Go West, [not so] young Spinks: One Satellite member’s guide to Red Hat Summit 2018
I’m John Spinks, Technical Marketing Manager for Satellite.
While I’m relatively new to Red Hat, I get to work with Red Hat Satellite engineers and customers every day. Next week is my first Red Hat Summit so I’m excited to get to see so many of both in one place.
Not only is this my first Summit as an attendee, I’m honored to say that this will also be my first time at Summit as a speaker. Brent Midwood and I will be presenting the session: Live Demonstration: Find it. Fix it. Before it breaks. That has of course captured a lot of my interest of late, but I’m also looking forward to attending some other breakout sessions about how Satellite enables customers and businesses to meet their goals.
Breakout Sessions
Summit has a packed and exciting agenda, so I’ve highlighted a few of the sessions and their description from the Summit agenda that I am most interested in attending and that I think will be of great interest to users of Red Hat Satellite:
Live demonstration: Find it. Fix it. Before it breaks.
A common saying is, "If it ain’t broke, don't fix it." But what if it is broken and you just don't know it? Waiting for something to break means late nights, lunches at your desk, or waiting for a maintenance window to fix issues. However, there are ways for you to automate how you predict, resolve, and manage issues before they cause you headaches. Read more.
How Walmart uses systems management tools to manage its massive IT operation at scale
To power the largest retailer in the world, Walmart’s IT operation must manage systems at unprecedented scale. Walmart’s IT leaders will share how they use various automation tools, including Red Hat Satellite, to give them the capacity they need. Darin Lively, Staff Systems Engineer, and Brian Ameling, Staff Systems Engineer, will offer a look into Walmart’s complex architecture and… Read more.
A problem's not a problem, until it's a problem (Red Hat Insights)
Find out how using predictive analytics from Red Hat Insights, you can assess the impact of a potential system issue and the likelihood of it becoming a problem. Read more.
Red Hat Management roadmap and strategy
Attend this session to learn the latest on the strategy and roadmap for Red Hat Management, including details on Red Hat Ansible Automation, Red Hat CloudForms, Red Hat Insights, and Red Hat Satellite. Read more.
If you’re going to Red Hat Summit next week, I encourage you to add these sessions to your agenda now-- before they fill up!
Automation and Management Booth
As much as possible I’ll be spending time in the Automation & Management pod in the Red Hat booth during the Ecosystem Expo hours. Please stop by to say “Hello” to me or to any of our Satellite experts and see some demos of Red Hat Satellite 6.3 and some sneak peeks into what’s coming next.
For those of you fortunate enough to go - safe travels and hope to see you there!
If you can’t make it I hear that content (slides and recordings) will be posted after Summit at http://redhat.com/summit
John Spinks