Class RestServer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RestServer extends AbstractProtocolServer<RestServerConfiguration>
REST Protocol Server.
Sebastian Ɓaskawiec
  • Constructor Details

    • RestServer

      public RestServer()
  • Method Details

    • getEncoder

      public getEncoder()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolServer
      Gets the encoder for this protocol server. The encoder is responsible for writing back common header responses back to client. This method can return null if the server has no encoder. You can find an example of the server that has no encoder in the Memcached server.
    • getDecoder

      public getDecoder()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolServer
      Gets the decoder for this protocol server. The decoder is responsible for reading client requests. This method cannot return null.
    • getInitializer

      public<> getInitializer()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolServer
      Returns a pipeline factory
    • getChannelMatcher

      public getChannelMatcher()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolServer
      Returns a ChannelMatcher which matches channels which belong to this protocol server
    • getRestChannelInitializer

      public RestChannelInitializer getRestChannelInitializer()
      Returns Netty Channel Initializer for REST.
      Netty Channel Initializer for REST.
    • getInvocationHelper

      public InvocationHelper getInvocationHelper()
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolServer
      Stops the server.
      Specified by:
      stop in interface ProtocolServer<RestServerConfiguration>
      stop in class AbstractProtocolServer<RestServerConfiguration>
    • startInternal

      protected void startInternal()
      startInternal in class AbstractProtocolServer<RestServerConfiguration>
    • maxContentLength

      public int maxContentLength()
    • getCorsConfigs

      public List<io.netty.handler.codec.http.cors.CorsConfig> getCorsConfigs()
    • setEnclosingProtocolServer

      public void setEnclosingProtocolServer(ProtocolServer<?> enclosingProtocolServer)
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolServer
      Sets the enclosing ProtocolServer. Used by the single port server
      Specified by:
      setEnclosingProtocolServer in interface ProtocolServer<RestServerConfiguration>
      setEnclosingProtocolServer in class AbstractProtocolServer<RestServerConfiguration>