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A vulnerability was found in GNOME gvdb. This issue affects the gvdb_table_write_contents_async function of the gvdb-builder.c. file. The manipulation leads to a use—after—free vulnerability where it is possible to initiate the attack remotely.
Additional information
- Bugzilla 2156440: gvdb: use after free issue was fixed in gvdb_table_write_contents_async()
- CWE-416: Use After Free
- FAQ: Frequently asked questions about CVE-2019-25085
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) Score Details
Important note
CVSS scores for open source components depend on vendor-specific factors (e.g. version or build chain). Therefore, Red Hat's score and impact rating can be different from NVD and other vendors. Red Hat remains the authoritative CVE Naming Authority (CNA) source for its products and services (see Red Hat classifications).
The following CVSS metrics and score provided are preliminary and subject to review.
Red Hat | NVD | |
CVSS v3 Base Score | 8.8 | 8.8 |
Attack Vector | Network | Network |
Attack Complexity | Low | Low |
Privileges Required | None | None |
User Interaction | Required | Required |
Scope | Unchanged | Unchanged |
Confidentiality Impact | High | High |
Integrity Impact | High | High |
Availability Impact | High | High |
CVSS v3 Vector
Red Hat: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Red Hat's CVSS v3 score or Impact different from other vendors?
My product is listed as "Under investigation" or "Affected", when will Red Hat release a fix for this vulnerability?
What can I do if my product is listed as "Will not fix"?
What can I do if my product is listed as "Fix deferred"?
What is a mitigation?
I have a Red Hat product but it is not in the above list, is it affected?
Why is my security scanner reporting my product as vulnerable to this vulnerability even though my product version is fixed or not affected?
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