7.5.5. Configure EJBs Using a Scoped EJB Client Context


EJBs can be configured using a map-based scoped context. This is achieved by programmatically populating a Properties map using the standard properties found in the jboss-ejb-client.properties, specifying true for the org.jboss.ejb.client.scoped.context property, and passing the properties on the InitialContext creation.

The benefit of using a scoped context is that it allows you to configure access without directly referencing the EJB or importing JBoss classes. It also provides a way to configure and load balance a host at runtime in a multithreaded environment.

Procedure 7.9. Configure an EJB Using a Map-Based Scoped Context

  1. Set the Properties

    Configure the EJB client properties programmatically, specifiying the same set of properties that are used in the standard jboss-ejb-client.properties file. To enable the scoped context, you must specify the org.jboss.ejb.client.scoped.context property and set its value to true. The following is an example that configures the properties programmatically.
    // Configure  EJB Client properties for the InitialContext
    Properties ejbClientContextProps = new Properties();
    // Property to enable scoped EJB client context which will be tied to the JNDI context
    ejbClientContextProps.put("org.jboss.ejb.client.scoped.context", “true”);
  2. Pass the Properties on the Context Creation

    // Create the context using the configured properties
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(ejbClientContextProps);
    MySLSB bean = ic.lookup("ejb:myapp/ejb//MySLSBBean!" + MySLSB.class.getName());
Additional Information

  • Contexts generated by lookup EJB proxies are bound by this scoped context and use only the relevant connection parameters. This makes it possible to create different contexts to access data within a client application or to independently access servers using different logins.
  • In the client, both the scoped InitialContext and the scoped proxy are passed to threads, allowing each thread to work with the given context. It is also possible to pass the proxy to multiple threads that can use it concurrently.
  • The scoped context EJB proxy is serialized on the remote call and then deserialized on the server. When it is deserialized, the scoped context information is removed and it returns to its default state. If the deserialized proxy is used on the remote server, because it no longer has the scoped context that was used when it was created, this can result in an EJBCLIENT000025 error or possibly call an unwanted target by using the EJB name.