Class ExceptionResponse.Externalizer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AdvancedExternalizer<ExceptionResponse>, Externalizer<ExceptionResponse>
Enclosing class:

public static class ExceptionResponse.Externalizer extends AbstractExternalizer<ExceptionResponse>
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Externalizer

      public Externalizer()
  • Method Details

    • writeObject

      public void writeObject(ObjectOutput output, ExceptionResponse response) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Externalizer
      Write the object reference to the stream.
      output - the object output to write to
      response - the object reference to write
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • readObject

      Description copied from interface: Externalizer
      Read an instance from the stream. The instance will have been written by the Externalizer.writeObject(ObjectOutput, Object) method. Implementations are free to create instances of the object read from the stream in any way that they feel like. This could be via constructor, factory or reflection.
      input - the object input to read from
      the object instance
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      ClassNotFoundException - if a class could not be found
    • getId

      public Integer getId()
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedExternalizer
      Returns an integer that identifies the externalizer type. This is used at read time to figure out which AdvancedExternalizer should read the contents of the incoming buffer. Using a positive integer allows for very efficient variable length encoding of numbers, and it's much more efficient than shipping AdvancedExternalizer implementation class information around. Negative values are not allowed. Implementers of this interface can use any positive integer as long as it does not clash with any other identifier in the system. You can find information on the pre-assigned identifier ranges in here. It's highly recommended that maintaining of these identifiers is done in a centralized way and you can do so by making annotations reference a set of statically defined identifiers in a separate class or interface. Such class/interface gives a global view of the identifiers in use and so can make it easier to assign new ids. Implementors can optionally avoid giving a meaningful implementation to this method (i.e. return null) and instead rely on XML or programmatic configuration to provide the AdvancedExternalizer id. If no id can be determined via the implementation or XML/programmatic configuration, an error will be reported. If an id has been defined both via the implementation and XML/programmatic configuration, the value defined via XML/programmatic configuration will be used ignoring the other.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface AdvancedExternalizer<ExceptionResponse>
      getId in class AbstractExternalizer<ExceptionResponse>
      A positive identifier for the AdvancedExternalizer.
    • getTypeClasses

      public Set<Class<? extends ExceptionResponse>> getTypeClasses()
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedExternalizer
      Returns a collection of Class instances representing the types that this AdvancedExternalizer can marshall. Clearly, empty sets are not allowed. The externalizer framework currently requires all individual types to be listed since it does not make assumptions based on super classes or interfaces.
      A set containing the Class instances that can be marshalled.