Class RemoteMetadata

All Implemented Interfaces:

@ProtoTypeId(1004) public class RemoteMetadata extends Object implements Metadata
This is a metadata type used by scattered cache during state transfer. The address points to node which has last known version of given entry: During key transfer RemoteMetadata is created and overwritten if another response with higher version comes. During value transfer the address is already final and we request the value + metadata only from this node.
Radim Vansa <>
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getAddress

      @ProtoField(number=1, javaType=JGroupsAddress.class) public Address getAddress()
    • lifespan

      public long lifespan()
      Description copied from interface: Metadata
      Returns the lifespan of the cache entry with which this metadata object is associated, in milliseconds. Negative values are interpreted as unlimited lifespan.
      Specified by:
      lifespan in interface Metadata
      lifespan of the entry in number of milliseconds
    • maxIdle

      public long maxIdle()
      Description copied from interface: Metadata
      Returns the the maximum amount of time that the cache entry associated with this metadata object is allowed to be idle for before it is considered as expired, in milliseconds.
      Specified by:
      maxIdle in interface Metadata
      maximum idle time of the entry in number of milliseconds
    • version

      @ProtoField(number=2, javaType=SimpleClusteredVersion.class) public EntryVersion version()
      Description copied from interface: Metadata
      Returns the version of the cache entry with which this metadata object is associated.
      Specified by:
      version in interface Metadata
      version of the entry
    • builder

      public Metadata.Builder builder()
      Description copied from interface: Metadata
      Returns an instance of Metadata.Builder which can be used to build new instances of Metadata instance which are full copies of this Metadata.
      Specified by:
      builder in interface Metadata
      instance of Metadata.Builder
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object