Red Hat Service Interconnect
Red Hat Service Interconnect, based on the open source Skupper project, allows developer teams to easily and safely connect new services, legacy data sources, and edge applications without extensive network planning or waiting on network admins to provision the infrastructure.
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Latest security advisories
Severity | Advisory | Synopsis | Date |
Severity Low | Advisory(RHSA-2024:11109) Low: Updated service-interconnect rhel9 container images for 1.5 | Synopsis Low: Updated service-interconnect rhel9 container images for 1.5 | Date |
Severity None | Advisory(RHEA-2024:10227) Red Hat Service Interconnect 1.8 LTS channel update for 1.8.2 | Synopsis Red Hat Service Interconnect 1.8 LTS channel update for 1.8.2 | Date |
Severity Low | Advisory(RHSA-2024:10135) Low: Updated service-interconnect rhel9 container images for 1.4 LTS | Synopsis Low: Updated service-interconnect rhel9 container images for 1.4 LTS | Date |
Severity None | Advisory(RHBA-2024:10116) Red Hat Service Interconnect 1.8.2 Release (images) | Synopsis Red Hat Service Interconnect 1.8.2 Release (images) | Date |
Severity None | Advisory(RHEA-2024:10115) Red Hat Service Interconnect 1.8.2 Release (rpms) | Synopsis Red Hat Service Interconnect 1.8.2 Release (rpms) | Date |
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