that can carry flags.
Infinispan implementation for Spring Session with basic functionality.
An abstract internal cache entry that is typically stored in the data container
Abstract class implemenation for a segmented data container.
Common features of transaction and invocation contexts
Base class for InvocationContextFactory implementations.
Abstract iterator that allows overriding just the AbstractIterator.getNext() method to implement it.
Common parent for both embedded and standalone JBoss Marshalling-based marshallers.
This is a base class that should be used when implementing a KeyValueFilterConverter that provides default implementations for the KeyValueFilter.accept(Object, Object, org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata) and Converter.convert(Object, Object, org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata) methods so they just call the KeyValueFilterConverter.filterAndConvert(Object, Object, org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata) method and then do the right thing.
Functionality common to both CacheManagerNotifierImpl and CacheNotifierImpl
Similar to the JDK's AbstractMap, this provides common functionality for custom map implementations.
Abstract Marshaller implementation containing shared implementations.
Abstract class to create mixed SiteStatus.
A component factory for creating components scoped per-cache.
A passivation manager
A common protocol server dealing with common property parameter validation and assignment and transport lifecycle.
An abstract base class for factories creating cache manager that are backed by an Infinispan RemoteCacheManager.
A remote invocation request.
Abstract segment loader writer that implements all the single key non segmented methods by invoking the segmented equivalent by passing in the segment returned from invoking AbstractSegmentedAdvancedLoadWriteStore.getKeyMapper().
Abstract store configuration that should be extended when the store configuration supports being segmented.
A SiteStatus builder based on its online and offline members.
Abstract ThreadPoolExecutorFactory that contains commons variables for configuring a thread pool
Base class for commands that carry topology id.
Class to inherit when implementing transcoders, will handle pre and post processing of the content.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 9.1, please implement Transport directly.
Support class for TxInvocationContext.
An abstract implementation of a Visitor that delegates all visit calls to a default handler which can be overridden.
A key value filter that accepts all entries found.
This class provides the functionality to either accept or reject new Channels based on their IP address.
An action represents a step in PerCacheInboundInvocationHandler.
A listener that is invoked when an Action is completed.
Orders multiple actions/tasks based on a key.
The state used by an Action.
The status for an Action.
Controls activation of cache entries that have been passivated.
Concrete implementation of activation logic manager.
The BufferSizePredictor that automatically increases and decreases the predicted buffer size on feed back.
Add logger listener action.
Add operation.
A destination for an Infinispan command or operation.
Task to add a remote store to the cache.
AdminOperationsHandler is a special TaskEngine which can handle admin tasks
Common base for admin server tasks
An advanced interface that exposes additional methods not available on Cache.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
Callback to be notified when an entry is removed by the AdvancedCacheExpirationWriter.purge(Executor, ExpirationPurgeListener) method.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0, will be removed in a future release.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
Key partitioner that maps keys to segments using information contained in AffinityTaggedKey.
Aggregation of multiple CompletionStage instances where their count is not known or when a large amount of stages are required, as it uses less memory foot print per stage.
A ClassLoader that delegates loading of classes and resources to a list of delegate ClassLoaders.
Handler responsible for TLS/ALPN negotiation.
A XSiteEntryMergePolicy that removes the key if a conflict is detected.
Base for classes that implement hash map by storing keys in one array and values in another.
Interface for sequential interceptors.
Interceptor chain using AsyncInterceptors.
A delegating NonBlockingStore implementation that batches write operations and runs the resulting batches on the delegate store in a non overlapping manner.
A XSiteStateProviderState for asynchronous cross-site replication state transfer (IRAC).
Configuration for the async cache store.
Configuration for the async cache store.
Non-blocking Synchronization.
Non-blocking XAResource.
Enumerates the attributes used in Infinispan
Enumerates the attributes used by the JDBC cache stores configuration
Enumerates the attributes used by the Remote cache store configuration
Enumerates the attributes used by the LevelDB cache stores configuration
An AttributeListener will be invoked whenever an attribute has been modified.
AttributeSet is a container for Attributes.
Handler that when added will make sure authentication is applied to requests.
Authentication mechanism.
The AuthorizationManager is a cache-scoped component which verifies that the Subject associated with the current AccessControlContext, or explicitly specified, has the requested permissions.
Enables for automatic batching.
Component factories that implement this interface can be instantiated automatically by component registries when looking up components.
A Response implementation for command XSiteAutoTransferStatusCommand.
Thrown when a partition happened and the key that an operation tries to access is not available.
Implementations decide what to do when the cache membership changes, either because new nodes joined, nodes left, or there was a merge.
Contains information about the current state of the cache.
PartitionHandlingManager implementation when the cluster is always available.
Defines the possible behaviour in case of failure during x-site.
Defines the remote caches for which this cache acts as a backup.
Handles all tasks related to the creation/restoration of server backups.
An interface to encapsulate the various arguments required by the BackupManager in order to include/exclude resources from a backup/restore operation.
An enum representing the current state of a Backup operation.
Represents a response from a backup replication call.
Base class for an interceptor in the new asynchronous invocation chain.
Handle basic cache operations.
Interface that defines the base methods of all streams returned from a Cache.
Functional interface that is used as a callback when segments are completed.
Anyone using the AsyncInterceptorChain.addInterceptor(AsyncInterceptor, int) method (or any of its overloaded forms) or registering custom interceptors via XML should extend this base class when creating their own custom interceptors.
Common logic for the ExtendedStatisticsContainer
BaseXSiteStateProviderState<T extends org.infinispan.xsite.statetransfer.BaseXSiteStateProviderState.OutboundTask>
Common code for AsyncProviderState and SyncProviderState implementation.
BASIC authentication mechanism.
BasicCache provides the common building block for the two different types of caches that Infinispan provides: embedded and remote.
BasicCacheContainer defines the methods used to obtain a BasicCache.
Basic dependency injection container.
BasicConfiguration provides the basis for concrete configurations.
Factory that creates Log instances.
BasicMultimapCache provides the common API for the two different types of multimap caches that Infinispan provides: embedded and remote.
A container for holding thread locals for batching, to be used with the BatchingCache.startBatch() and BatchingCache.endBatch(boolean) calls.
The BatchingCache is implemented by all caches which support batching
Not really a transaction manager in the truest sense of the word.
A simple wrapper class, necessary for Transactional stores, which allows MarshalledEntries and Object keys to be passed to a store implementation in order.
Simple JavaBean manipulation helper methods
Specifies when is a node allowed to acquire a bias on an entry, serving further reads to the same key locally (despite not being an owner).
This component tracks if this node can read the data stored locally despite not being an owner and which nodes will read the local data that is primary-owned by this node.
A Bifuncion wrapper that uses the cache's underlying DataConversion objects to perform its operations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 13.0.
Utility method for inserting and retrieving values from to/from a byte[]
Manager utility for blocking operations that runs tasks on the blocking executor and returns a CompletionStage or Publisher that continues on the non-blocking executor, similar to stage.handleAsync(callback, blockingExecutor).whenCompleteAsync(NOOP, nonBlockingExecutor).
Executor interface that submits task to a blocking pool that returns a stage that is guaranteed to run any chained stages on a non-blocking thread if the stage is not yet complete.
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the task if the current thread is a blocking thread otherwise it rejects the task.
Interface to designate the resource is a blocking one.
A special Runnable that is only sent to a thread when it is ready to be executed without blocking the thread
Executor service that is aware of BlockingRunnable and only dispatch the runnable to a thread when it has low (or no) probability of blocking the thread.
A special executor service that accepts a BlockingRunnable.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 12.0 with no replacement
Similar to JDK Executors except that the factory methods here allow you to specify the size of the blocking queue that backs the executor.
Bounded implementation of segmented data container.
Bucket used to store MultiMap values, required as HashSet cannot be directly marshalled via ProtoStream.
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Buffer size predictor
This class can be used to pass an argument by reference.
Implementation for primitive type
Wraps byte[] on a WrappedByteArray to provide equality and hashCode support, leaving other objects unchanged.
A byte buffer that exposes the internal byte array with minimal copying.
Used for building instances of ByteBuffer.
A byte buffer that exposes the internal byte array with minimal copying
Parser human-readable quantity of bytes.
Marshaller that only supports byte[] instances writing them as is
A simple class which encapsulates a byte[] representation of a String using a predefined encoding (currently UTF-8).
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The central interface of Infinispan.
Interface that describes how a cache can be injected into another object.
Entry set backed by a cache.
Key set backed by a cache.
A CacheException that is thrown when the backpressure has been filled an unable to process the request.
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A collection type that returns special Cache based streams that have additional options to tweak behavior.
Helper class designed to be used to create a serializable Collector for use with CacheStream.collect(Collector) from a supplier of a collector.
An exception that represents an error in the configuration.
Administrative cache container operations.
Flags which affect only administrative operations
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 10.1.3.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 10.1.3.
A helper class for controlling Cache Control headers.
Admin operation to create a cache Parameters: name the name of the cache to create flags any flags, e.g.
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WARNING: Generated code! Do not edit!
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when cache entries are evicted.
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntriesEvicted.
An entry that is stored in the data container
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is activated.
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryActivated.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is created.
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryCreated.
A transactional event subtype that additionally expose a key as such events pertain to a specific cache entry.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is expired
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryExpired.
Tests if a CacheEntry belongs to a group.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is invalidated.
Notifies a listener of an invalidation event.
Additional listener methods specific to caches.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is loaded from a CacheLoader.
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryLoaded.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry has been modified.
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryModified
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when cache entries are passivated.
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryPassivated.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is removed from the cache.
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryRemoved.
Implementation of a size calculator that calculates only the size of the value assuming it is an InternalCacheEntry.
A CacheChunkedStream that reads Map.Entry and produces a JSON output.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is visited.
This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryVisited.
A converter that can be used to convert the value given for an event.
Converter that is implemented by using the provided CacheEventConverter.
Factory that can produce CacheEventConverters
A filter that can be used to tell if an event should be raised or not.
KeyValueFilter that is implemented by using the provided CacheEventFilter.
This interface is an optimization that can be used when an event filter and converter are most efficiently used as the same object composing the filtering and conversion in the same method invocation.
Factory that can produce CacheEventFilterConverter instances.
Factory that can produce CacheEventFilters
Thrown when operations fail unexpectedly.
Static factory class that contains utility methods that can be used for performing proper transformations from KeyValueFilter, Converter and KeyValueFilterConverter to appropriate distributed stream instances.
Admin operation to create a cache Parameters: name the name of the cache to create template the name of the template to use configuration the XML configuration to use flags any flags, e.g.
Cache health information.
Function that is used to encapsulate multiple intermediate operations and perform them lazily when the function is applied.
If Configuration.statistics() is enabled, then class will register all the MBeans from cache local's ConfigurationRegistry to the MBean server.
Thrown when a cache fails to join a cluster
This class contains the information that a cache needs to supply to the coordinator when starting up.
A CacheChunkedStream that reads from a byte[] and produces a JSON output.
Wraps exceptions produced by listener implementations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
Registers all the components from global component registry to the mbean server.
Notifications for the cache manager
Global, shared notifications on the cache manager.
A mixed SiteStatus.
Cache replication mode.
Used by GlobalTxTable, it collects all the involved cache name when setting a decision for a transaction.
Admin operation to obtain a list of caches
A response that signals the named cache is not running on the target node.
Public interface with all allowed notifications.
Helper class that handles all notifications to registered listeners.
When try to create a transactional org.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCache but the cache in the Hot Rod server isn't transactional, this exception is thrown.
This class implements the parser for Infinispan/AS7/EAP/JDG schema files
Admin operation to reindex a cache Parameters: name the name of the cache to reindex flags unused
Admin operation to remove a cache Parameters: name the name of the cache to remove flags
ProtoStream entity used to represent individual cache entries.
REST resource to manage the caches.
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Externalizer in charge of marshalling cache specific commands.
A set that also must implement the various CacheCollection methods for streams.
A CacheSet that allows for a different set to be mapped as a different instance wtih values replaced on request.
A per-cache SiteStatus builder.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache is started.
This event is passed in to any method annotated with CacheStarted.
Cache State information stored in a cluster-wide cache
Collects and maintains all the statistics for a cache.
Manages all the statistics for a single cache.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache is stopped.
This event is passed in to any method annotated with CacheStopped.
A Stream that has additional operations to monitor or control behavior when used from a Cache.
Reducer implementation for Distributed Publisher that converts between CacheStream operations to an appropriate Reducer
The status of a cache from a distribution/state transfer point of view.
Phase of the rebalance process.
The link between LocalTopologyManager and StateTransferManager.
Contains information about cache topology including servers and owned segments.
Utility methods related to CacheTopology.
Defines the state a infinispan transaction should have.
Cache replication mode.
Signals a backup site was unreachable.
Administrative operation to update a specific configuration attribute for a given cache with the following parameters: Parameters: name specifies the cache for which its configuration attribute will be updated. attribute the path of the attribute we want to change, e.g.
Administrative operation to update the index schema for a cache with the following parameters: Parameters: name specifies the cache for which its index schema will be updated. flags unused
Intercepts the VisitableCommands to calculate the corresponding top-key values.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
A key used in the global transaction table.
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the rejected task directly in the calling thread of the execute method.
Represents Charset.
Task to check for the remote store in a cache.
The ClassAllowList maintains classes definitions either by name or regular expression and is used for permissioning.
Find infinispan classes utility
Interface that enhances FilteringListenable with the possibility of specifying the ClassLoader which should be set as the context class loader for the invoked listener method
Interface that enhances Listenable with the possibility of specifying the ClassLoader which should be set as the context class loader for the invoked listener method
An implementation of the ClassResolver, ResourceResolver and ServiceResolver contracts that just delegates loading to an actual ClassLoader.
A URLStreamHandlerFactory which can handle classpath: URI schemes.
A URLStreamHandlerProvider which handles URLs with protocol "classpath".
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 12.0.
Used in ClearInvocationContext to process the ClearCommand.
Implementation of InvocationContext used by the ClearCommand.
A Address implementation for a client transaction.
Client side cache entry created events provide information on the created key, and the version of the entry.
The events generated by default contain just enough information to make the event relevant but they avoid cramming too much information in order to reduce the cost of sending them.
Client side cache entry expired events provide information on the expired key.
Client side cache entry modified events provide information on the modified key, and the version of the entry after the modification.
Client side cache entry removed events provide information on the removed key.
Event received when the registered listener fails over to a different node.
Client Certificate authentication mechanism.
A counter event to send to a client.
The CounterManager notification manager.
ClientIntelligence specifies the level of intelligence used by the client.
Annotation that marks a class to receive remote events from Hot Rod caches.
Keeps the Hot Rod client topology information together: topology id and client intelligence.
Interface that provides semantics of a Iterable and AutoCloseable interfaces.
Interface that provides semantics of a Iterator and AutoCloseable interfaces.
A collection that defines an iterator method that returns a CloseableIterator instead of a non closeable one.
A set that defines an iterator method that returns a CloseableIterator instead of a non closeable one.
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return closeable interfaces.
This class is used solely for the purpose of converting classes only in core to corresponding closeable variants.
Interface that provides semantics of a Spliterator and AutoCloseable interfaces.
This interface describes methods required for a cluster listener to be able to be bootstrapped and properly notified when a new event has been raised from the cluster.
Similar to Stats but cluster wide.
Keeps track of a cache's status: members, current/pending consistent hashes, and rebalance status
Cluster wide container statistics.
A filter that tests the validity of ClusteredGetCommands.
ClusteredLock is a data structure used for concurrent programming between Infinispan instances in cluster mode.
A Clustered Lock can be reentrant and there are different ownership levels.
ClusteredLock configuration.
ClusteredLock configuration builder.
Clustered Locks configuration parser
Exception used to handle errors on clustered locks
Provides the API to define, create and remove ClusteredLocks.
The ClusteredLockManager configuration.
The ClusteredLockManager configuration builder.
Locks module configuration
A TransactionOriginatorChecker implementation for clustered caches.
This is an event designed for use with cluster listeners solely.
Constructs the data container.
ClusterExecutionPolicy controls how which nodes commands submitted via ClusterExecutor.
A cluster executor that can be used to invoke a given command across the cluster.
Static factory methods to construct a ClusterExecutor
Allows for cluster based expirations to occur.
Cluster health information.
Defines clustered characteristics of the cache.
Defines clustered characteristics of the cache.
This DistributedCallable is used to remove registered RemoteClusterListener on each of the various nodes when a cluster listener is unregistered from the cache.
This DistributedCallable is used to install a RemoteClusterListener on the resulting node.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0.
Manages distribution of various publisher operations that are ran locally and/or sent to remote nodes.
ClusterPublisherManager that determines targets for the given segments and/or keys and then sends to local and remote nodes in parallel collecting results to be returned.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use ClusterRoleMapper instead.
Maintains the topology for all the caches in the cluster.
Factory for ClusterTopologyManager implementations.
The ClusterTopologyManager implementation.
Information about the JGroups cluster.
A collection that maps another one to a new one of a possibly different type.
Defines how Attributes and ConfigurationElements are combined when overlaying a configuration (the overlay) on top of another (the template) using, Combine).
An acknowledge collector for Triangle algorithm used in non-transactional caches for write operations.
Represents an unique identified for non-transaction write commands.
A factory to build commands, initializing and injecting dependencies accordingly.
It commits a transaction in all involved caches.
Utility methods connecting CompletableFuture futures.
Utility methods for handling CompletionStage instances.
Component lifecycle management
Factory for Infinispan components.
Mechanism for specifying the name of components to retrieve
Reference to a component.
Named cache specific components
Lookup methods for various internal components of search module.
Different states a component may be in.
Segmented store that creates multiple inner stores for each segment.
Allows AND-composing several cache event filters.
Allows AND-composing several key/value filters.
Iterator that concatenates a bunch of iterables into 1 big iterator.
Thread safe cache statistics that allows multiple writers and reader at the same time.
It updates the TxState's status to Status.MARK_ROLLBACK if the current status is the expected.
A mixture between a CompletableFuture and a Condition.
ConfigurationBuilder used to generate immutable Configuration objects to pass to the RemoteCacheManager(Configuration) constructor.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a configuration is changed.
This event is passed in to any method annotated with ConfigurationChanged.
An abstract class which represents a configuration element, with attributes and child elements.
It manages all the configuration for a specific container.
Encapsulate all config properties here
Provides a mechanism to override selected configuration properties using explicit setters for each configuration setting.
Helper configuration methods.
Configuration storage
Defines the configuration used to configure the given class instances
A ConflictManager factory for cache instances.
Defines the functionality a connection factory should implement.
A consistent hash algorithm implementation.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 11.0.
Constants used as keys within a persisted consistent hash
Various public constant names, used by Infinispan's metrics support.
Constant values
FactoryBean for creating a CacheManager for a pre-defined CacheContainer.
A mixed SiteStatus.
FactoryBean for creating a CacheManager for a pre-defined CacheContainer.
REST resource to manage the cache container.
An interface that defines how a container resource is backed up and restored by the BackupManager.
Factory for creating the ContainerResources required for a backup/restore operation.
A per-container SiteStatus builder.
An interface to build InvocationContext.
A container of continuous query listeners for a cache.
A container of continuous query listeners for a remote cache.
Listener for continuous query events.
A control byte used by each write operation to flag if the key was read or not, or if the write operation is a remove operation
Converter that can be used to transform a given entry to a different value.
Serializes an Infinispan configuration to an ConfigurationWriter
Static factory class for producing executor factories in the core module
Factory for generating immutable type wrappers for core types.
Handles Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests.
A concurrency structure that invokes a Runnable when its count reaches zero.
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A counter configuration used to define counters cluster wide via CounterManager.defineCounter(String, CounterConfiguration).
The builder of CounterConfiguration.
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Base counter configuration builder.
Signals a missing configuration or an invalid configuration.
Counters configuration parser
Counters configuration serializer.
The event used by CounterListener.
A RuntimeException related to counters.
A listener interface to listen to StrongCounter changes.
The CounterManager creates, defines and returns counters.
The CounterManager configuration.
The CounterManager configuration builder.
Represents a counter.
It registers a EmbeddedCounterManager to each EmbeddedCacheManager started and starts the cache on it.
Signal that an attempt to access a counter has failed.
A operation factory that builds counter operations.
A CounterException signalling that the StrongCounter has reached its bounds.
Counters configuration parser
Handler for the counter resource.
ProtoStream entity used to represent counter instances.
The possible states for a counter value.
Tracks a monotonically increasing values.
The counter types.
It creates a new TxState.
This exception is thrown when the cache or cache manager does not have the right lifecycle state for cross-site operations to be called on it.
Used for implementing custom policies in case of communication failures with a remote site.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 10.0, custom interceptors support will be removed and only modules will be able to define interceptors
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 10.0, custom interceptors support will be removed and only modules will be able to define interceptors
StoreConfigurationBuilder used for stores/loaders that don't have a configuration builder
Thrown when a cyclic dependency exist
Supported database dialects for the JDBC cache stores
Commands of this type manipulate data in the cache.
The main internal data structure which stores entries.
Constructs the data container
This is an iterator that will iterate upon the data container.
Handle conversions for Keys or values.
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Defines data format for keys and values during Hot Rod client requests.
Since 11.0.
Ordering construct allowing concurrent operations that wish to do operations upon the same key to wait until the most recently registered operation is complete in a non blocking way.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a rehash starts or ends.
An event passed in to methods annotated with DataRehashed.
Interface for async interceptors using double-dispatch.
An interface to implement the deadlock algorithm.
Exception signaling detected deadlocks.
A decorator to a cache, which can be built with a specific set of Flags.
Similar to KeywordTokenizerFactory but with a configurable buffer size.
A CacheManager is the primary mechanism for retrieving a Cache instance, and is often used as a starting point to using the Cache.
The default implementation of EmbeddedCacheManagerAdmin
Default ConsistentHash implementation.
Default implementation of ConsistentHashFactory.
This class refines ContextClassLoader to add a default class loader.
DefaultDataContainer is both eviction and non-eviction based data container.
Default executor factory that creates executors using the JDK Executors service.
An annotation that is used internally, for defining a DEFAULT factory to be used when constructing components.
Default implementation of IracManager.
A default implementation for IracTombstoneManager.
Default implementation of IracVersionGenerator.
The default LockManager implementation for transactional and non-transactional caches.
The default implementation for PendingLockManager.
A list of Action to be executed to check when it is ready.
A default blocking implementation of TransactionResourceConverter.
The default response generator for most cache modes
Creates scheduled executors using the JDK Executors service
DataContainer implementation that internally stores entries in an array of maps.
A default SimpleStat implementation.
The default implementation of TakeOfflineManager.
This enum lists the cache configuration templates names that are available in the server by default.
Thread factory based on JBoss Thread's JBossThreadFactory.
The default implementation of TimeService.
Handle conversions between text/plain, url-encoded, java objects, and octet-stream contents.
WARNING, slow as a senile dog, uses Java Serialization and base64 encoding to get a String representation of an Object.
Default implementation for TwoWayKey2StringMapper that knows how to handle all primitive wrapper keys and Strings.
The default XSiteEntryMergePolicy implementation.
Implementation of XSiteMetricsCollector to use when asynchronous backups (cross-site replication) are configured.
A wrapper around a CacheEntryListenerInvocation that keeps a reference to the FilterIndexingServiceProvider instance that handles this invocation.
Class that extends InputStream and implements ObjectInput.
Class that extends OutputStream and implements ObjectOutput.
Delegates all invocations to the provided underlying InternalRemoteCache but provides extensibility to intercept when a method is invoked.
Enumeration defining the possible delivery guarantees for entries.
Graph to track dependencies between objects
For optimistic transactions, it signals the update from the remote site is not valid (old version or conflict resolution rejected it).
Cluster task to remove the remote store from a set a caches
Implementation of CacheStream that provides support for lazily distributing stream methods to appropriate nodes
Implementation of DoubleStream that utilizes a lazily evaluated distributed back end execution.
Implementation of IntStream that utilizes a lazily evaluated distributed back end execution.
Implementation of LongStream that utilizes a lazily evaluated distributed back end execution.
A component that manages the distribution of elements across a cache cluster
The default distribution manager implementation
Represents a distribution summary (histogram).
Track the sample distribution of events.
A DoubleStream that has additional methods to allow for Serializable instances.
Externalizer used for DoubleSummaryStatistics.
Modules implementing ModuleLifecycle might need additional control over the created components.
An enumeration of all the recognized XML element local names, by name.
An enumeration of all the recognized XML element local names for the JDBC cache stores
An enumeration of all the recognized XML element local names for the RemoteStore
An enumeration of all the recognized XML element local names for the RocksDB cache store
A bridge between Infinispan Embedded events and Spring.
A simple TransactionManager implementation.
EmbeddedCacheManager is an CacheManager that runs in the same JVM as the client.
Cache manager operations which affect the whole cluster.
An exception to encapsulate an error when starting up a cache manager
A ClusteredLockManager factory for embedded caches.
A CounterManager factory for embedded cached.
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A JGroups ProtocolStackConfigurator which
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WARNING: Generated code! Do not edit!
Metadata class for embedded caches.
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Embedded implementation of MultimapCache
Embedded implementation of MultimapCacheManager
A MultimapCache factory for embedded cached.
EmbeddedServerAdminOperationHandler is an implementation of AdminOperationsHandler which uses CacheContainerAdmin to apply changes to the cache manager configuration
The default implementation of TimeService.
A Transaction implementation used by EmbeddedBaseTransactionManager.
Simple transaction manager implementation that maintains transaction state in memory only.
Returns an instance of EmbeddedTransactionManager.
A UserTransaction implementation that uses EmbeddedTransactionManager.
Factory for building global-scope components which have default empty constructors
Simple factory that just uses reflection and an empty constructor of the component type.
A NO-OP implementation of RaftManager.
Add this annotation to a @Configuration class to expose the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean named "springSessionRepositoryFilter" and backed on Infinispan.
Add this annotation to a @Configuration class to expose the SessionRepositoryFilter as a bean named "springSessionRepositoryFilter" and backed on Infinispan.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 12.1, without replacement.
Cache decoration that makes use of the Encoder and Wrapper to convert between storage value and read/write value.
Function that uses an encoder to converter entries from the configured storage format to the requested format.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 12.1, to be removed in a future version.
Function that uses a keyEncoder to converter keys from the configured storage format to the requested format.
Manages existent Encoder, Wrapper and Transcoder instances.
Factory for EncoderRegistryImpl objects.
Function that uses a valueEncoder to converter values from the configured storage format to the requested format.
Utility class to handle encoding or decoding counter's classes.
Controls encoding configuration for keys and values in the cache.
This is a marker interface to signal that this function may perform an encoding of the provided value.
Use the org.infinispan.encoding.DataConversion obtained from the AdvancedCache.
Executor Factory used for blocking executors which utilizes EnhancedQueueExecutor internally.
Can convert an entity before indexing it.
The result of an entity conversion
A reference to an indexed entity.
A factory for constructing MVCCEntry instances for use in the InvocationContext.
EntryFactory implementation to be used for optimistic locking scheme.
Interface that describes methods used for loading entries from the underlying PersistenceManager and store those entries into the DataContainer if necessary.
Interface that can look up MVCC wrapped entries.
A registry for EntryMergePolicyFactory implementations, which allows EntryMergePolicy implementations to be eagerly/lazily loaded across multiple contexts.
Object to hold metadata bytes and timestamps.
Helper for reading/writing entries into file.
A version is used to compare entries against one another.
Entry views expose cached entry information to the user.
Expose read-only information about a cache entry potentially associated with a key in the functional map.
Expose information about a cache entry potentially associated with a key in the functional map, and allows that cache entry to be written with new value and/or new metadata parameters.
Expose a write-only facade for a cache entry potentially associated with a key in the functional map which allows the cache entry to be written with new value and/or new metadata parameters.
Entry views implementation class holder.
Wrapper for CacheEntry(s) that can be used to update the cache when it's value is set.
An Enumeration → List adaptor
An externalizer for internal enum types.
EnumSet externalizer.
Utilities method to Enums.
An interface that defines common characteristics of events
Common characteristics of events that occur on a cache manager
Basic implementation of an event that covers all event types.
Implementation of cache manager events
Enum that provides information to allow for an event to know which type and if this event was generated due to a retry usually caused by a topology change while replicating.
EventWrapper<K,V,E extends Event<K,V>>
Simple wrapper that keeps the original key along with the converted event and command.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0 - This class is not used internally anymore
Central component that deals with eviction of cache entries.
Supported eviction strategies
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 11.0, MemoryConfiguration.maxCount() and MemoryConfiguration.maxSize() should be used to differentiate between the eviction thresholds.
A response that encapsulates an exception
Exectues given tasks in provided executor.
Used to configure and create executors
Configures executor factory.
Configures executor factory.
Configures executor factory.
Enumeration for whenExhaustedAction.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
An experimental user-facing API.
Controls the default expiration settings for entries in the cache.
Controls the default expiration settings for entries in the cache.
Central component that deals with expiration of cache entries.
Constructs the expiration manager
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Provide utility methods for dealing with expiration of cache entries.
Interface to implement an exponential back-off algorithm that retries the request based on the result of the remote operation.
The default ExponentialBackOff implementation for IRAC (asynchronous cross-site replication).
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 13.0, please use LazyByteArrayOutputStream instead.
since 10.1.
Static helper class that provides methods to be used with a ByteBuf that are useful for Infinispan.
Utilities to read from a ByteBuf
An extended LockPromise interface that allows a better control over it.
RiverMarshaller extension that allows Infinispan code to directly create instances of it.
An extended RiverUnmarshaller that allows to track lifecycle of unmarshaller so that pools can be notified when not in use any more.
The available extended statistics
Take the statistics about relevant visitable commands.
Takes statistic about lock acquisition.
Takes statistics about the RPC invocations.
Contains the statistic's values and allows to perform modifications on them.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0, will be removed in a future release.
Ids range: 2050 - 2099 Externalizer Ids that identity the functions used in EmbeddedMultimapCache
1800 to 1899 range is reserved for this module
Externalizer ids used by Server module AdvancedExternalizer implementations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
Defines what servers will be selected when a smart-routed request fails.
A HashMap that is optimized for fast shallow copies.
Features allow conditional enabling/disabling of Infinispan's functionality.
A JGroups JGroupsChannelConfigurator which loads configuration from an XML file supplied as an InputStream
Provides resource management for files - only limited amount of files may be opened in one moment, and opened file should not be deleted.
A single-method callback that is specified when registering a filter with a Matcher.
since 10.1.
since 10.1.
since 10.1.
since 10.1.
A service provider for filter indexing services.
A Listenable that can also filter events based on key
Iterator that also filters out entries based on the provided predicate.
When using Ickle based filters with client event listeners you will get the event data (see org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.ClientCacheEntryCustomEvent.getEventData) wrapped by this FilterResult.
Spliterator that only returns entries that pass the given predicate.
A subscription for match notifications.
Defines all the flags available in the Hot Rod client that can influence the behavior of operations.
Available flags, which may be set on a per-invocation basis.
Flags modify behavior of command such as whether or not to invoke certain commands remotely, check cache store etc.
Implemented by stores that can skip writes based on certain flags present in the invocation.
Pre-computed bitsets containing each flag.
Composes an array of Collections into a spliterator.
Copied from rxjava3 80c83a4e000f0d054ea88a3bd500d36c2c041b05 This has been modified to allow for Flowable create method to be invoked per subscription request instead of during the initial subscribe, which may not even include a request of any size.
A CacheRpcCommand implementation to forward the commit request from a client to the member that run the transaction.
A class designed to forward all method invocations for a CacheEntry to the provided delegate.
A list which forwards all its method calls to another list.
A CacheRpcCommand implementation to forward the rollback request from a client to the member that run the transaction.
Top level functional map interface offering common functionality for the read-only, read-write, and write-only operations that can be run against a functional map asynchronously.
Exposes read-only operations that can be executed against the functional map.
Exposes read-write operations that can be executed against the functional map.
Exposes write-only operations that can be executed against the functional map.
Functional map implementation.
Listener notifier.
Represents a duration metric.
Represents a gauge metric.
A marshaller that makes use of JBoss Marshalling to serialize and deserialize objects.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 11.0, will be removed in 14.0.
A TransactionManagerLookup implementation that attempts to locate a TransactionManager.
A transaction manager lookup class that attempts to locate a TransactionManager.
A counter configuration for CounterManager.getConfiguration(String).
A counter operation for CounterManager.getCounterNames().
Wrapper for Boolean.getBoolean(propertyName)
Wrapper for Integer.getInteger(propertyName, defaultValue).
A counter operation that returns the counter's value.
A global component registry where shared components are stored.
Configuration component that exposes the global configuration.
The GlobalConfigurationManager is the main interface for sharing runtime configuration state across a cluster.
Implementation of GlobalConfigurationManager
Listens to events on the global state cache and manages cache configuration creation / removal accordingly
Interface used to initialise the global SerializationContext using the specified Pojos, and the generated proto files and marshallers.
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Configures JMX for the cache manager and its caches.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.1.3 Use GlobalJmxConfiguration instead.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.1.3.
A globally-scoped marshaller.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 11.0, will be removed with ISPN-9622
Configuration for metrics.
Configures the types of metrics gathered and exported via Micrometer metrics for all caches owned by this Cache Manager.
Commands correspond to specific areas of functionality in the cluster, and can be replicated using the GlobalInboundInvocationHandler.
Factory for GlobalSecurityManager implementations
Uniquely identifies a transaction that spans all JVMs in a cluster.
It is a transaction log that registers all the transaction decisions before changing the cache.
Utility functions for globs
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
Identifies the key for a group.
User applications may implement this interface in order to customize the compution of groups in cases when the modifying the key is not possible, or when the value determined by the Group annotation needs customizing.
A key filter that accepts keys which belongs to the group.
Key partitioner that uses Group annotations to map grouped keys to the same segment.
Control's key grouping.
Configuration for various grouper definitions.
Configuration for various grouper definitions.
As a return of StrongCounter.addListener(CounterListener), it is used to un-register the CounterListener.
Interface that governs implementations
Allows fine-tuning of rehashing characteristics.
Allows fine-tuning of rehashing characteristics.
Key partitioner that computes a key's segment based on a hash function.
An entry point for checking health status.
A Contract for exposing Health API over the JMX.
General Health status.
A hear-beat command used to ping members in ClusterTopologyManagerImpl.confirmMembersAvailable().
Represents each of the search results.
Lookup on a table without collisions will require only single access, if there are collisions it will be limited to (number of collisions to particular bin + 1) and all those will lie in proximity (32 * reference size).
Information about the host.
Logging handler for Hot Rod to log what requests have come into the server
Base class for exceptions reported by the hot rod client.
Defines constants defined by Hot Rod specifications.
A CounterEvent implementation for the Hot Rod client.
Protocol decoding state
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use IdentityMarshaller instead.
It register the HotRodCommandFactory to handle the CacheRpcCommand used by this module.
Enumeration defining all of the possible hotrod operations
Hot Rod server, in charge of defining its encoder/decoder and, if clustered, update the topology information on startup and shutdown.
Signals an remote timeout(due to locking) in the infinispan server.
The various Hot Rod versions
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 12.1.
A marshaller that does not transform the content, only applicable to byte[] payloads.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use IdentityRoleMapper instead
A wrapper that does not change the content.
A Netty channel handler that allows idle channels to be closed.
Internal marshalling identifiers.
Indexes for object types.
The ids of the ReplicableCommand used by this module.
A filter that only expects responses from an initial set of targets.
This exception is thrown when the cache or cache manager does not have the right lifecycle state for operations to be called on it.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.1 please use IllegalLifecycleStateException instead
A cache entry that is immortal/cannot expire
An immortal cache value, to correspond with ImmortalCacheEntry
This context is a non-context for operations such as eviction which are not related to the method invocation which caused them.
Wrap a HopscotchHashMap and allow using it as a Set.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 9.3 This class will no longer be public, please use IntSets.immutableSet(IntSet)
A lightweight, read-only copy of a List.
An immutable implementation of LocalConfigurationStorage which does not allow cache creation/removal.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
A ProtoStream Marshaller implementation that uses Protobuf encoding.
Factory for generating immutable type wrappers.
Factory class that creates instances of PerCacheInboundInvocationHandler.
Thrown when an incorrectly annotated class is added as a cache listener using the Listenable.addListener(Object) API.
An interface indicating that a version of this type can be incremented.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0.
A marker interface for filters that can be handled efficiently by a FilterIndexingServiceProvider.
A query that uses indexing.
Lucene based indexed query implementation.
Interacts directly with cache indexes.
Configures indexing of entries in the cache for searching.
Configures indexing of entries in the cache for searching.
Allows to define some mass indexing operations (e.g.: purge or reindex) to trigger when the cache starts.
An object describing in doubt transaction's state.
Versions can be compared to each other to result in one version being before, after or at the same time as another version.
A very simple introspector roughly following Java Beans conventions.
Static helpers for Infinispan-specific collections
A function that converts a type into another one.
A function that converts an entry into a key/value pair for use in a map.
A FactoryBean for creating a native default Infinispan org.infinispan.Cache , delegating to a configurable org.infinispan.manager.CacheContainer.
A FactoryBean for creating an Infinispan EmbeddedCacheManager instance.
Session Repository for Infinispan in Embedded mode.
Message bundle for event contexts in the Infinispan Search mapper.
Warning this class consists of generated code.
A special lock for Infinispan cache.
Mechanism for specifying the name and dependencies of Infinispan modules.
A FactoryBean for creating a native named Infinispan org.infinispan.Cache, delegating to a configurable org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager.
A FactoryBean for creating a native named Infinispan org.infinispan.Cache, delegating to a configurable oorg.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCacheManagerr.
NamespaceHandler for Infinispan-based caches.
This MBean exposes the query statistics from the Hibernate Search's SearchIntegrator Statistics object via delegation.
A FactoryBean for creating an Infinispan RemoteCacheManager instance.
Session Repository for Infinispan in client/server mode.
A factory for filters expecting a simple string representation of dirty paths, in the form "propertyA.propertyB.propertyC".
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0, please implement ReplicableCommand#invokeAsync(ComponentRegistry) instead
Aggregates the initialisation state needed by either a CacheLoader or a CacheWriter.
Used to annotate a method or field as an injection point.
This is a marker interface to be used with Function which signals to some implementors that the function returns distinct values.
Handles the submission and response handling of an arbitrary amount of address segments.
An advanced externalizer that when implemented will allow for child instances that also extend this class to use object instances instead of serializing a brand new object.
A IntStream that has additional methods to allow for Serializable instances.
Factory class that builds an interceptor chain based on cache configuration.
Describes a custom interceptor
Positional placing of a new custom interceptor
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 10.0, custom interceptors support will be removed and only modules will be able to define interceptors
An intermediate cache stream used when an intermediate operation that requires both a remote and local portion
An intermediate double cache stream used when an intermediate operation that requires both a remote and local portion
An intermediate int cache stream used when an intermediate operation that requires both a remote and local portion
An intermediate long cache stream used when an intermediate operation that requires both a remote and local portion
The various intermediate types.
Interface for internal cache entries that expose whether an entry has expired.
An internal factory for constructing Caches.
Base class for internal classes used in cache collections.
A representation of an InternalCacheEntry that does not have a reference to the key.
Interface describing methods of a data container where operations can be indexed by the segment of the key stored in the map.
A factory for InternalCacheEntry and InternalCacheValue instances.
An implementation that generates non-versioned entries
Interface describing the internal operations for the the ExpirationManager.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A set that represents primitive ints.
Externalizer to be used for IntSet implementations
Static utility class for creating various IntSet objects.
IntSets externalization mechanism
Externalizer used for IntSummaryStatistics.
Near RemoteCache implementation enabling
Thrown when client makes cache usage errors.
An invalid response
Signals an internal protocol error.
Thrown if an operation is to be performed on an invalid transaction context.
Defines an invocation to a REST resource.
Base interface for all callbacks used by BaseAsyncInterceptor and InvocationStage methods.
A context that contains information pertaining to a given invocation.
Factory for InvocationContext objects.
It invokes the VisitableCommand through this cache AsyncInterceptorChain.
Aggregator for Invocation.
A partial command invocation, either completed or in progress.
This differs from Netty's equivalent IpSubnetFilterRule in that it parses CIDR addresses
A clear request that is sent to the remote site by IracManager.
Used by asynchronous cross-site replication, it aggregates response from multiple sites and returns IracBatchSendResult.
An entry version for the IRAC algorithm (async cross site replication).
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Executes the "IRAC" sending task in a single thread.
It manages the keys changed in the local cluster and sends to all asynchronous backup configured.
Basic information about a key stored in IracManager.
Default implementation of IracManagerKeyInfo.
The metadata stored for an entry needed for IRAC (async cross-site replication).
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A multi-key cross-site requests.
A response collector for an asynchronous cross site requests.
A XSiteCacheRequest to check tombstones for IRAC algorithm.
A data class to store the tombstone information for a key.
Stores and manages tombstones for removed keys.
A request that is sent to the remote site by IracManager.
An update request that is sent to the remote site by IracManager.
Utility methods from IRAC (async cross-site replication)
A version generator for the IRAC protocol.
Extends XSiteBackup class with logging configuration.
A counter operation for CounterManager.isDefined(String).
Various transaction isolation levels as an enumerated class.
A iterator that maps each value to the output of the Function.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 11.0, will be removed in 14.0.
Standard Java serialization marshaller.
A JBoss Marshalling based marshaller that is oriented at internal, embedded, Infinispan usage.
A JBoss Marshalling factory class for retrieving marshaller/unmarshaller instances.
JBoss Marshalling module lifecycle callbacks
Transcode between application/x-jboss-marshalling and commons formats
JTA standalone TM lookup (JBoss AS 7 and earlier, and WildFly 8, 9, and 10).
An extension of the JBossMarshaller that loads user defined Externalizer implementations.
JDBC cache store configuration parser.
AdvancedCacheLoader implementation that stores the entries in a database.
Contains common methods used by JDBC CacheStores.
An encapsulation of a JGroups Address
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Cache JGroupsAddress instances
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0, this will be removed in the next major version with no direct replacement.
Stores and register metrics statistics related to JGroups, including the protocol metrics and per destination metrics information (latency, bytes sent, etc.).
Concrete implementation of JGroupsMetricsManager.
An encapsulation of a JGroups ExtendedUUID with a site id, a rack id, and a machine id.
An encapsulation of a JGroups transport.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.1.3.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.1.3.
Interface containing common cache management operations
Represents a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) entity.
This interface defines how Json instances are constructed.
Exposes some internal methods that are useful for Json.Factory implementations or other extension/layers of the library.
Represents JSON schema - a specific data format that a JSON entity must follow.
A Collector implementation that create a Json array.
Utility function for Json
Defines the logic of mapping a key object to a String.
Defines a service that generates keys to be mapped to specific nodes in a distributed(vs.
Factory for KeyAffinityService.
Implementation of KeyAffinityService.
A listener for KeyAwareLockPromise.
An extension of LockPromise that contains a key associated to the lock.
Used for generating keys; used by KeyAffinityService to generate the affinity keys.
Map keys to segments.
Key partitioner factory that uses the hash function defined in the configuration.
An IdentifierBridge to map cache keys to the document identifiers.
A filter for keys with their values.
CacheEventFilter that implements it's filtering solely on the use of the provided KeyValueFilter
This interface is an optimization that can be used when a filter and converter are most efficiently used as the same object composing the filtering and conversion in the same method invocation.
CacheEventFilterConverter that uses an underlying KeyValueFilterConverter to do the conversion and filtering.
Factory for KeyValueFilterConverter instances
Size calculator that takes into account not only key and value but also metadata.
Holds logically related key-value pairs or binary tuples.
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Externalizer for KeyValueWithPreviousEventConverter
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Holder for known named component names.
Configures the L1 cache behavior in 'distributed' caches instances.
Configures the L1 cache behavior in 'distributed' caches instances.
A InternalCacheEntry implementation to store a L1 entry.
Manages the L1 Cache, in particular recording anyone who is going to cache an a command that a node responds to so that a unicast invalidation can be sent later if needed.
Metadata implementation that must be passed to the DataContainer.put(Object, Object, org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata) when the entry to store is a L1 entry.
A InternalCacheEntry implementation to store a L1 entry.
Segmented data container that also allows for non owned segments to be written to a temporary map (L1).
ByteArrayOutputStream alternative exposing the internal buffer.
Iterator implementation that will return all entries from the first iterator.
A delegating executor that lazily constructs and initializes the underlying executor.
A delegating executor that lazily constructs and initializes the underlying executor, since unused JDK executors are expensive.
A delegating scheduled executor that lazily constructs and initializes the underlying scheduled executor, since unused JDK executors are expensive.
A wrapper around system properties that supports legacy keys
Lifecycle interface that defines the lifecycle of components
Lifecycle callbacks for the REST module.
Server module lifecycle callbacks
Module lifecycle callbacks implementation that enables module specific AdvancedExternalizer implementations to be registered.
Module lifecycle callbacks implementation that enables module specific AdvancedExternalizer implementations to be registered.
Lifecycle of the Query module: initializes the Hibernate Search engine and shuts it down at cache stop.
A handler for rejected tasks that always throws a IllegalLifecycleStateException.
Executes tasks in the given executor, but never has more than maxConcurrentTasks tasks running at the same time.
Interface that denotes that the implementation can have listeners attached to it.
Class-level annotation used to annotate an object as being a valid cache listener.
Enumeration that defines when a listener event can be observed.
Defines simple listener invocation.
The listener operation (add/remove) return status.
Used for registering various cache notifications.
Holder class for functional listener definitions.
Read-write listeners enable users to register listeners for cache entry created, modified and removed events, and also register listeners for any cache entry write events.
Read-write listener
Write listeners enable user to register listeners for any cache entry write events that happen in either a read-write or write-only functional map.
Write-only listener.
LoaderConfigurationBuilder is an interface which should be implemented by all cache loader builders
Represents a local artifact.
This is a marker interface to indicate that such commands will never be replicated and hence will not return any valid command IDs.
The LocalConfigurationStorage is responsible for applying on each node the configuration changes initiated through the GlobalConfigurationManager and persist them unless they are CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlag.VOLATILE.
Provide statistics of the local JVM instance.
Container for the statistics corresponding to local originated transactions.
A IndexStatistics for an indexed Cache.
Simulates a remote invocation on the local node.
Extends CacheTopology with information about keys owned by the local node.
Represents the local node's address.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0.
Handles locally publishing entries from the cache.
LocalPublisherManager that publishes entries from the local node only.
Runs on every node and handles the communication with the ClusterTopologyManager.
Factory for ClusterTopologyManager implementations.
The LocalTopologyManager implementation.
Object that holds transaction's state on the node where it originated; as opposed to RemoteTransaction.
Represents the statistics collected for a local transaction
Invocation context to be used for locally originated transactions.
LocalTransaction implementation to be used with TransactionXaAdapter.
A container for locks
Factory class that creates instances of LockContainer.
Stream that allows for operation upon data solely with side effects by using LockedStream.forEach(BiConsumer) where the BiConsumer is invoked while guaranteeing that the entry being passed is properly locked for the entire duration of the invocation.
Lock Stream implementation that locks a key using the LockManager before and after executing the various code.
Defines the local, in-VM locking and concurrency characteristics of the cache.
Defines the local, in-VM locking and concurrency characteristics of the cache.
Defines the locking modes that are available for transactional caches: optimistic or pessimistic.
The listener for LockPromise.
An interface to deal with all aspects of acquiring and releasing locks for cache entries.
Factory class that creates instances of LockManager.
A promise returned by InfinispanLock.
The exception is thrown if a locks is released while waiting for it to be acquired.
The InfinispanLock possible states.
Log abstraction for the hot rod client.
range: 29501 - 30000
The JBoss Logging interface which defined the logging methods for the extended statistics module.
Range: 29001 - 30000
Log abstraction for the JDBC cache store.
Log abstraction for the remote cache store.
Log abstraction for the RocksDB cache store.
This module reserves range 29001 - 29500
Log abstraction for the query module.
Log abstraction for the REST server module.
Log abstraction for the Scripting module.
Log abstraction for the search mapper module.
Log abstraction for the server core module.
Log abstraction for the Hot Rod server module.
Log abstraction for the Memcached server module.
Factory that creates Log instances.
Factory that creates Log instances.
Factory that creates Log instances.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use LoggingAuditLogger instead
Logging configuration resource.
Provides a Log instance to use.
A LongStream that has additional methods to allow for Serializable instances.
Externalizer used for LongSummaryStatistics.
The JDNI and TransactionManager factories we know of.
JNDI locations for TransactionManagers we know of.
TransactionManager factories we know of.
Status of the lookup operation.
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Map externalizer for all map implementations except immutable maps and singleton maps, i.e.
Protostream adapter for Spring's MapSession.
Generated with protostream-processor and then adapted to use JavaSerializationMarshaller.
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Defines an externally persisted entry.
Factory for MarshallableEntry.
Class providing hints about marshallable types, such as whether a particular type is marshallable or not, or an accurate approach to the serialized size of a particular type.
A marshallable object containing serialized representations of cache values and metadata, that can be used to store values, metadata and timestamps as a single entity.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0 requires jboss-marshalling-osgi artifact to be provided at runtime.
A marshaller is a class that is able to marshall and unmarshall objects efficiently.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 12.1, to be removed in a future version.
A registry of Marshaller along with its MediaType.
An exception that can be thrown by a cache if an object cannot be successfully serialized/deserialized.
An interface for defining non-strict equality, e.g.
An object matcher able to test a given object against multiple registered filters specified either as Ickle queries (a JP-QL subset with full-text support) or using the query DSL (see org.infinispan.query.dsl).
Maven artifact coordinate specification.
JMX related component metadata, as expressed by MBean, ManagedAttribute and ManagedOperation annotations.
Implementors of this should return an MBeanServer to which MBeans will be registered.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use MBeanServerLookup instead
Represent a content type with optional parameters.
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A marshaller that takes the MediaType decision to marshall/unmarshall.
Resolve media types for files
A Memcached protocol specific decoder
Protocol decoding state
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Memcached operations.
Memcached server defining its decoder/encoder settings.
Controls the memory storage configuration for the cache.
Controls the data container for the cache.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 11.0, MemoryConfiguration is used to defined the data container memory eviction and sizing.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0, use MemoryConfigurationBuilder instead.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0, use ByteQuantity instead.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cache is used in a cluster and the cluster topology experiences a merge event after a cluster split.
This event is passed in to any method annotated with Merged.
Informational Scripting messages.
Informational Scripting messages.
Warning this class consists of generated code.
Warning this class consists of generated code.
Represents metadata about an entry, such as creation and access times and expiration information.
This interface encapsulates metadata information that can be stored alongside values in the cache.
Metadata builder
Marker interface for metadata aware cache entry.
A command that contains metadata information.
Metadata and collection, used for Multimap
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A cache entry that is mortal and is MetadataAware
A mortal cache value, to correspond with MetadataMortalCacheEntry
Utility method for Metadata classes.
A cache entry that is transient, i.e., it can be considered expired after a period of not being used, and MetadataAware
A transient cache value, to correspond with TransientCacheEntry which is MetadataAware
A form of TransientMortalCacheEntry that stores Metadata
A form of TransientMortalCacheValue that stores Metadata
Utility class in hotrod server with methods handling cache entries metadata
Besides the value, also contains a version and expiration information.
An easily extensible metadata parameter that's stored along with the value in the the functional map.
Provides metadata parameter lookup capabilities using Class as lookup key.
Read only metadata parameter representing a cached entry's created time in milliseconds.
Writable metadata parameter representing a cached entry's generic version.
Read only metadata parameter representing a cached entry's last used time in milliseconds.
Writable metadata parameter representing a cached entry's millisecond lifespan.
Non-writable parameter telling if the entry was loaded from a persistence tier (CacheLoader) or not.
Abstract class for numeric long-based metadata parameter instances.
Writable metadata parameter representing a cached entry's millisecond max idle time.
A parameter to tell if the creation timestamp should be updated for modified entries.
Writable MetaParam instances are those that the user can provide to be stored as part of the cache entry.
Represents a MetaParam collection.
Metadata parameters backed internal metadata representation.
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Class that represent the information about a metrics.
Micrometer metrics resource.
Builder to inject an instance of MeterRegistry.
A configuration class to inject a custom MeterRegistry instance.
Exception thrown when a named factory is chosen that doesn't exist
Thrown when members are missing after a cluster shutdown.
An interface that defines a CacheWriter modification
A list of WriteCommand for a transaction
ModificationsList contains a List
This is a special interface that can mark a Function so that a user can know if the actual value will change when the function is applied or not.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
InfinispanModule annotation is required for component annotation processing
The Query module is using custom RPC commands; to make sure the used command ids are unique all numbers are defined here, and should stay in the range 100-119 which is the reserved range for this module.
ModuleLifecycle is an API hook for delegating lifecycle events to Infinispan sub-modules.
Module metadata.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 10.0, without replacement.
A cache entry that is mortal.
A mortal cache value, to correspond with MortalCacheEntry
This command is used to send cluster events for multiple listeners on the same node
A Hot Rod server address which encapsulates a multi-homed server.
Embedded version of MultimapCache.
MultimapModuleLifecycle is necessary for the Multimap Cache module.
Request implementation that waits for responses from multiple target nodes.
MurmurHash3 implementation in Java, based on Austin Appleby's original in C Only implementing x64 version, because this should always be faster on 64 bit native processors, even 64 bit being ran with a 32 bit OS; this should also be as fast or faster than the x86 version on some modern 32 bit processors.
BloomFilter implementation that allows for up to 10 hash functions all using MurmurHash3 with different seeds.
A RolePermissionMapper with the ability to add/remove roles at runtime
An entry that can be safely copied when updates are made, to provide MVCC semantics
Absolutely minimal implementation of XMLPULL V1 API
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 9.4, please implement AnyScopeComponentFactory.construct(String) directly.
A factory that specifically knows how to create named executors.
A SocketFactory which allows setting a callback to configure the sockets using a supplied name.
Near cache contract.
Decides how client-side near caching should work.
Near cache service, manages the lifecycle of the near cache.
Pipeline factory for Netty based channels.
Factory to create netty io event loop and replace the non blocking executor with it
A RestRequest backed by Netty.
A RestResponse backed by Netty.
A Netty based transport.
Identifies a specific node on a data distribution response.
Collect node's information and statistics of the local JVM.
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Manager utility for non-blocking operations.
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the task if the current thread is a non blocking thread otherwise it blocks until the task can be added to the underlying queue
Interface to designate the resource is a non blocking one
Local file-based cache store, optimized for write-through use with strong consistency guarantees (ability to flush disk operations before returning from the store call).
The contract for defining how caches interface with external sources of data, such as databases or filesystems.
Enumeration defining the various characteristics of the underlying store to communicate what features it may or may not support.
A Publisher that provides a stream of values and the segments to which those values map.
Executor Factory used for non blocking executors which utilizes ThreadPoolExecutor internally.
This event loop group prevents any tasks submitted via the Executor.execute(Runnable)}, ExecutorService.submit(Runnable), ExecutorService.submit(Callable), ExecutorService.submit(Runnable, Object) API methods from being ran on the same event loop that submitted it.
A simplistic non-reentrant lock that does not use ownership by thread.
Invocation Context container to be used for non-transactional caches.
Context to be used for non transactional calls, both remote and local.
A no-op implementation of IracManager for cache without asynchronous remote site backups.
No-op implementation for IracTombstoneManager.
A no-op implementation of IracVersionGenerator for caches without asynchronous remote site backups.
An empty implementation of JGroupsMetricsManager.
An PendingLockManager implementation that does nothing.
An empty TakeOfflineManager implementation for caches which don't backup any data to remote sites.
A no-op implementation of XSiteEventsManager.
An no-op implementation for XSiteMetricsCollector.
A no-op implementation of XSiteStateProvider.
A no-op implementation of XSiteStateTransferManager.
An externalizer that writes no state.
A Hot Rod client notification manager for a single CounterManager.
An exception that hides inner stacktrace lines for non serializable exceptions.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use NullAuditLogger instead
A placeholder for null in a cache, because caches do not allow null values.
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Numeric version
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Generates unique numeric versions for both local and clustered environments.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 12, will be removed in version 15.0
A filter that tests if an object matches a pre-defined condition and returns either the original instance or the projection, depending on how the filter was created.
The output of the ObjectFilter.filter(java.lang.Object) method.
A ConcurrentMap implementation that stores the keys and values off the JVM heap in native heap.
Listener interface that is notified when certain operations occur for various memory addresses.
Factory that can create InternalCacheEntry objects that use off-heap heap memory.
Factory that can create CacheEntry instances from off-heap memory.
Allows for allocation of memory outside of the heap as well additional functionality surrounding it if necessary.
SiteStatus implementation for offline sites.
Base class for Transcoder that converts between a single format and multiple other formats and back.
SiteStatus implementation for online sites.
Hot Rod operation possible status outcomes.
Operating system family.
Ownership level is a configuration parameter for ClusteredLock.
This class holds statistics about a consistent hash.
since 10.1.
An easily extensible parameter that allows functional map operations to be tweaked.
Defines where is the command executed.
Normally the cache has to acquire locks during any write operation to guarantee its correctness.
When a persistence store is attached to a cache, by default all write operations, regardless of whether they are inserts, updates or removes, are persisted to the store.
Defines how statistics are gathered for this command.
since 10.1.
Parameter identifiers.
Factory for KeyValueFilterConverter instances supporting parameters.
Internal class that encapsulates collection of parameters used to tweak functional map operations.
This class implements the parser for Infinispan/AS7/EAP/JDG schema files
ParserRegistry is a namespace-mapping-aware meta-parser which provides a way to delegate the parsing of multi-namespace XML files to appropriate parsers, defined by the ConfigurationParser interface.
ParserScope indicates the configuration parser scope.
Thrown in case of syntax errors during parsing or during the processing of the parse tree.
Cluster stream manager that also pays attention to partition status and properly closes iterators and throws exceptions when the availability mode changes.
Controls how the cache handles partitioning and/or multiple node failures.
Controls how the cache handles partitioning and/or multiple node failures.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the AvailabilityMode in use by the PartitionHandlingManager changes due to a change in cluster topology.
The event passed in to methods annotated with PartitionStatusChanged.
A passivation manager
Receive responses from multiple nodes, without checking that the responses are valid.
RPC to a single node, without any validity checks.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 with no replacement - no longer used
A listener that is invoked when PendingLockPromise is ready.
A manager that checks and waits for older topology transaction with conflicting keys.
A promise returned by PendingLockManager.
A Transaction Table for client transaction.
Percentile statistic for the transaction execution time.
A lock container that creates and maintains a new lock per entry.
A permissive AuthorizationManager.
Use this annotation on methods that require notification when the availability of the PersistenceManager changes.
Configuration for stores.
Configuration for cache stores.
Interface used to initialise a SerializationContext using the specified Pojos, Marshaller implementations and provided .proto schemas.
Interface used to initialise a SerializationContext using the specified Pojos, Marshaller implementations and provided .proto schemas.
Interface used to initialise a SerializationContext using the specified Pojos, Marshaller implementations and provided .proto schemas.
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An exception thrown by a CacheLoader or a CacheWriter implementation if there are problems reading from a loader.
The marshaller that is responsible serializing/deserializing objects which are to be persisted.
Persistence Utility that is useful for internal classes.
PersistentUUIDManager maintains a mapping of PersistentUUIDs present in the cluster
Implementation of the PersistentUUIDManager interface
Default implementation for MBeanServerLookup, will return the platform MBean server.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class is here solely for the purpose of encapsulating the PmemUtil class so we do not load it unless necessary, allowing this to be an optional dependency.
A Filter that only allows post events to be accepted.
A XSiteEntryMergePolicy implementation that chooses a non-null entry.
A XSiteEntryMergePolicy implementation that chooses a null entry.
A class that handles the prepare request from the Hot Rod clients.
Default implementation for RecoveryIterator.
A ValidResponse used by Optimistic Transactions.
It changes the TxState status to Status.PREPARING and stores the transaction modifications.
Entry Size calculator that returns an approximation of how much various primitives, primitive wrappers, Strings, and arrays
Extracts Principal Name from Session.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 14.0.
A class to store internal metadata.
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JDK 10+ implementation
Provides general information about the processors on this host.
An object responsible for configuring the Hibernate Search mapping.
Extracts the configuration into flat key-value property structure by reflection.
A property style format for CounterConfiguration.
A clustered persistent and replicated repository of protobuf definition files.
Useful constants used by the Protobuf metadata cache.
MBean interface for ProtobufMetadataManager, suitable for building invocation proxies with one of the JMX.newMBeanProxy(,, java.lang.Class<T>) methods.
Protobuf schema manipulation Resource
Represents a protocol compliant server.
Enumeration of supported Hot Rod client protocol VERSIONS.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0, will be removed in the future.
Provides the starting point for implementing a Marshaller that uses Protobuf encoding.
Performs conversions between application/x-protostream and commons formats.
TypeIds used by protostream in place of FQN message/enum names to reduce payload size.
Proxies is a collection of useful dynamic profixes.
Handler for holding publisher results between requests of data
Factory that allows creation of a LocalPublisherManager or ClusterPublisherManager based on the provided configuration.
Static factory method class to provide various reducers and finalizers for use with distributed Publisher.
Static factory method class to provide various transformers for use with distributed Publisher.
An immutable object representing both the query and the result.
since 10.1.
Configures query options and defaults
Wraps the query to be executed in a cache represented either as an Ickle query String or as a SearchQuery together with parameters and pagination and sort information.
Query facade SPI.
Factory for query DSL objects.
Represents the result of a Query.
This interface describes methods needed for a segment listener that is used when iterating over the current events and be able to queue them properly
Utility methods for jgroups-raft
since 10.1.
since 10.1.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 9.3 This class will no longer be public.
Compute the version prefix to be used by NumericVersionGenerator in clustered caches.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
A wrapper around a cached entry that encapsulates read committed semantics when writes are initiated, committed or rolled back.
Read-only map implementation.
Set implementation that shows a read only view of the provided set by only allowing entries that map to a given segment using the provided consistent hash.
Iterator implementation that shows a read only view of the provided iterator by only allowing values that map to a given segment using the provided consistent hash.
Iterator implementation that shows a read only view of the provided iterator by only allowing values that map to a given segment using the provided consistent hash.
Iterator implementation that shows a read only view of the provided iterator by only allowing values that map to a given segment using the provided consistent hash.
Map implementation that shows a read only view of the provided entry by only allowing entries whose key maps to a given segment using the provided consistent hash.
Read-write map implementation.
An interface that allows the PerCacheInboundInvocationHandler to check when this action is ready.
A thread gate, that uses an AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.
Admin utility class for allowing management of in-doubt transactions (e.g.
Extends LocalXaTransaction and adds recovery related information.
Extends RemoteTransaction and adds recovery related information and functionality.
Base interface for transactions that are holders of recovery information.
Transaction table that delegates prepared transaction's management to the RecoveryManager.
Defines recovery configuration for the cache.
Defines recovery configuration for the cache.
This makes sure that only xids pertaining to a certain cache are being returned when needed.
RecoveryManager is the component responsible with managing recovery related information and the functionality associated with it.
Stateful structure allowing prepared-tx retrieval in a batch-oriented manner, as required by XAResource.recover(int).
Factory for RecoveryManager.
Default implementation for RecoveryManager
REST resource to serve redirects
Basic reflection utilities to enhance what the JDK provides.
Reliability mode available for CounterManager.
Locks are stored in a container that can privilege availability or consistency.
A bridge between Infinispan Remote events and Spring.
Provides remote reference to a Hot Rod server/cluster.
RemoteCache client-side statistics (such as number of connections)
Per-cache configuration.
Factory for RemoteCaches.
Remote Administration operations
RemoteCacheManager client-side statistics and operations
Thrown when trying to use an RemoteCache that is associated to an RemoteCacheManager that was not started.
Purpose: keep all delegating and unsupported methods in one place -> readability.
A listener that installed locally on each node when a cluster listener is installed on a given node.
Specifically used to create un-initialized ReplicableCommands from a byte stream.
A CounterManager implementation for Hot Rod clients.
A CounterManager factory for Hot Rod client.
Represents an application-level exception originating in a remote node.
Container for the statistics corresponding to remote originated transactions.
This exception is thrown when the remote cache or cache manager does not have the right lifecycle state for operations to be called on it.
Simple interface to extract all the keys that may need to be locked.
This is a metadata type used by scattered cache during state transfer.
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When a remote node is suspected and evicted from the cluster while an operation is ongoing, the Hot Rod client emits this exception.
Cross-Site state transfer status & collector
Cache store that delegates the call to a infinispan cluster.
Remote cache store parser.
Defines the state of a remotely originated transaction.
A simple TransactionManager implementation.
Returns an instance of RemoteTransactionManager.
Represents the statistic collected for a remote transaction
Context to be used for transaction that originated remotely.
Listener that is notified when a remote value is looked up
Implementation of Xid used by RemoteTransactionManager.
A CloseableIterator implementation that allows for a CloseableIterator that doesn't allow remove operations to implement remove by delegating the call to the provided consumer to remove the previously read value.
Users should use RemovableCloseableIterator instead
An Iterator implementation that allows for a Iterator that doesn't allow remove operations to implement remove by delegating the call to the provided consumer to remove the previously read value.
Users should use RemovableIterator instead
Represents a CacheWriter.delete(Object) (Object)} modification
removeListenerAsync action
A remove listener operation for Handle.remove().
An extension of ReadCommittedEntry that provides Repeatable Read semantics
The core of the command-based cache framework.
Replicable Command that runs the given Function passing the EmbeddedCacheManager as an argument
Replicable Command that runs the given Runnable
Special implementation of ConsistentHash for replicated caches.
Factory for ReplicatedConsistentHash.
A remote command invocation request.
A tracker for synchronous requests.
Keeps the sample for percentile calculations.
A counter operation for StrongCounter.reset() and WeakCounter.reset().
This class was copied from JGroups and adapted.
Handles all the logic related to a REST resource.
Handles registration and lookup of ResourceHandler.
A response to be sent back to a remote caller
A representation of a request's responses.
A mechanism of filtering RPC responses.
A component that generates responses as is expected by different cache setups
Creates a ResponseGenerator
Represents different handling mechanisms when dealing with remote command responses.
Logging filter that can be used to output requests in a similar fashion to HTTPD log output
Creates Netty Channels for this server.
Routes a particular RestRequest to be executed by the correct {link @Invocation}, and produces the RestResponse.
Netty handler for REST requests.
An exception representing non-critical HTTP processing errors which will be translated into RestResponse and sent back to the client.
REST Protocol Server.
A set that allows reverse iteration of the set elements, exposed via the ReversibleOrderedSet.reverseIterator() method.
RiverCloseListener is used by Infinispan's extension of River Marshaller and Unmarshaller so that pools can be notified of instances not being in use anymore.
Key provider that relies on Random's distribution to generate keys.
since 10.0
RocksDB XML Parser
A role to permission mapping.
Maps roles to permissions
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It rollbacks a transaction in all involved caches.
RollingUpgradeManager handles the synchronization of data between Infinispan clusters when performing rolling upgrades.
Thrown when an RPC problem occurred on the caller.
Provides a mechanism for communicating with other caches in the cluster, by formatting and passing requests down to the registered Transport.
A factory for the RpcManager
This component really is just a wrapper around a Transport implementation, and is used to set up the transport and provide lifecycle and dependency hooks into external transport implementations.
Classes that wraps all the configuration parameters to configure a remote invocation.
Static factory class that provides methods to obtain commonly used instances for interoperation between RxJava and standard JRE.
Static factory class that provides methods to obtain commonly used instances for interoperation between RxJava and standard JRE.
Handles QOP of the SASL protocol.
Utility methods for handling SASL authentication
CH used by scattered caches.
Scattered caches always need to preload all entries.
Manages versions of entries and states of segments.
Used to configure and create scheduled executors
Configures executor factory.
Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.
ScopedPersistentState represents state which needs to be persisted, scoped by name (e.g.
Key for scoped entries in the ClusterConfigurationManager state cache
A filter for ScopedState that allows listeners of the global state cache to choose events by scope.
Copy of Scopes to avoid a runtime dependency on the annotations module.
The different scopes that can be declared for a component.
Adaptor to use a link SearchScroll as an iterator.
Entry point for performing Infinispan queries.
A descriptor of an indexed entity type, exposing in particular the index manager for this entity.
Stores some fields that could be useful to build a SearchMappingBuilder also at a later time.
Represents a set of types and the corresponding indexes, allowing to build search-related objects (query, predicate, ...) taking into account the relevant indexes and their metadata (underlying technology, field types, ...).
Thrown when a query timeout occurs.
The entry point for explicit index operations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JSON to POJO conversion is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JSON to POJO conversion is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
SecurityActions for the package.
Used to configure and create executors which are aware of the current security context
Pluggable security domain which could be used as a bridge between Authenticator and WildFly Security Realms.
Encapsulates the key and its segment.
Terminal stream operation that is aware of segments being lost.
This is the same as SegmentPublisherSupplier except that it also allows listening for when a segment is lost.
Notification that can also contains lost segments.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
A Publisher that also notifies in a thread safe manner when a segment has sent all values upstream.
Wrapper around an element returned that can either be a value or a segment completion.
Interface to be implemented when the command can define a single segment for its operation.
Self<S extends Self<S>>
This interface simplifies the task of writing fluent builders which need to inherit from other builders (abstract or concrete).
Executes tasks in the given executor, but never has more than maxConcurrentTasks tasks running at the same time.
This is a functional interface that is the same as a BiConsumer except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a BiFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a BinaryOperator except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a Callable except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a Comparator except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a Consumer except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a DoubleBinaryOperator except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a DoubleConsumer except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a DoubleFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a DoublePredicate except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a DoubleToIntFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a DoubleToLongFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a DoubleUnaryOperator except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a Function except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a IntBinaryOperator except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a IntConsumer except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a IntFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a IntPredicate except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a IntToDoubleFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a IntToLongFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a IntUnaryOperator except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a LongBinaryOperator except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a LongConsumer except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a LongFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a LongPredicate except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a LongToDoubleFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a LongToIntFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a LongUnaryOperator except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a ObjDoubleConsumer except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a ObjIntConsumer except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a ObjLongConsumer except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a Predicate except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a Runnable except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a Supplier except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a ToDoubleFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a ToIntFunction except that it must also be Serializable
This is a functional interface that is the same as a ToLongFunction except that it must also be Serializable
Configures serialization and marshalling settings.
Utilities to parse and serialize RemoteStoreConfiguration to and from JSON.
SerializedWith, specifies the ConfigurationSerializer to use to serialize the annotated class
Indicate that this function should be serialized with an instance of the given Externalizer class.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0, will be removed in a future release.
JBoss Marshalling plugin class for ClassExternalizerFactory that allows for Infinispan annotations to be used instead of JBoss Marshalling ones in order to discover which classes are serializable with Infinispan externalizers.
A Hot Rod server address
Server Constant values
Defines the possible list of statistics defined by the Hot Rod server.
An interface representing a deployed server task.
A TransactionOriginatorChecker implementation that is aware of client transactions.
ServiceFinder is a ServiceLoader replacement which understands multiple classpaths.
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Protostream adapter for SessionUpdateRemappingFunction.
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It marks the transaction as completed in TxState by setting its status to Status.COMMITTED or Status.ROLLED_BACK.
It sets the transaction decision in TxState.
A set that maps another one to a new one of a possibly different type.
It sets the transaction as successful prepared.
Store that is used to migrate data from ISPN 12.0 SingleFileStore to an ISPN 13.0 SoftIndexFileStore.
Behavior of the JVM shutdown hook registered by the cache
Variable length encoding for signed numbers, using the ZigZag technique
Simple local cache without interceptor stack.
A simple versioning scheme that is cluster-aware
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A version generator implementation for SimpleClusteredVersions
Where is Java 1.6?
A server authentication handler which maintains a simple map of user names and passwords.
A simple statistic recorder that computes the average, minimum and maximum value observed.
A SimpleStat implementation that also updates a TimerTracker object.
A filesystem-based implementation of a NonBlockingStore.
Defines the configuration for the single file cache store.
Single file cache store configuration builder.
A Hot Rod server address
Response collector for a single response.
KeyPartitioner that always returns 0 for a given segment.
Request implementation that waits for a response from a single target site.
Request implementation that waits for a response from a single target node.
Implementation Address that contains the site name.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0.
It stores the entry value and Metadata for a specific site.
The site state.
A site status.
A simple interface that is invoked by OfflineStatus when a particular site changes its status to online/offline.
This event is passed in to any method annotated with SiteViewChanged.
A XSiteResponse which is competed with a SuspectException.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cross-site view changes (sites connects or disconnects).
Factory for creating size calculator used to estimate size of objects
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 9.3 This class will no longer be public.
Sort specification for a field.
since 10.1.
A spliterator that has been mapped from another spliterator.
A Cache implementation that delegates to a org.infinispan.Cache instance supplied at construction time.
A CacheManager implementation that is backed by an Infinispan EmbeddedCacheManager instance.
A FactoryBean for creating an SpringEmbeddedCacheManager instance.
Add support for Spring-specific classes like NullValue in embedded caches.
A CacheManager implementation that is backed by an Infinispan RemoteCacheManager instance.
A FactoryBean for creating an SpringRemoteCacheManager instance.
SSL utils mainly for Netty.
Utilities to convert between text/plain, octet-stream, java-objects and url-encoded contents.
Method level annotation that indicates a (no-param) method to be called on a component registered in the component registry when the registry starts.
Constructs StateTransferManager, StateConsumer and StateProvider instances.
Configures how state is retrieved when a new cache joins the cluster.
Configures how state is transferred when a cache joins or leaves the cluster.
Cross-site state transfer status.
REST resource to serve static content.
Determines whether cache statistics are gathered.
Configures client-side statistics
Determines whether cache statistics are gathered.
A Statistic Snapshot;
Input/Output ChannelHandler to keep statistics
Wraps existing AdvancedCache to collect statistics
Responses for functional commands that allow to record statistics.
Internal server status for the client's transactions.
Method level annotation that indicates a (no-param) method to be called on a component registered in the component registry when the registry stops.
The storage mode of a counter.
Key/value storage information (storage media type and wrapping).
Enumeration defining the various storage types for the data container.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0.
Modification representing CacheWriter.write(MarshallableEntry).
StoreConfiguration contains generic configuration elements available to all the stores.
LoaderConfigurationBuilder is an interface which should be implemented by all cache loader builders
An exception thrown by the PersistenceManager if one or more stores are unavailable when a cache operation is attempted.
A minimal interface that facilitates the marshalling/unmarshalling of objects from the provided InputStream/OutputStream.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
for internal use only
StreamingRemoteCache implements streaming versions of most RemoteCache methods
Implementation of StreamingRemoteCache
Static factory class containing methods that will provide marshallable instances for very common use cases.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 10.0.
This contains all the stream lib top keys.
A simple wrapper for a configuration represented as a String.
A utility class for replacing properties in strings.
Duplicates a set of counters in a set of stripes, so that multiple threads can increment those counters without too much contention.
An hash function for stripping.
Holder for stamped locks that provides ability to retrieve them by offset and hashCode Note that locks protect entries
A lock container used with lock stripping.
The strong consistent counter interface.
StrongCounter configuration.
StrongCounter configuration builder.
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A SaslServer which, when complete, can return a negotiated property named SubjectSaslServer.SUBJECT which contains a populated Subject representing the authenticated user.
A successful response
This annotation is used for components that will be registered in the ComponentRegistry, that are meant to be retained in the component registry even after the component registry is stopped.
Thrown when a member is suspected during remote method invocation
ConsistentHashFactory implementation that guarantees that multiple caches with the same members will have the same consistent hash (unlike DefaultConsistentHashFactory).
Synchronization implementation for integrating with the TM.
A class that handles restarts of components via multiple threads.
LocalTransaction implementation to be used with SynchronizationAdapter.
A XSiteStateProviderState for synchronous cross-site replication state transfer.
SyncConsistentHashFactory adapted for replicated caches, so that the primary owner of a key is the same in replicated and distributed caches.
A synchronous StrongCounter.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 9.2.
A StrongCounter decorator that waits for the operation to complete.
A synchronous WeakCounter.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 9.2.
A WeakCounter decorator that waits for the operation to complete.
It keeps tracks of cross-site requests to take sites offline when certain failures conditions happen.
Performs migration operations on the target server or cluster of servers
* Admin operation to create a template * Parameters: * * name the name of the template to create * configuration the XML configuration to use * flags any flags, e.g.
Admin operation to obtain a list of caches
* Admin operation to remove a template * Parameters: * * name the name of the template to remove * flags any flags, e.g.
Table holding the entry positions in log before these are persisted to the index.
Interface describing an operation that is a terminal one that doesn't track keys.
Memcached text protocol utilities.
Same as GaugeMetricInfo but the tracked value is a time or duration.
A channel pipeline factory for environments where idle timeout is enabled.
Thrown when a timeout occurred.
Represents a duration event (histogram).
Tracks a timer metric.
Encapsulates all the time related logic in this interface.
A Ticker for Caffeine backed by a TimeService
Time unit representation for HotRod
Top-key stats about locks.
Some of the commands sent over the wire can only be honored by the receiver if the topology of the cluster at delivery time is still 'compatible' with the topology in place at send time (eg.
Wraps a TopologyUUID JGroups address
Default topology-aware consistent hash factory implementation.
A ConsistentHashFactory implementation that guarantees caches with the same members have the same consistent hash and also tries to distribute segments based on the topology information in TransportConfiguration.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the ConsistentHash implementation in use by the DistributionManager changes due to a change in cluster topology.
The event passed in to methods annotated with TopologyChanged.
Maintains topology information about caches.
This class holds the topology hierarchy of a cache's members and estimates for owned segments.
Base class for locations.
The version stored per CacheEntry for IRAC.
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The cluster topology is a tree with five levels: the entire cluster, sites, racks, machines, and individual nodes.
This command updates a cache entry's last access timestamp.
Control how the timestamp of read keys are updated on all the key owners in a cluster.
This exception is used to add stack trace information to exceptions as they move from one thread to another.
This interface is implemented by caches that support (i.e.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 replaced by NonBlockingStore
An event subtype that includes a transaction context - if one exists - as well as a boolean as to whether the call originated locally or remotely.
Invocation context to be used for transactional caches.
Simple interface to extract all the keys that may need to be locked for transactional commands.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cache is called to participate in a transaction and the transaction completes, either with a commit or a rollback.
This event is passed in to any method annotated with TransactionCompleted.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 12.0.
Defines transactional (JTA) characteristics of the cache.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 12.0.
Defines transactional (JTA) characteristics of the cache.
Coordinates transaction prepare/commits as received from the TransactionManager.
Factory for transaction related state.
A basic Transaction implementation.
Uses a number of mechanisms to retrieve a transaction manager.
A simple TransactionManager implementation.
Factory interface, allows Cache or RemoteCache to use different transactional systems.
Specifies how the RemoteCache is enlisted in the Transaction.
Transaction mode
Enumeration containing the available transaction modes for a cache.
An interface to check if the transaction originator is left or not.
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cache is called to participate in a transaction and registers a Synchronization with a registered TransactionManager.
This event is passed in to any method annotated with TransactionRegistered.
Converts Synchronization and XAResource to AsyncSynchronization and AsyncXaResource.
Keeps the temporary statistics for a transaction.
Factory for the TransactionSynchronizationRegistry
Repository for RemoteTransaction and TransactionXaAdapters (locally originated transactions).
Interface that allows to fetch the GlobalTransaction associated to local or remote transactions.
Factory for TransactionTable objects.
This acts both as an local CacheTransaction and implementor of an XAResource that will be called by tx manager on various tx stages.
Converts content between two or more MediaTypes.
Base class for transcoder between application/x-java-object and byte[] produced by a marshaller.
Annotate objects to convert them to keys that Infinispan can index.
Converts objects (cache keys only) to and from their Java types to String representations so that Infinispan can index them.
A cache entry that is transient, i.e., it can be considered expired after a period of not being used.
A transient cache value, to correspond with TransientCacheEntry
A cache entry that is both transient and mortal.
A transient, mortal cache value to correspond with TransientMortalCacheEntry
An interface that provides a communication link with remote caches.
Server transport abstraction
Configures the transport used for network communications across the cluster.
Indicates a communication exception with the Hot Rod server: e.g.
TransportFactory is responsible for creating Netty's SocketChannels and EventLoopGroups.
Factory for Transport implementations.
Unsorted traversable stream for sequential and aggregating operations.
Externalizer for the triangle acknowledges.
Some utility functions for TriangleDistributionInterceptor.
An Action that checks if the command is the next to be executed.
It manages the order of updates from the primary owner to backup owner.
Represents an operation that accepts three input arguments and returns no result.
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of three arguments.
Performs conversions where there is no direct transcoder, but there are two transcoders available: one from source media type to application/x-java-object one from application/x-java-object to the destination media type
Extends Key2StringMapper and allows a bidirectional transformation between keys and Strings.
A base Function implementation to update the TxState stored in Cache.
Interface defining additional functionality for invocation contexts that propagate within a transaction's scope.
Locked Stream that is designed for transactions.
A transaction state stored globally in all the cluster members.
Type-aware properties.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
Memory allocator that just allocates memory directly using Unsafe.
Controls certain tuning parameters that may break some of Infinispan's public API contracts in exchange for better performance in some cases.
Controls certain tuning parameters that may break some of Infinispan's public API contracts in exchange for better performance in some cases.
Helper to read and write unsigned numerics
An unsuccessful response
Exception thrown by certain cache stores when one tries to persist an entry with an unsupported key type.
An unsure response - used with Dist - essentially asks the caller to check the next response from the next node since the sender is in a state of flux (probably in the middle of rebalancing)
An interface for defining updatable attributes/attributeset.
Represents a generic URL artifact.
Interface used to initialise a SerializationContext using the specified Pojos, Marshaller implementations and provided .proto schemas.
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Thrown when client's code passed as a labda expression in commands such as ComputeIfAbsentCommand raises a exception.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 12.1, to be removed in a future version.
Transaction related util class.
General utility methods used throughout the Infinispan code base.
Utility methods.
Util operations to handle client transactions in Hot Rod server.
Returns the byte at index.
Utility methods.
A valid response
Base class for response collectors, splitting responses into valid responses, exception responses, and target missing.
Value matcher mode.
Contains version information about this release of Infinispan.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use Version instead
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 11.0 (no longer used).
This class represents the work to be done by an encoder of a particular Hot Rod protocol version.
A version of RepeatableReadEntry that can perform write-skew checks during prepare.
Besides the key and value, also contains an version.
Generates versions
Version generator component factory.
The various versioning schemes supported
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cache is used in a cluster and the cluster topology changes (i.e., a member joins or leaves the cluster).
This event is passed in to any method annotated with ViewChanged.
Reads and writes unsigned variable length integer values.
A type of command that can accept Visitors, such as DDAsyncInterceptor.
Reads and writes unsigned variable length long values.
Response collector that discards successful responses and returns null.
An implementation of LocalConfigurationStorage which does only supports CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlag.VOLATILE operations
A weak consistent counter interface.
WeakCounter configuration.
WeakCounter configuration builder.
This Map will remove entries when the value in the map has been cleaned from garbage collection
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 12.0.
WildFly transaction client lookup (WildFly 11 and later).
Used by ComponentAccessor implementations for retrieving a component based on name and class.
An executor that works within the current thread.
Executor factory that creates WithinThreadExecutor.
Simple wrapper around a byte[] to provide equals and hashCode semantics
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This class is an implementation for TwoWayKey2StringMapper that supports both primitives and WrappedByteArrays.
Size calculator that supports a WrappedByteArray by adding its size and the underlying byte[].
Interface that describes and object holding onto some bytes
A Wrapper is used to decorate objects produced by the Encoder.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 10.0
A writeable cache collection mapper that also has constant time operations for things such as Collection.contains(Object) if the underlying Collection does.
A writeable cache set mapper that also has constant time operations for things such as Collection.contains(Object) if the underlying Set does.
Write-only map implementation.
Thrown when a write skew is detected
Encapsulates write skew logic in maintaining version maps, etc.
A Xid implementation.
A Predicate to filter the CacheXid by its XidImpl.
XML Pull Parser is an interface that defines parsing functionlity provided in XMLPULL V1 API (visit this website to learn more about API and its implementations).
This exception is thrown to signal XML Pull Parser related faults.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Basic XML transcoder supporting conversions from XML to commons formats.
Amend a sites offline status.
A listener to be notified when an asynchronous cross-site request is completed.
A CacheRpcCommand to check the remote site status and state transfer mode in the local cluster.
Take a site offline.
A XSiteRequest which is associated to a cache.
An interface to resolve conflicts for asynchronous cross-site replication.
A factory for XSiteEntryMergePolicy.
Represents an event related to cross-site.
A collector of events to be sent to the remote site.
A manager class that handles the XSiteEvent from local and remote sites.
Default implementation of XSiteEventsManager.
Types of XSiteEvent.
Sends XSiteEvent list from a local site node.
An alias with the provided implementation of XSiteEntryMergePolicy.
Collects metrics about cross-site replication operations.
Get the offline status of a BackupSender.
Sends a XSiteEvent list from a remote site.
It represents a cross-site request.
Externalizer for XSiteRequest and its implementations.
Handles REST calls for cache and cache manager level X-Site operations
Default implementation of XSiteResponse.
A CacheRpcCommand that sets the XSiteStateTransferMode cluster-wide.
Represents the state of a single key to be sent to a backup site.
It contains the logic needed to consume the state sent from other site.
It contains the logic needed to consume the state sent from other site.
It contains the logic to send state to another site.
It contains the logic to send state to another site.
Interface to store the information about a single remote site for XSiteStateProviderImpl.
Wraps the state to be sent to another site
Wraps the state to be sent to another site.
Sends local cluster state to remote site.
Cancel sending XSite state.
Clear XSite state transfer status.
It collects the acknowledgements sent from local site member to signal the ending of the state sent.
Configuration needed for State Transfer between different sites.
Configuration Builder to configure the state transfer between sites.
Controls the start and stop of receiving the cross-site state transfer.
Finish receiving XSite state.
Finish sending XSite state.
It manages the state transfer between sites.
Cross site state transfer mode.
Restart sending XSite state.
Start receiving XSite state.
Start send XSite state.
Get XSite state transfer status.
Return the status of a BackupSender.
Take a site offline.
Adapter for the XStream XML Engine with pre-defined configurations.