Class IndexedQueryImpl<E>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IndexedQueryImpl<E> extends Object implements IndexedQuery<E>
Lucene based indexed query implementation.
Navin Surtani, Sanne Grinovero <> (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc., Marko Luksa
  • Field Details

    • cache

      protected final AdvancedCache<?,?> cache
    • partitionHandlingSupport

      protected final org.infinispan.query.core.impl.PartitionHandlingSupport partitionHandlingSupport
    • queryDefinition

      protected final QueryDefinition queryDefinition
    • queryStatistics

      protected final org.infinispan.query.core.stats.impl.LocalQueryStatistics queryStatistics
  • Constructor Details

    • IndexedQueryImpl

      public IndexedQueryImpl(QueryDefinition queryDefinition, AdvancedCache<?,?> cache, org.infinispan.query.core.stats.impl.LocalQueryStatistics queryStatistics)
    • IndexedQueryImpl

      public IndexedQueryImpl(String queryString, org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.parser.IckleParsingResult.StatementType statementType, org.infinispan.query.dsl.embedded.impl.SearchQueryBuilder searchQuery, AdvancedCache<?,?> cache, org.infinispan.query.core.stats.impl.LocalQueryStatistics queryStatistics, int defaultMaxResults)
      Create a IndexedQueryImpl based on a SearchQuery.
  • Method Details

    • getResultSize

      public int getResultSize()
      Specified by:
      getResultSize in interface IndexedQuery<E>
      The result size of the query.
    • firstResult

      public IndexedQuery<E> firstResult(int firstResult)
      Sets the result of the given integer value to the first result.
      Specified by:
      firstResult in interface IndexedQuery<E>
      firstResult - index to be set.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the index given is less than zero.
    • maxResults

      public IndexedQuery<E> maxResults(int maxResults)
      Description copied from interface: IndexedQuery
      Sets the maximum number of results to return from the query. Used for pagination.
      Specified by:
      maxResults in interface IndexedQuery<E>
      maxResults - the maximum number of results to return.
    • hitCountAccuracy

      public IndexedQuery<E> hitCountAccuracy(int hitCountAccuracy)
      Description copied from interface: IndexedQuery
      Limit the required accuracy of the hit count for the indexed queries to an upper-bound. Setting the hit-count-accuracy could improve the performance of queries targeting large data sets.
      Specified by:
      hitCountAccuracy in interface IndexedQuery<E>
      hitCountAccuracy - The value to apply
      this, for method chaining
    • iterator

      public CloseableIterator<E> iterator() throws
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface IndexedQuery<E>
    • entryIterator

      public <K> CloseableIterator<Map.Entry<K,E>> entryIterator()
      Description copied from interface: IndexedQuery
      Returns the matching entries (both key and value).

      NOTE: The query must not contain any projections or an exception will be thrown.

      Specified by:
      entryIterator in interface IndexedQuery<E>
    • execute

      public QueryResult<?> execute()
      Description copied from interface: IndexedQuery
      Executes an Ickle statement returning results (query aka. SELECT). If the statement happens to be a DELETE it redirects it to IndexedQuery.executeStatement().

      NOTE: Paging params (firstResult/maxResults) are honoured for SELECT and dissalowed for DELETE.

      Specified by:
      execute in interface IndexedQuery<E>
    • aggregation

      public QueryResult<?> aggregation()
    • executeStatement

      public int executeStatement()
      Description copied from interface: IndexedQuery
      Executes an Ickle statement not returning any results (ie. DELETE).

      NOTE: Paging params (firstResult/maxResults) are NOT allowed.

      Specified by:
      executeStatement in interface IndexedQuery<E>
      the number of affected entries
    • timeout

      public IndexedQuery<E> timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: IndexedQuery
      Set the timeout for this query. If the query hasn't finished processing before the timeout, an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      timeout in interface IndexedQuery<E>
      timeout - the timeout duration
      timeUnit - the time unit of the timeout parameter