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The CVE Program describes this issue as:

Apache Struts 2 before 2.3.29 and 2.5.x before 2.5.1 allow attackers to have unspecified impact via vectors related to improper action name clean up.


A previous statement by Red Hat related to this CVE, prior to August 2019, said that Apache Struts 2 is not included in any Red Hat products. This earlier statement was incorrect. While Struts 2 is not actively compiled, shipped, used, or enabled in any Red Hat provided final products, and does not cause any vulnerability in the product, struts2-core jars have been included in some products' source code packages. The inclusion was part of an import of the Google Guice repository, which includes struts2-core. Customers that build artefacts from our source code could be at risk. Red Hat will remove these artefacts from source code in future releases. The products that included the Struts 2 artefacts in their source jars: Fuse Service Works 6.0.0 Single Sign On 7.3.0+ If you have used the source package from one of these products to build artefacts on your system, you should do the following to remove potentially affected jars: 1. Run 'find . -name struts2*.jar' under the source location 2. Remove any files found This will not affect the product, as the jar is included with the source of google-guice, but no functionality requiring struts2 is implemented.

A previous statement by Red Hat related to this CVE, prior to August 2019, said that Apache Struts 2 is not included in any Red Hat products. This earlier statement was incorrect. While Struts 2 is not actively compiled, shipped, used, or enabled in any Red Hat provided final products, and does not cause any vulnerability in the product, struts2-core jars have been included in some products' source code packages. The inclusion was part of an import of the Google Guice repository, which includes struts2-core. Customers that build artefacts from our source code could be at risk. Red Hat will remove these artefacts from source code in future releases.

The products that included the Struts 2 artefacts in their source jars: Fuse Service Works 6.0.0 Single Sign On 7.3.0+

If you have used the source package from one of these products to build artefacts on your system, you should do the following to remove potentially affected jars:

  1. Run 'find . -name struts2*.jar' under the source location
  2. Remove any files found This will not affect the product, as the jar is included with the source of google-guice, but no functionality requiring struts2 is implemented.

Additional information

  • Bugzilla 1348233: struts: Action name clean up is error prone
  • FAQ: Frequently asked questions about CVE-2016-4436

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) Score Details

Important note

CVSS scores for open source components depend on vendor-specific factors (e.g. version or build chain). Therefore, Red Hat's score and impact rating can be different from NVD and other vendors. Red Hat remains the authoritative CVE Naming Authority (CNA) source for its products and services (see Red Hat classifications).

The following CVSS metrics and score provided are preliminary and subject to review.

CVSS v2 Score Breakdown
Red HatNVD

CVSS v2 Base Score



Attack Vector



Access Complexity






Confidentiality Impact



Integrity Impact



Availability Impact



CVSS v2 Vector

Red Hat: AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:N/I:P/A:P


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Red Hat's CVSS v3 score or Impact different from other vendors?

My product is listed as "Under investigation" or "Affected", when will Red Hat release a fix for this vulnerability?

What can I do if my product is listed as "Will not fix"?

What can I do if my product is listed as "Fix deferred"?

What is a mitigation?

I have a Red Hat product but it is not in the above list, is it affected?

Why is my security scanner reporting my product as vulnerable to this vulnerability even though my product version is fixed or not affected?

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