Class BaseCustomAsyncInterceptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Visitor, AsyncInterceptor
Direct Known Subclasses:
CacheUsageInterceptor, ExtendedStatisticInterceptor

public class BaseCustomAsyncInterceptor extends DDAsyncInterceptor
Anyone using the AsyncInterceptorChain.addInterceptor(AsyncInterceptor, int) method (or any of its overloaded forms) or registering custom interceptors via XML should extend this base class when creating their own custom interceptors.

Annotations on custom interceptors, including Inject, Start and Stop will not be respected and callbacks will not be made.

Instead, custom interceptor authors should extend this base class to gain access to Cache and EmbeddedCacheManager, from which other components may be accessed. Further, lifecycle should be implemented by overriding start() and stop() as defined in this class.

Dan Berindei
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BaseCustomAsyncInterceptor

      public BaseCustomAsyncInterceptor()
  • Method Details

    • start

      protected void start()
    • stop

      protected void stop()