Class InfinispanCollections


public final class InfinispanCollections extends Object
Static helpers for Infinispan-specific collections
Manik Surtani
  • Method Details

    • transformMapValue

      public static <K, V, E> Map<K,V> transformMapValue(Map<K,E> input, InfinispanCollections.Function<E,V> f)
      Given a map of well known key/value types, it makes a shallow copy of it while at the same time transforming it's value type to a desired output type. The transformation of the value type is done using a given a function.
      Type Parameters:
      K - input map's key type
      V - desired output type of the map's value
      E - input map's value type
      input - contains the input key/value pair map
      f - function instance to use to transform the value part of the map
      a shallow copy of the input Map with all its values transformed.
    • transformCollectionToMap

      public static <K, V, E> Map<K,V> transformCollectionToMap(Collection<? extends E> input, InfinispanCollections.MapMakerFunction<K,V,? super E> f)
      Given a collection, transforms the collection to a map given a InfinispanCollections.MapMakerFunction
      Type Parameters:
      K - output map's key type
      V - output type of the map's value
      E - input collection's entry type
      input - contains a collection of type E
      f - MapMakerFunction instance to use to transform the collection to a key/value pair
      a Map with keys and values generated from the input collection
    • difference

      public static <E> Set<E> difference(Set<? extends E> s1, Set<? extends E> s2)
      Returns the elements that are present in s1 but which are not present in s2, without changing the contents of neither s1, nor s2.
      Type Parameters:
      E - type of objects in Set
      s1 - first set
      s2 - second set
      the elements in s1 that are not in s2
    • containsAny

      public static <T> boolean containsAny(Collection<T> haystack, Collection<T> needles)
    • forEach

      public static <T> void forEach(T[] array, Consumer<T> consumer)
    • assertNotNullEntries

      public static void assertNotNullEntries(Map<?,?> map, String name)
    • assertNotNullEntries

      public static void assertNotNullEntries(Collection<?> collection, String name)
    • mergeMaps

      public static <K, V> Map<K,V> mergeMaps(Map<K,V> one, Map<K,V> second)
    • mergeLists

      public static <T> List<T> mergeLists(List<T> one, List<T> second)
    • toObjectSet

      public static Set<Object> toObjectSet(Collection<?> collection)