Class ClusterContainerStatsImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
JmxStatisticsExposer, ClusterContainerStats, ContainerStats

@MBean(objectName="ClusterContainerStats", description="General container statistics aggregated across the cluster.") public class ClusterContainerStatsImpl extends AbstractClusterStats implements ClusterContainerStats
Ryan Emerson
  • Field Details


      public static final long DEFAULT_STALE_STATS_THRESHOLD
      See Also:
    • staleStatsThreshold

      protected volatile long staleStatsThreshold
    • statsUpdateTimestamp

      protected volatile long statsUpdateTimestamp
  • Constructor Details

    • ClusterContainerStatsImpl

      public ClusterContainerStatsImpl()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager, GlobalConfiguration configuration)
    • start

      public void start()
    • getMemoryAvailable

      @ManagedAttribute(description="The maximum amount of free memory in bytes across the cluster JVMs", displayName="Cluster wide available memory.", clusterWide=true) public long getMemoryAvailable()
      Specified by:
      getMemoryAvailable in interface ContainerStats
      the maximum amount of free memory in bytes across the cluster JVMs.
    • getMemoryMax

      @ManagedAttribute(description="The maximum amount of memory that JVMs across the cluster will attempt to utilise in bytes", displayName="Cluster wide max memory of JVMs", clusterWide=true) public long getMemoryMax()
      Specified by:
      getMemoryMax in interface ContainerStats
      the maximum amount of memory that JVMs across the cluster will attempt to utilise in bytes.
    • getMemoryTotal

      @ManagedAttribute(description="The total amount of memory in the JVMs across the cluster in bytes", displayName="Cluster wide total memory", clusterWide=true) public long getMemoryTotal()
      Specified by:
      getMemoryTotal in interface ContainerStats
      the total amount of memory in the JVMs across the cluster in bytes.
    • getMemoryUsed

      @ManagedAttribute(description="The amount of memory used by JVMs across the cluster in bytes", displayName="Cluster wide memory utilisation", clusterWide=true) public long getMemoryUsed()
      Specified by:
      getMemoryUsed in interface ContainerStats
      the amount of memory used by JVMs across the cluster in bytes.
    • getStaleStatsThreshold

      long getStaleStatsThreshold()
      The time in milliseconds, to wait between requests before re-retrieving cluster wide stats
    • setStaleStatsThreshold

      void setStaleStatsThreshold(long threshold)
      threshold - the time in milliseconds, to wait between requests before re-retrieving cluster wide stats
    • reset

      void reset()
      Reset the collected statistics
    • reset

      public void reset()
    • resetStatistics

      @ManagedOperation(description="Resets statistics gathered by this component", displayName="Reset statistics") public void resetStatistics()
      Description copied from interface: JmxStatisticsExposer
      Resets an interceptor's cache statistics
      Specified by:
      resetStatistics in interface JmxStatisticsExposer
    • setStatisticsEnabled

      public void setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Description copied from interface: JmxStatisticsExposer
      Enables an interceptor's cache statistics If true, the interceptor will capture statistics and make them available through the mbean.
      Specified by:
      setStatisticsEnabled in interface JmxStatisticsExposer
      enabled - true if statistics should be captured
    • getStatisticsEnabled

      public boolean getStatisticsEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: JmxStatisticsExposer
      Returns whether an interceptor's statistics are being captured.
      Specified by:
      getStatisticsEnabled in interface JmxStatisticsExposer
      true if statistics are captured
    • setStaleStatsThreshold

      public void setStaleStatsThreshold(long staleStatsThreshold)
    • getStat

      protected Number getStat(String attribute)