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Satellite 6.2.9 is released

Rich Jerrido published on 2017-04-30T14:05:02+00:00, last updated 2017-05-02T18:09:08+00:00

Satellite 6.2.9 has been released today. 6.2.9 introduces many fixes based on delivering high priority fixes and RFEs. There is one erratum for the server [1] and one for the hosts [2]. The install ISOs will be updated later this week.

Customers who have already upgraded to 6.2 should follow the instructions in the errata. Customers who are on 6.1.x should follow the upgrade instructions at [3]. Customers who have received hotfixes should verify the list below to ensure their hotfix is contained in the release before upgrading. Please reach out to the Satellite team in these cases.

The list of bugs in 6.2.9 are:

  • The katello backup script no longer stops services unnecessarily and does not reset directory permissions. (BZ#1388145, BZ#1399244)
  • Several issues with the bootstrap script have been addressed. (BZ#1361339, BZ#1422236, BZ#1422756, BZ#1425606)
  • Performance improvements have been made to many parts of the application. (BZ#1428307, BZ#1388296, BZ#1419667, BZ#1422304, BZ#1427618, BZ#1328984, BZ#1402423)
  • Satellite can now pull down the correct Certificate Authority when provisioning against RHEV 4.0. (BZ#1370169)
  • Users will now be able to configure content synchronization to force a resynchronization of content. (BZ#1427618)
  • Multiple bugs with Host navigation were addressed. (BZ#1408438, BZ#1408555, BZ#1432184)
  • The installer will no longer delete virtual machines during the upgrade process. (BZ#1418892)
  • Session IDs have been introduced to the logs, and other logging improvements were also made. (BZ#1408420, BZ#1429642, BZ#1367162)
  • Large files can now be uploaded into Satellite repositories. (BZ#1404345)
  • Satellite has improved how it cleans up content during synchronization and promoting. (BZ#1307207, BZ#1409856, BZ#1417689)
  • Remote Execution has been enhanced to support alternative ports per host. (BZ#1426709)
  • A few improvements were made to Smart Variables. (BZ#1382356, BZ#1353968)
  • The upgrade process has been improved based on customer feedback. (BZ#1389802, BZ#1419721, BZ#1390931)
  • Customers can now delete cloned roles. (BZ#1353788, BZ#1378544)
  • In Satellite 6.2.7, the "foreman-rake katello:reindex" script was renamed to "katello:reimport". This update adds a depreciation warning that "foreman-rake katello:reindex" is now "katello:reimport", and that "katello:reindex" will be removed in Satellite 6.3.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns.

  • [1] https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2017:1191
  • [2] https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2017:1192
  • [3] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-satellite/6.2/paged/installation-guide/chapter-6-upgrading-satellite-server-and-capsule-server

About The Author

Rich Jerrido's picture Red Hat Guru 3050 points

Rich Jerrido

Rich Jerrido, Red Hat Product Manager, is a “doer-of-all-things Red Hat Satellite,” including training, integration, enablement, documentation, and helping to identify product requirements. He serves as a technology expert, frequently speaking in web seminars and at industry events. With mor...