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Satellite 5 and RHN End of Life - Making sure that you are only connected to RHSM.

John Spinks published on April 30 2018 at 1:00 PM, last updated May 3 2018 at 1:39 PM

Have you completed your migration from Satellite 5 to Satellite 5.8, but you keep getting messages from us about upgrading before January 31, 2019?

It could be that your systems are still registered with Red Hat Network (RHN), even if you have moved to a newer version.

Let's walk through a couple steps to show you how you can check and see if you are registered with RHN or Red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM).

I moved to Satellite 6 - Does this affect me?

If you have moved off of Satellite 5 to Satellite 6, and you have shut down all Satellite 5 systems, then this article does not impact you. Satellite 6 cannot be registered to RHN. However, if you still have Satellite 5 systems in your environment please verify that they have been upgraded to Satellite 5.8 and have moved to RHSM.

Why are these steps important?

As of January 31, 2019 the RHN connector that Satellite 5.7 and older uses to get content will be completely shut down. After this date NO CONTENT will be available through RHN. Both system level updates and channel syncing will be stopped as a result.

Satellite 5.8 and Satellite 6 uses RHSM instead of RHN, so this shutdown does not impact those versions.

What happens to my Satellite 5.7 or older server after January 31, 2019?

Red Hat STRONGLY recommends an upgrade to Satellite 5.8 prior to 31-Jan-2019. However, if the Satellite is not upgraded,


  • Be able to use the Satellite 5.7 (or lower) with previously downloaded content.
  • Be able to receive updates for the underlying OS (if registered via RHSM)
  • Receive support from CEE to upgrade to 5.8.


  • Receive updates for (and be able to synchronize) any channels previously synced via Satellite 5.
  • Receive updates for the underlying OS (if registered via RHN)
  • Receive help for anything else Satellite related other than upgrading to Satellite 5.8.

I have not moved to Satellite 5.8 OR I have installed Satellite 5.8 but have not migrated to RHSM. What do I do?

If you are looking to start the process of migrating from RHN to RHSM, follow the instructions in the article: "Preparing Satellite 5 systems for Red Hat Network's End of Life."

How could I be registered to both RHN and RHSM?

If you had a Satellite system that was registered with RHN, and you upgraded your environment to Satellite 5.8 and manually registered with RHSM, then you might be double registered.
However, if you used the rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm command then you should have been properly registered with RHSM and removed from RHN.

How can I check if I am double registered to both RHN and RHSM?

Verify that you are connected to RHSM

The first thing you should do if verify that your subscription-manager status is current:

# subscription-manager status 
   System Status Details
Overall Status: Current

Next, Look at the list of consumed subscriptions to verify that you have a Red Hat Satellite subscription attached to the system:

# subscription-manager list --consumed
   Consumed Subscriptions
Subscription Name:   Red Hat Satellite 
Provides:            Red Hat Satellite
                            Red Hat Satellite Capsule

Verify that you are NOT connected to RHN

To confirm that the system is not also registered to RHN as well as RHSM, use the yum repolist command to verify that the rhnplugin is NOT present:

# yum repolist 
Loaded plugins: product-id, search-disabled-repos, security, subscription-manager 
repo id                                                               repo name                                                           status
rhel-6-server-rpms                            Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs)                20,029
rhel-6-server-satellite-5.7-rpms      Red Hat Satellite 5.7 (for RHEL 6 Server) (RPMs)           736
  1. Notice the line starting with Loaded plugins:, there should not be rhnplugin loaded in the above yum command output.
  2. RHSM repositories end with rpms, so all the repo id's listed in above yum command output should end with rpms.

Many of these details are covered in the solution: How to verify whether Red Hat Satelite v 5.x server is successfully migrated from RHN Hosted to RHSM?


About The Author

John Spinks's picture Red Hat Newbie 5 points

John Spinks

John Spinks is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat. He acts as a subject matter expert for Red Hat Satellite and works with Red Hat partners and customers to build and share relevant information about managing patching, provisioning, subscription, and configuration management for Re...