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Satellite 6.2.7 is released

Rich Jerrido published on January 26 2017 at 1:40 PM, last updated January 26 2017 at 1:40 PM

Satellite 6.2.7 has been released today. There is one erratum for the server [1] and one for the hosts[2]. The install ISOs will be updated later this week.

Customers who have already upgraded to 6.2 should follow the instructions in the errata. Customers who are on 6.1.x should follow the upgrade instructions at [3]. Customers who have received hotfixes should verify the list below to ensure their hotfix is contained in the release before upgrading. Please reach out to the Satellite team in these cases.

The list of bugs in 6.2.7 are:

  • The API has been enhanced to expose ENC information and content_source_id. (BZ#1362372, BZ#1390153)
  • The hammer-csv command has been improved based on user feedback, and enhanced to support activation keys with Virtual Datacenter subscriptions. (BZ#1374072, BZ#1394218, BZ#1405134, BZ#1281346, BZ#1400101)
  • Several errors in the installer have been fixed. (BZ#1386919, BZ#1394970, BZ#1375697, BZ#1163452)
  • Several errors in the upgrade process have been fixed. (BZ#1394177, BZ#1410783, BZ#1389558, BZ#1364980, BZ#1368085, BZ#1354623, BZ#1406900, BZ#1356714, BZ#1412486)
  • Several performance improvements have been made in the application. (BZ#1399877, BZ#1392550, BZ#1396642, BZ#1383436, BZ#1388631)
  • Remote Execution against many hosts was causing errors to appear. This case is now handled correctly. (BZ#1367606, BZ#1372708)
  • Content Syncing and promotion bugs are addressed in this release. (BZ#1355858, BZ#1327212, BZ#1328092)
  • Subscription views and processing have been improved. (BZ#1180573, BZ#1397467, BZ#1367851, BZ#1400101, BZ#1400697)
  • Several fixes to Smart Class parameters have been addressed. (BZ#1393773, BZ#1391556, BZ#1334514)
  • Documentation links and information about the running Satellite have been improved. (BZ#1368230)
  • Two search bugs have been fixed. (BZ#1372069, BZ#1372757)

Users of Red Hat Satellite are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix these bugs and add these enhancements.

[1] https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2017:0197
[2] https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2017:0198
[3] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-satellite/6.2/paged/installation-guide/chapter-6-upgrading-satellite-server-and-capsule-server


About The Author

Rich Jerrido's picture Red Hat Guru 3045 points

Rich Jerrido

Rich Jerrido, Red Hat Product Manager, is a “doer-of-all-things Red Hat Satellite,” including training, integration, enablement, documentation, and helping to identify product requirements. He serves as a technology expert, frequently speaking in web seminars and at industry events. With mor...