Managing systems using the RHEL 8 web console

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Server management with a graphical web-based interface

Red Hat Customer Content Services


The RHEL web console is a web-based graphical interface, which is based on the upstream Cockpit project. By using it, you can perform system administration tasks, such as inspecting and controlling systemd services, managing storage, configuring networks, analyzing network issues, and inspecting logs.

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Chapter 1. Getting started using the RHEL web console

Learn how to install the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 web console, how to add and manage remote hosts through its convenient graphical interface, and how to monitor the systems managed by the web console.

1.1. What is the RHEL web console

The RHEL web console is a web-based interface designed for managing and monitoring your local system, as well as Linux servers located in your network environment.

The RHEL web console enables you to perform a wide range of administration tasks, including:

  • Managing services
  • Managing user accounts
  • Managing and monitoring system services
  • Configuring network interfaces and firewall
  • Reviewing system logs
  • Managing virtual machines
  • Creating diagnostic reports
  • Setting kernel dump configuration
  • Configuring SELinux
  • Updating software
  • Managing system subscriptions

The RHEL web console uses the same system APIs as you would use in a terminal, and actions performed in a terminal are immediately reflected in the RHEL web console.

You can monitor the logs of systems in the network environment, as well as their performance, displayed as graphs. In addition, you can change the settings directly in the web console or through the terminal.

1.2. Installing and enabling the web console

To access the RHEL web console, first enable the cockpit.socket service.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 includes the web console installed by default in many installation variants. If this is not the case on your system, install the cockpit package before enabling the cockpit.socket service.


  1. If the web console is not installed by default on your installation variant, manually install the cockpit package:

    # yum install cockpit
  2. Enable and start the cockpit.socket service, which runs a web server:

    # systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
  3. If the web console was not installed by default on your installation variant and you are using a custom firewall profile, add the cockpit service to firewalld to open port 9090 in the firewall:

    # firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
    # firewall-cmd --reload

Verification steps

1.3. Logging in to the web console

When the cockpit.socket service is running and the corresponding firewall port is open, you can log in to the web console in your browser for the first time.


  • Use one of the following browsers to open the web console:

    • Mozilla Firefox 52 and later
    • Google Chrome 57 and later
    • Microsoft Edge 16 and later
  • System user account credentials

    The RHEL web console uses a specific pluggable authentication modules (PAM) stack at /etc/pam.d/cockpit. The default configuration allows logging in with the user name and password of any local account on the system.

  • Port 9090 is open in your firewall.


  1. In your web browser, enter the following address to access the web console:


    This provides a web-console login on your local machine. If you want to log in to the web console of a remote system, see Section 1.6, “Connecting to the web console from a remote machine”

    If you use a self-signed certificate, the browser displays a warning. Check the certificate, and accept the security exception to proceed with the login.

    The console loads a certificate from the /etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d directory and uses the last file with a .cert extension in alphabetical order. To avoid having to grant security exceptions, install a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA).

  2. In the login screen, enter your system user name and password.
  3. Click Log In.

After successful authentication, the RHEL web console interface opens.


To switch between limited and administrative access, click Administrative access or Limited access in the top panel of the web console page. You must provide your user password to gain administrative access.

1.4. Changing the default style setting for the web console

By default, the web console adopts its style setting from the setting of your browser. You can override the default style setting from your RHEL 8 web console interface.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. In the upper right corner, click the Session button.
  3. In the section Style, choose the preferred setting. The Default setting uses the same style setting as your browser.

Verification steps

  1. The style setting has changed according to set style.

1.5. Disabling basic authentication in the web console

You can modify the behavior of an authentication scheme by modifying the cockpit.conf file. Use the none action to disable an authentication scheme and only allow authentication through GSSAPI and forms.


  • The web console is installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • You have root privileges or permissions to enter administrative commands with sudo.


  1. Open or create the cockpit.conf file in the /etc/cockpit/ directory in a text editor of your preference, for example:

    # vi cockpit.conf
  2. Add the following text:

    action = none
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the web console for changes to take effect.

    # systemctl try-restart cockpit

1.6. Connecting to the web console from a remote machine

You can connect to your web console interface from any client operating system and also from mobile phones or tablets.


  • A device with a supported internet browser, such as:

    • Mozilla Firefox 52 and later
    • Google Chrome 57 and later
    • Microsoft Edge 16 and later
  • RHEL 8 server you want to access with an installed and accessible web console. For more information about the installation of the web console see Installing the web console.


  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Type the remote server’s address in one of the following formats:

    1. With the server’s host name:


      For example:
    2. With the server’s IP address:


      For example:
  3. After the login interface opens, log in with your RHEL system credentials.

1.7. Logging in to the web console using a one-time password

If your system is part of an Identity Management (IdM) domain with enabled one-time password (OTP) configuration, you can use an OTP to log in to the RHEL web console.


It is possible to log in using a one-time password only if your system is part of an Identity Management (IdM) domain with enabled OTP configuration. For more information about OTP in IdM, see One-time password in Identity Management.



  1. Open the RHEL web console in your browser:

    • Locally: https://localhost:PORT_NUMBER
    • Remotely with the server hostname:
    • Remotely with the server IP address: https://EXAMPLE.SERVER.IP.ADDR:PORT_NUMBER

      If you use a self-signed certificate, the browser issues a warning. Check the certificate and accept the security exception to proceed with the login.

      The console loads a certificate from the /etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d directory and uses the last file with a .cert extension in alphabetical order. To avoid having to grant security exceptions, install a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA).

  2. The Login window opens. In the Login window, enter your system user name and password.
  3. Generate a one-time password on your device.
  4. Enter the one-time password into a new field that appears in the web console interface after you confirm your password.
  5. Click Log in.
  6. Successful login takes you to the Overview page of the web console interface.

1.8. Rebooting the system using the web console

You can use the web console to restart a RHEL system that the web console is attached to.



  1. Log into the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. In the Overview page, click the Reboot button.

    cockpit system restart pf4

  3. If any users are logged in to the system, you can write a message about the restart in the Reboot dialog box.
  4. Optional: In the Delay drop-down list, select a time interval for the reboot delay.

    cockpit restart delay pf4

  5. Click Reboot.

1.9. Shutting down the system using the web console

You can use the web console to shut down a RHEL system that the web console is attached to.



  1. Log into the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Overview.
  3. In the Restart drop-down list, select Shut Down.

    cockpit system shutdown pf4

  4. If any users are logged in to the system, write a reason for the shutdown in the Shut Down dialog box.
  5. Optional: In the Delay drop-down list, select a time interval.
  6. Click Shut Down.

1.10. Configuring time settings using the web console

You can set a time zone and synchronize the system time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click the current system time in Overview.

    RHEL web console

  3. Click System time.
  4. In the Change System Time dialog box, change the time zone if necessary.
  5. In the Set Time drop-down menu, select one of the following:

    Use this option if you need to set the time manually, without an NTP server.
    Automatically using NTP server
    This is a default option, which synchronizes time automatically with the preset NTP servers.
    Automatically using specific NTP servers
    Use this option only if you need to synchronize the system with a specific NTP server. Specify the DNS name or the IP address of the server.
  6. Click Change.

    RHEL web console

Verification steps

  • Check the system time displayed in the System tab.

1.11. Joining a RHEL 8 system to an IdM domain using the web console

You can use the web console to join the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 system to the Identity Management (IdM) domain.


  • The IdM domain is running and reachable from the client you want to join.
  • You have the IdM domain administrator credentials.


  1. Log into the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. In the Configuration field of the Overview tab click Join Domain.
  3. In the Join a Domain dialog box, enter the host name of the IdM server in the Domain Address field.
  4. In the Domain administrator name field, enter the user name of the IdM administration account.
  5. In the Domain administrator password, add a password.
  6. Click Join.

Verification steps

  1. If the RHEL 8 web console did not display an error, the system has been joined to the IdM domain and you can see the domain name in the System screen.
  2. To verify that the user is a member of the domain, click the Terminal page and type the id command:

    $ id
    euid=548800004(example_user) gid=548800004(example_user) groups=548800004(example_user) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023

1.12. Disabling SMT to prevent CPU security issues using the web console

Disable Simultaneous Multi Threading (SMT) in case of attacks that misuse CPU SMT. Disabling SMT can mitigate security vulnerabilities, such as L1TF or MDS.


Disabling SMT might lower the system performance.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. In the Overview tab find the System information field and click View hardware details.
  3. On the CPU Security line, click Mitigations.

    If this link is not present, it means that your system does not support SMT, and therefore is not vulnerable.

  4. In the CPU Security Toggles table, turn on the Disable simultaneous multithreading (nosmt) option.
  5. Click the Save and reboot button.

After the system restart, the CPU no longer uses SMT.

1.13. Adding a banner to the login page

You can set the web console to show a content of a banner file on the login screen.


  • The web console is installed and accessible.

    For details, see Installing the web console.

  • You have root privileges or permissions to enter administrative commands with sudo.


  1. Open the /etc/issue.cockpit file in a text editor of your preference:

    # vi /etc/issue.cockpit
  2. Add the content you want to display as the banner to the file, for example:

    This is an example banner for the RHEL web console login page.

    You cannot include any macros in the file, but you can use line breaks and ASCII art.

  3. Save the file.
  4. Open the cockpit.conf file in the /etc/cockpit/ directory in a text editor of your preference, for example:

    # vi /etc/cockpit/cockpit.conf
  5. Add the following text to the file:

  6. Save the file.
  7. Restart the web console for changes to take effect.

    # systemctl try-restart cockpit

Verification steps

  • Open the web console login screen again to verify that the banner is now visible:

    Example banner

1.14. Configuring automatic idle lock in the web console

You can enable the automatic idle lock and set the idle timeout for your system through the web console interface.


  • The web console must be installed and accessible.

    For details, see Installing the web console.

  • You have root privileges or permissions to enter administrative commands with sudo.


  1. Open the cockpit.conf file in the /etc/cockpit/ directory in a text editor of your preference, for example:

    # vi /etc/cockpit/cockpit.conf
  2. Add the following text to the file:


    Substitute <X> with a number for a time period of your choice in minutes.

  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the web console for changes to take effect.

    # systemctl try-restart cockpit

Verification steps

  • Check if the session logs you out after a set period of time.

Chapter 2. Configuring the host name in the web console

Learn how to use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux web console to configure different forms of the host name on the system that the web console is attached to.

2.1. Host name

The host name identifies the system. By default, the host name is set to localhost, but you can change it.

A host name consists of two parts:

Host name
It is a unique name which identifies a system.
Add the domain as a suffix behind the host name when using a system in a network and when using names instead of just IP addresses.

A host name with an attached domain name is called a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example:

Host names are stored in the /etc/hostname file.

2.2. Pretty host name in the web console

You can configure a pretty host name in the RHEL web console. The pretty host name is a host name with capital letters, spaces, and so on.

The pretty host name displays in the web console, but it does not have to correspond with the host name.

Example 2.1. Host name formats in the web console

Pretty host name
My Machine
Host name
Real host name - fully qualified domain name (FQDN)

2.3. Setting the host name using the web console

This procedure sets the real host name or the pretty host name in the web console.



  1. Log into the web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Overview.
  3. Click edit next to the current host name.

    cockpit hostname pf4

  4. In the Change Host Name dialog box, enter the host name in the Pretty Host Name field.
  5. The Real Host Name field attaches a domain name to the pretty name.

    You can change the real host name manually if it does not correspond with the pretty host name.

  6. Click Change.

    cockpit hostname change pf4

Verification steps

  1. Log out from the web console.
  2. Reopen the web console by entering an address with the new host name in the address bar of your browser.

    cockpit hostname change verify pf4

Chapter 3. Installing web console add-ons and creating custom pages

Depending on how you want to use your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system, you can add additional available applications to the web console or create custom pages based on your use case.

3.1. Add-ons for the RHEL web console

While the cockpit package is a part of Red Hat Enterprise Linux by default, you can install add-on applications on demand using the following command:

# yum install <add-on>

In the previous command, replace <add-on> by a package name from the list of available add-on applications for the RHEL web console.

Feature namePackage nameUsage



Building custom OS images



Managing libvirt virtual machines



Software updates and application installation (usually installed by default)



Persistent and more fine-grained performance data (installed on demand from the UI)



Managing containers and managing container images (available from RHEL 8.1)

Session Recording


Recording and managing user sessions



Managing storage through udisks

3.2. Creating new pages in the web console

If you want to add customized functions to your Red Hat Enterprise Linux web console, you must add the package directory that contains the HTML and JavaScript files for the page that runs the required function.

For detailed information about adding custom pages, see Creating Plugins for the Cockpit User Interface on the Cockpit Project website.

Additional resources

Chapter 4. Optimizing the system performance using the web console

Learn how to set a performance profile in the RHEL web console to optimize the performance of the system for a selected task.

4.1. Performance tuning options in the web console

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 provides several performance profiles that optimize the system for the following tasks:

  • Systems using the desktop
  • Throughput performance
  • Latency performance
  • Network performance
  • Low power consumption
  • Virtual machines

The TuneD service optimizes system options to match the selected profile.

In the web console, you can set which performance profile your system uses.

Additional resources

4.2. Setting a performance profile in the web console

Depending on the task you want to perform, you can use the web console to optimize system performance by setting a suitable performance profile.



  1. Log into the 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Overview.
  3. In the Configuration section, click the current performance profile.

    Image displaying the Overview pane of the cockpit interface.

  4. In the Change Performance Profile dialog box, set the required profile.

    Image displaying the Change performance profile dialog box.

  5. Click Change Profile.

Verification steps

  • The Overview tab now shows the selected performance profile in the Configuration section.

4.3. Monitoring performance on the local system using the web console

Red Hat Enterprise Linux web console uses the Utilization Saturation and Errors (USE) Method for troubleshooting. The new performance metrics page has a historical view of your data organized chronologically with the newest data at the top.

In the Metrics and history page, you can view events, errors, and graphical representation for resource utilization and saturation.


  • The web console is installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • The cockpit-pcp package, which enables collecting the performance metrics, is installed:

    1. To install the package from the web console interface:

      1. Log in to the web console with administrative privileges. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
      2. In the Overview page, click View metrics and history.
      3. Click the Install cockpit-pcp button.
      4. In the Install software dialog window, click Install.
    2. To install the package from the command-line interface, use:

      # yum install cockpit-pcp
  • The Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) service is enabled:

    # systemctl enable --now pmlogger.service pmproxy.service


  1. Log into the 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Overview.
  3. In the Usage section, click View metrics and history.

    Image displaying the Overview pane of the cockpit interface.

    The Metrics and history section opens:

    • The current system configuration and usage: Image displaying the current system configuration and usage
    • The performance metrics in a graphical form over a user-specified time interval: Image displaying the performance metrics of the CPU

4.4. Monitoring performance on several systems using the web console and Grafana

Grafana enables you to collect data from several systems at once and review a graphical representation of their collected Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) metrics. You can set up performance metrics monitoring and export for several systems in the web console interface.


  • The web console must be installed and accessible. For details, see link:Installing the web console.
  • Install the cockpit-pcp package.

    1. From the web console interface:

      1. Log in to the web console with administrative privileges. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
      2. In the Overview page, click View details and history.
      3. Click the Install cockpit-pcp button.
      4. In the Install software dialog window, click Install.
      5. Log out and in again to see the metrics history.
    2. To install the package from the command-line interface, use:

      # yum install cockpit-pcp
  • Enable the PCP service:

    # systemctl enable --now pmlogger.service pmproxy.service
  • Set up Grafana dashboard. For more information, see Setting up a grafana-server.
  • Install the redis package.

    # yum install redis

    Alternatively, you can install the package from the web console interface later in the procedure.


  1. In the Overview page, click View metrics and history in the Usage table.
  2. Click the Metrics settings button.
  3. Move the Export to network slider to active position.

    Metrics settings

    If you do not have the redis package installed, the web console prompts you to install it.

  4. To open the pmproxy service, select a zone from a drop-down list and click the Add pmproxy button.
  5. Click Save.


  1. Click Networking.
  2. In the Firewall table, click the Edit rules and zones button.
  3. Search for pmproxy in your selected zone.

Repeat this procedure on all the systems you want to watch.

Chapter 5. Reviewing logs in the web console

Learn how to access, review and filter logs in the RHEL 8 web console.

5.1. Reviewing logs in the web console

The RHEL 8 web console Logs section is a UI for the journalctl utility. You can access system logs in the web console interface.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Logs.

    cockpit logs new

  3. Open log entry details by clicking on your selected log entry in the list.

You can use the Pause button to pause new log entries from appearing. Once you resume new log entries, the web console will load all log entries that were reported after you used the Pause button.

You can filter the logs by time, priority or identifier. For more information, see Filtering logs in the web console.

5.2. Filtering logs in the web console

You can filter log entries in the web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Logs.
  3. By default, web console shows the latest log entries. To filter by a specific time range, click the Time drop-down menu and choose a preferred option.

    cockpit logs time new

  4. Error and above severity logs list is shown by default. To filter by different priority, click the Error and above drop-down menu and choose a preferred priority.

    cockpit logs priority

  5. By default, web console shows logs for all identifiers. To filter logs for a particular identifier, click the All drop-down menu and select an identifier.

    cockpit logs identifier

  6. To open a log entry, click on a selected log.

5.3. Text search options for filtering logs in the web console

The text search option functionality provides a big variety of options for filtering logs. If you decide to filter logs by using the text search, you can use the predefined options that are defined in the three drop-down menus, or you can type the whole search yourself.

Drop-down menus

There are three drop-down menus that you can use to specify the main parameters of your search:

  • Time: This drop-down menu contains predefined searches for different time ranges of your search.
  • Priority: This drop-down menu provides options for different priority levels. It corresponds to the journalctl --priority option. The default priority value is Error and above. It is set every time you do not specify any other priority.
  • Identifier: In this drop-down menu, you can select an identifier that you want to filter. Corresponds to the journalctl --identifier option.


There are six quantifiers that you can use to specify your search. They are covered in the Options for filtering logs table.

Log fields

If you want to search for a specific log field, it is possible to specify the field together with its content.

Free-form text search in logs messages

You can filter any text string of your choice in the logs messages. The string can also be in the form of a regular expressions.

Advanced logs filtering I

Filter all log messages identified by 'systemd' that happened since October 22, 2020 midnight and journal field 'JOB_TYPE' is either 'start' or 'restart.

  1. Type identifier:systemd since:2020-10-22 JOB_TYPE=start,restart to search field.
  2. Check the results.

    advanced logs search I

Advanced logs filtering II

Filter all log messages that come from 'cockpit.service' systemd unit that happened in the boot before last and the message body contains either "error" or "fail".

  1. Type service:cockpit boot:-1 error|fail to the search field.
  2. Check the results.

    advanced logs search II

5.4. Using a text search box to filter logs in the web console

Using the text search box allows you to filter logs according to different parameters. The search combines usage of the filtering drop-down menus, quantifiers, log fields and free-form string search.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Logs.
  3. Use the drop-down menus to specify the three main quantifiers - time range, priority, and identifier(s) - you want to filter.

    The Priority quantifier always has to have a value. If you do not specify it, it automatically filters the Error and above priority. Notice that the options you set reflect in the text search box.

  4. Specify the log field you want to filter.

    It is possible to add several log fields.

  5. You can use a free-form string to search for anything else. The search box also accepts regular expressions.

5.5. Options for logs filtering

There are several journalctl options, which you can use for filtering logs in the web console, that may be useful. Some of these are already covered as part of the drop-down menus in the web console interface.

Table 5.1. Table

Option nameUsageNotes


Filter output by message priorities. Takes a single numeric or textual log level. The log levels are the usual syslog log levels. If a single log level is specified, all messages with this log level or a lower (therefore more important) log level are shown.

Covered in the Priority drop-down menu.


Show messages for the specified syslog identifier SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER. Can be specified multiple times.

Covered in the Identifier drop-down menu.


Shows only the most recent journal entries, and continuously prints new entries as they are appended to the journal.

Not covered in a drop-down.


Show messages for the specified systemd unit. Can be specified multiple times.

Is not covered in a drop-down. Corresponds to the journalctl --unit parameter.


Show messages from a specific boot.

A positive integer will look up the boots starting from the beginning of the journal, and an equal-or-less-than zero integer will look up boots starting from the end of the journal. Therefore, 1 means the first boot found in the journal in chronological order, 2 the second and so on; while -0 is the last boot, -1 the boot before last, and so on.

Covered only as Current boot or Previous boot in the Time drop-down menu. Other options need to be written manually.


Start showing entries on or newer than the specified date, or on or older than the specified date, respectively. Date specifications should be of the format "2012-10-30 18:17:16". If the time part is omitted, "00:00:00" is assumed. If only the seconds component is omitted, ":00" is assumed. If the date component is omitted, the current day is assumed. Alternatively the strings "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow" are understood, which refer to 00:00:00 of the day before the current day, the current day, or the day after the current day, respectively. "now" refers to the current time. Finally, relative times may be specified, prefixed with "-" or "+", referring to times before or after the current time, respectively.

Not covered in a drop-down.

Chapter 6. Managing user accounts in the web console

The RHEL web console offers an interface for adding, editing, and removing system user accounts.

After reading this section, you will know:

  • From where the existing accounts come from.
  • How to add new accounts.
  • How to set password expiration.
  • How and when to terminate user sessions.


6.1. System user accounts managed in the web console

With user accounts displayed in the RHEL web console you can:

  • Authenticate users when accessing the system.
  • Set the access rights to the system.

The RHEL web console displays all user accounts located in the system. Therefore, you can see at least one user account just after the first login to the web console.

After logging into the RHEL web console, you can perform the following operations:

  • Create new users accounts.
  • Change their parameters.
  • Lock accounts.
  • Terminate user sessions.

6.2. Adding new accounts using the web console

You can add user accounts to the system and set administration rights to the accounts through the RHEL web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Click Create New Account.
  4. In the Full Name field, enter the full name of the user.

    The RHEL web console automatically suggests a user name from the full name and fills it in the User Name field. If you do not want to use the original naming convention consisting of the first letter of the first name and the whole surname, update the suggestion.

  5. In the Password/Confirm fields, enter the password and retype it for verification that your password is correct.

    The color bar below the fields shows you the security level of the entered password, which does not allow you to create a user with a weak password.

  6. Click Create to save the settings and close the dialog box.
  7. Select the newly created account.
  8. In the Groups drop-down menu, select the groups that you want to add to the new account.

    cockpit accounts new user

    Now you can see the new account in the Accounts settings and you can use its credentials to connect to the system.

6.3. Enforcing password expiration in the web console

By default, user accounts have set passwords to never expire. You can set system passwords to expire after a defined number of days. When the password expires, the next login attempt will prompt for a password change.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Select the user account for which you want to enforce password expiration.
  4. Click edit on the Password line.

    cockpit edit password change

  5. In the Password expiration dialog box, select Require password change every …​ days and enter a positive whole number representing the number of days after which the password expires.
  6. Click Change.

    The web console immediately shows the date of the future password change request on the Password line.

6.4. Terminating user sessions in the web console

A user creates user sessions when logging into the system. Terminating user sessions means to log the user out from the system. It can be helpful if you need to perform administrative tasks sensitive to configuration changes, for example, system upgrades.

In each user account in the RHEL 8web console, you can terminate all sessions for the account except for the web console session you are currently using. This prevents you from loosing access to your system.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Click the user account for which you want to terminate the session.
  4. Click Terminate Session.

    If the Terminate Session button is inactive, the user is not logged in to the system.

    The RHEL web console terminates the sessions.

Chapter 7. Managing services in the web console

Learn how to manage system services in the RHEL web console interface. You can activate or deactivate services, restart or reload them, or manage their automatic startup.

7.1. Activating or deactivating system services in the web console

This procedure activates or deactivates system services using the web console interface.



You can filter services by name or description and also by Enabled, Disabled, or Static automatic startup. The interface shows the current state of the service and its recent logs.

  1. Log in to the RHEL web console with administrator privileges.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Services in the web console menu on the left.
  3. The default tab for Services is System Services. If you want to manage targets, sockets, timers, or paths, switch to the respective tab in the menu on top.
  4. To open service settings, click on a selected service from the list. You can tell which services are active or inactive by checking the State column.
  5. Activate or deactivate a service:

    • To activate an inactive service, click the Start button.

      cockpit service start pf4

    • To deactivate an active service, click the Stop button.

      cockpit service stop pf4

7.2. Restarting system services in the web console

This procedure restarts system services using the web console interface.



You can filter services by name or description and also by Enabled, Disabled, or Static automatic startup. The interface shows the current state of the service and its recent logs.

  1. Log in to the RHEL web console with administrator privileges.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Services in the web console menu on the left.
  3. The default tab for Services is System Services. If you want to manage targets, sockets, timers, or paths, switch to the respective tab in the menu on top.
  4. To open service settings, click on a selected service from the list.
  5. To restart a service, click the Restart button.

7.3. Overriding the manifest settings in the web console

You can modify the menu of the web console for a particular user and all users of the system. In the cockpit project, a package name is a directory name. A package contains the manifest.json file along with other files. Default settings are present in the manifest.json file. You can override the default cockpit menu settings by creating a <package-name>.override.json file at a specific location for the specified user.



  1. Override manifest settings in the <systemd>.override.json file in a text editor of your choice, for example:

    1. To edit for all users, enter:

      # vi /etc/cockpit/<systemd>.override.json
    2. To edit for a single user, enter:

      # vi ~/.config/cockpit/<systemd>.override.json
  2. Edit the required file with the following details:

      "menu": {
      "services": null,
      "logs": {
          "order": -1
    • The null value hides the services tab
    • The -1 value moves the logs tab to the first place.
  3. Restart the cockpit service:

    # systemctl restart cockpit.service

Additional resources

Chapter 8. Configuring network bonds using the web console

Learn how network bonding works and configure network bonds in the RHEL 8 web console.


The RHEL 8 web console uses the NetworkManager service for networking-related operations.


8.1. Upstream switch configuration depending on the bonding modes

Depending on the bonding mode you want to use, you must configure the ports on the switch:

Bonding modeConfiguration on the switch

0 - balance-rr

Requires static EtherChannel enabled, not Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)-negotiated.

1 - active-backup

No configuration required on the switch.

2 - balance-xor

Requires static EtherChannel enabled, not LACP-negotiated.

3 - broadcast

Requires static EtherChannel enabled, not LACP-negotiated.

4 - 802.3ad

Requires LACP-negotiated EtherChannel enabled.

5 - balance-tlb

No configuration required on the switch.

6 - balance-alb

No configuration required on the switch.

For details how to configure your switch, see the documentation of the switch.


Certain network bonding features, such as the fail-over mechanism, do not support direct cable connections without a network switch. For further details, see the Is bonding supported with direct connection using crossover cables? KCS solution.

8.2. Bond modes

In RHEL 8 there are several mode options. Each mode option is characterize by specific load balancing and fault tolerance. The behavior of the bonded interfaces depends upon the mode. The bonding modes provide fault tolerance, load balancing or both.

Load balancing modes

  • Round Robin: Sequentially transmit packets from the first available interface to the last one.

Fault tolerance modes

  • Active Backup: Only when the primary interface fails, one of a backup interfaces replaces it. Only a MAC address used by active interface is visible.
  • Broadcast: All transmissions are sent on all interfaces.


    Broadcasting significantly increases network traffic on all the bonded interfaces.

Fault tolerance and load balancing modes

  • XOR: The destination MAC addresses are distributed equally between interfaces with a modulo hash. Each interface then serves the same group of MAC addresses.
  • 802.3ad: Sets an IEEE 802.3ad dynamic link aggregation policy. Creates aggregation groups that share the same speed and duplex settings. Transmits and receives on all interfaces in the active aggregator.


    This mode requires a switch that is 802.3ad compliant.

  • Adaptive transmit load balancing: The outgoing traffic is distributed according to the current load on each interface. Incoming traffic is received by the current interface. If the receiving interface fails, another interface takes over the MAC address of the failed one.
  • Adaptive load balancing: Includes transmit and receive load balancing for IPv4 traffic.

    Receive load balancing is achieved through Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) negotiation, therefore, it is necessary to set Link Monitoring to ARP in the bond’s configuration.

8.3. Configuring a network bond by using the RHEL web console

Use the RHEL web console to configure a network bond if you prefer to manage network settings using a web browser-based interface.



  1. Select the Networking tab in the navigation on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click Add bond in the Interfaces section.
  3. Enter the name of the bond device you want to create.
  4. Select the interfaces that should be members of the bond.
  5. Select the mode of the bond.

    If you select Active backup, the web console shows the additional field Primary in which you can select the preferred active device.

  6. Set the link monitoring mode. For example, when you use the Adaptive load balancing mode, set it to ARP.
  7. Optional: Adjust the monitoring interval, link up delay, and link down delay settings. Typically, you only change the defaults for troubleshooting purposes.

    bond settings
  8. Click Apply.
  9. By default, the bond uses a dynamic IP address. If you want to set a static IP address:

    1. Click the name of the bond in the Interfaces section.
    2. Click Edit next to the protocol you want to configure.
    3. Select Manual next to Addresses, and enter the IP address, prefix, and default gateway.
    4. In the DNS section, click the + button, and enter the IP address of the DNS server. Repeat this step to set multiple DNS servers.
    5. In the DNS search domains section, click the + button, and enter the search domain.
    6. If the interface requires static routes, configure them in the Routes section.

      bond team bridge vlan.ipv4
    7. Click Apply


  1. Select the Networking tab in the navigation on the left side of the screen, and check if there is incoming and outgoing traffic on the interface:

    bond verify
  2. Temporarily remove the network cable from the host.

    Note that there is no method to properly test link failure events using software utilities. Tools that deactivate connections, such as the web console, show only the bonding driver’s ability to handle member configuration changes and not actual link failure events.

  3. Display the status of the bond:

    # cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0

8.4. Adding interfaces to the bond using the web console

Network bonds can include multiple interfaces and you can add or remove any of them at any time.

Learn how to add a network interface to an existing bond.



  1. Log in to the web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Open Networking.
  3. In the Interfaces table, click on the bond you want to configure.
  4. In the bond settings screen, scroll down to the table of members (interfaces).
  5. Click the Add member drop-down icon.
  6. Select the interface From the drop-down menu and click it.

Verification steps

  • Check that the selected interface appeared in the Interface members table in the bond settings screen.

8.5. Removing or disabling an interface from the bond using the web console

Network bonds can include multiple interfaces. If you need to change a device, you can remove or disable particular interfaces from the bond, which will work with the rest of the active interfaces.

To stop using an interface included in a bond, you can:

  • Remove the interface from the bond.
  • Disable the interface temporarily. The interface stays a part of the bond, but the bond will not use it until you enable it again.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Open Networking.
  3. Click the bond you want to configure.
  4. In the bond settings screen, scroll down to the table of ports (interfaces).
  5. Select the interface and remove or disable it:

    • To remove the interface, click the - button.
    • To disable or enable the interface, toggle the switch next to the selected interface.

Based on your choice, the web console either removes or disables the interface from the bond and you can see it back in the Networking section as a standalone interface.

8.6. Removing or disabling a bond using the web console

Remove or disable a network bond using the web console. If you disable the bond, the interfaces stay in the bond, but the bond will not be used for network traffic.


  • There is an existing bond in the web console.


  1. Log in to the web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Open Networking.
  3. Click the bond you want to remove.
  4. In the bond settings screen, you can disable or enable the bond by toggling a switcher or click the Delete button to remove the bond permanently.

    cockpit remove bond

Verification steps

  • Go back to Networking and verify that all the interfaces from the bond are now standalone interfaces.

Chapter 9. Configuring network teams using the web console

Learn how network bonding works, what are the differences between network teams and network bonds, and what are the possibilities of configuration in the web console.

Additionally you can find guidelines for:

  • Adding a new network team
  • Adding new interfaces to an existing network team
  • Removing interfaces from an existing network team
  • Removing a network team

Network teaming is deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. If you plan to upgrade your server to a future version of RHEL, consider using the kernel bonding driver as an alternative. For details, see Configuring network bonding.


9.1. Configuring a network team by using the RHEL web console

Use the RHEL web console to configure a network team if you prefer to manage network settings using a web browser-based interface.


Network teaming is deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. If you plan to upgrade your server to a future version of RHEL, consider using the kernel bonding driver as an alternative. For details, see Configuring network bonding.



  1. Select the Networking tab in the navigation on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click Add team in the Interfaces section.
  3. Enter the name of the team device you want to create.
  4. Select the interfaces that should be ports of the team.
  5. Select the runner of the team.

    If you select Load balancing or 802.3ad LACP, the web console shows the additional field Balancer.

  6. Set the link watcher:

    • If you select Ethtool, additionally, set a link up and link down delay.
    • If you set ARP ping or NSNA ping, additionally, set a ping interval and ping target.
    team settings
  7. Click Apply.
  8. By default, the team uses a dynamic IP address. If you want to set a static IP address:

    1. Click the name of the team in the Interfaces section.
    2. Click Edit next to the protocol you want to configure.
    3. Select Manual next to Addresses, and enter the IP address, prefix, and default gateway.
    4. In the DNS section, click the + button, and enter the IP address of the DNS server. Repeat this step to set multiple DNS servers.
    5. In the DNS search domains section, click the + button, and enter the search domain.
    6. If the interface requires static routes, configure them in the Routes section.

      bond team bridge vlan.ipv4
    7. Click Apply


  1. Select the Networking tab in the navigation on the left side of the screen, and check if there is incoming and outgoing traffic on the interface.

    team verify
  2. Display the status of the team:

    # teamdctl team0 state
      runner: activebackup
        link watches:
          link summary: up
            name: ethtool
            link: up
            down count: 0
        link watches:
          link summary: up
            name: ethtool
            link: up
            down count: 0
      active port: enp7s0

    In this example, both ports are up.

Additional resources

9.2. Adding new interfaces to the team using the web console

Network teams can include multiple interfaces and it is possible to add or remove any of them at any time. The following section describes how to add a new network interface to an existing team.


  • A network team with is configured.


  1. Log in to the web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Switch to the Networking tab.
  3. In the Interfaces table, click on the team you want to configure.
  4. In the team settings window, scroll down to the Ports table.
  5. Click on the + button.
  6. Select the interface you want to add from the drop-down list.

    cockpit network team add interface

The RHEL web console adds the interface to the team.

9.3. Removing or disabling an interface from the team using the web console

Network teams can include multiple interfaces. If you need to change a device, you can remove or disable particular interfaces from the network team, which will work together with the rest of active interfaces.

There are two options how to stop using an interface included in a team:

  • Removing the interface from the team
  • Temporarily disabling the interface. The interface then stays as part of the team, but the team will not use it until you enable it again.


  • A network team with multiple interfaces exists on the host.


  1. Log in to the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Switch to the Networking tab.
  3. Click the team you want to configure.
  4. In the team settings window, scroll down to the table of ports (interfaces).
  5. Select an interface and remove or disable it.

    1. Switch the ON/OFF button to Off to disable the interface.
    2. Click the - button to remove the interface.

      cockpit team remove interface

Based on your choice, the web console either removes or disables the interface. If you remove the interface, it will be available in Networking as a standalone interface.

9.4. Removing or disabling a team using the web console

Remove or disable a network team using the web console. If you only disable the team, interfaces in the team will stay in it but the team will not be used for network traffic.


  • A network team is configured on the host.


  1. Log in to the web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Switch to the Networking tab.
  3. Click the team you want to remove or disable.
  4. Remove or disable the selected team.

    1. You can remove the team by clicking the Delete button.
    2. You can disable the team by moving the ON/OFF switch to a disabled position.

      cockpit team remove

Verification steps

  • If you removed the team, go to Networking, and verify that all the interfaces from your team are now listed as standalone interfaces.

Chapter 10. Configuring network bridges in the web console

Network bridges are used to connect multiple interfaces to the one subnet with the same range of IP addresses.


10.1. Configuring a network bridge by using the RHEL web console

Use the RHEL web console to configure a network bridge if you prefer to manage network settings using a web browser-based interface.



  1. Select the Networking tab in the navigation on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click Add bridge in the Interfaces section.
  3. Enter the name of the bridge device you want to create.
  4. Select the interfaces that should be ports of the bridge.
  5. Optional: Enable the Spanning tree protocol (STP) feature to avoid bridge loops and broadcast radiation.

    bridge settings
  6. Click Apply.
  7. By default, the bridge uses a dynamic IP address. If you want to set a static IP address:

    1. Click the name of the bridge in the Interfaces section.
    2. Click Edit next to the protocol you want to configure.
    3. Select Manual next to Addresses, and enter the IP address, prefix, and default gateway.
    4. In the DNS section, click the + button, and enter the IP address of the DNS server. Repeat this step to set multiple DNS servers.
    5. In the DNS search domains section, click the + button, and enter the search domain.
    6. If the interface requires static routes, configure them in the Routes section.

      bond team bridge vlan.ipv4
    7. Click Apply


  1. Select the Networking tab in the navigation on the left side of the screen, and check if there is incoming and outgoing traffic on the interface:

    bridge verify

10.2. Removing interfaces from the bridge using the web console

Network bridges can include multiple interfaces. You can remove them from the bridge. Each removed interface will be automatically changed to the standalone interface.

Learn how to remove a network interface from a software bridge created in the RHEL 8 system.


  • Having a bridge with multiple interfaces in your system.


  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Open Networking.
  3. Click the bridge you want to configure.
  4. In the bridge settings screen, scroll down to the table of ports (interfaces).
  5. Select an interface and click the - button.

Verification steps

  • Go to Networking to check that you can see the interface as a standalone interface in the Interface members table.

10.3. Deleting bridges in the web console

You can delete a software network bridge in the RHEL web console. All network interfaces included in the bridge will be changed automatically to standalone interfaces.


  • Having a bridge in your system.


  1. Log in to the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Open the Networking section.
  3. Click the bridge you want to configure.
  4. Click Delete.

    cockpit bridge delete

Verification steps

  • Go back to Networking and verify that all the network interfaces are displayed in the Interface members table.

Some interfaces that were previously part of the bridge can become inactive. If necessary, activate them and set network parameters manually.

Chapter 11. Configuring VLANs in the web console

This section describes how to configure Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN). A VLAN is a logical network within a physical network. The VLAN interface tags packets with the VLAN ID as they pass through the interface, and removes tags of returning packets.

11.1. Configuring VLAN tagging by using the RHEL web console

Use the RHEL web console to configure VLAN tagging if you prefer to manage network settings using a web browser-based interface.


  • The interface you plan to use as a parent to the virtual VLAN interface supports VLAN tags.
  • If you configure the VLAN on top of a bond interface:

    • The ports of the bond are up.
    • The bond is not configured with the fail_over_mac=follow option. A VLAN virtual device cannot change its MAC address to match the parent’s new MAC address. In such a case, the traffic would still be sent with the incorrect source MAC address.
    • The bond is usually not expected to get IP addresses from a DHCP server or IPv6 auto-configuration. Ensure it by disabling the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol creating the bond. Otherwise, if DHCP or IPv6 auto-configuration fails after some time, the interface might be brought down.
  • The switch, the host is connected to, is configured to support VLAN tags. For details, see the documentation of your switch.


  1. Select the Networking tab in the navigation on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click Add VLAN in the Interfaces section.
  3. Select the parent device.
  4. Enter the VLAN ID.
  5. Enter the name of the VLAN device or keep the automatically-generated name.

    vlan settings
  6. Click Apply.
  7. By default, the VLAN device uses a dynamic IP address. If you want to set a static IP address:

    1. Click the name of the VLAN device in the Interfaces section.
    2. Click Edit next to the protocol you want to configure.
    3. Select Manual next to Addresses, and enter the IP address, prefix, and default gateway.
    4. In the DNS section, click the + button, and enter the IP address of the DNS server. Repeat this step to set multiple DNS servers.
    5. In the DNS search domains section, click the + button, and enter the search domain.
    6. If the interface requires static routes, configure them in the Routes section.

      bond team bridge vlan.ipv4
    7. Click Apply


  • Select the Networking tab in the navigation on the left side of the screen, and check if there is incoming and outgoing traffic on the interface:

    vlan verify

Chapter 12. Configuring the web console listening port

Learn how to allow new ports or change the existing ports using the RHEL 8 web console.

12.1. Allowing a new port on a system with active SELinux

Enable the web console to listen on a selected port.



  • For ports that are not defined by any other part of SELinux, run:

    $ sudo semanage port -a -t websm_port_t -p tcp PORT_NUMBER
  • For ports that already are defined by other part of SELinux, run:

    $ sudo semanage port -m -t websm_port_t -p tcp PORT_NUMBER

The changes should take effect immediately.

12.2. Allowing a new port on a system with firewalld

Enable the web console to receive connections on a new port.


  • The web console must be installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • The firewalld service must be running.


  1. To add a new port number, run the following command:

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --service cockpit --add-port=PORT_NUMBER/tcp
  2. To remove the old port number from the cockpit service, run:

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --service cockpit --remove-port=OLD_PORT_NUMBER/tcp

If you only run the firewall-cmd --service cockpit --add-port=PORT_NUMBER/tcp without the --permanent option, your change will disappear with the next reload of firewalld or a system reboot.

12.3. Changing the web console port

Change default transmission control protocol (TCP) on port 9090 to a different one.



  1. Change the listening port with one of the following methods:

    1. Using the systemctl edit cockpit.socket command:

      1. Enter the following command:

        # systemctl edit cockpit.socket

        This opens the /etc/systemd/system/cockpit.socket.d/override.conf file.

      2. Modify the content of override.conf to contain the following configuration:


        The ListenStream option specifies the desired address and TCP port.


        The first line with an empty value is intentional. systemd allows multiple ListenStream directives to be declared in a single socket unit. An empty value in a drop-in file resets the list and disables the default port 9090 from the original unit.

    2. Alternatively, add the previous socket configuration to the /etc/systemd/system/cockpit.socket.d/listen.conf file.

      Create the cockpit.socket.d. directory and the listen.conf file if they do not exist yet.

  2. Enter the following commands for changes to take effect:

    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl restart cockpit.socket

    If you used systemctl edit cockpit.socket in the previous step, running systemctl daemon-reload is not necessary.

Verification steps

  • To verify that the change was successful, connect to the web console with the new port.

Chapter 13. Managing firewall using the web console

A firewall is a way to protect machines from any unwanted traffic from outside. It enables users to control incoming network traffic on host machines by defining a set of firewall rules. These rules are used to sort the incoming traffic and either block it or allow it through. In RHEL, the firewalld service with the nftables back end functions as a default firewall. Through the RHEL web console, you can configure firewalld.

For details about the firewalld service, see Getting started with firewalld.

13.1. Running firewall using the web console

The following steps show where and how to run the RHEL 8 system firewall in the web console.


The RHEL 8 web console configures the firewalld service.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Open the Networking section.
  3. In the Firewall section, click the slider to run the firewall.

    cockpit turn firewall on

    If you do not see the Firewall slider, log in to the web console with the administrative privileges.

At this stage, your firewall is running.

To configure firewall rules, see Enabling services on the firewall using the web console.

13.2. Stopping firewall using the web console

The following steps show where and how to stop the RHEL 8 system firewall in the web console.


The RHEL 8 web console configures the firewalld service.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Open the Networking section.
  3. In the Firewall section, click the slider to stop the firewall.

    cockpit turn firewall off

    If you do not see the Firewall slider, log in to the web console with the administrative privileges.

At this stage, the firewall has been stopped and does not secure your system.

13.3. Firewall zones

You can use the ⁠firewalld utility to separate networks into different zones according to the level of trust that you have with the interfaces and traffic within that network. A connection can only be part of one zone, but you can use that zone for many network connections.

firewalld follows strict principles in regards to zones:

  1. Traffic ingresses only one zone.
  2. Traffic egresses only one zone.
  3. A zone defines a level of trust.
  4. Intrazone traffic (within the same zone) is allowed by default.
  5. Interzone traffic (from zone to zone) is denied by default.

Principles 4 and 5 are a consequence of principle 3.

Principle 4 is configurable through the zone option --remove-forward. Principle 5 is configurable by adding new policies.

NetworkManager notifies firewalld of the zone of an interface. You can assign zones to interfaces with the following utilities:

  • NetworkManager
  • firewall-config utility
  • firewall-cmd utility
  • The RHEL web console

The RHEL web console, firewall-config, and firewall-cmd can only edit the appropriate NetworkManager configuration files. If you change the zone of the interface using the web console, firewall-cmd, or firewall-config, the request is forwarded to NetworkManager and is not handled by ⁠firewalld.

The /usr/lib/firewalld/zones/ directory stores the predefined zones, and you can instantly apply them to any available network interface. These files are copied to the /etc/firewalld/zones/ directory only after they are modified. The default settings of the predefined zones are as follows:

  • Suitable for: Any incoming network connections are rejected with an icmp-host-prohibited message for IPv4 and icmp6-adm-prohibited for IPv6.
  • Accepts: Only network connections initiated from within the system.
  • Suitable for: Computers in your DMZ that are publicly-accessible with limited access to your internal network.
  • Accepts: Only selected incoming connections.

Suitable for: Any incoming network packets are dropped without any notification.

  • Accepts: Only outgoing network connections.
  • Suitable for: External networks with masquerading enabled, especially for routers. Situations when you do not trust the other computers on the network.
  • Accepts: Only selected incoming connections.
  • Suitable for: Home environment where you mostly trust the other computers on the network.
  • Accepts: Only selected incoming connections.
  • Suitable for: Internal networks where you mostly trust the other computers on the network.
  • Accepts: Only selected incoming connections.
  • Suitable for: Public areas where you do not trust other computers on the network.
  • Accepts: Only selected incoming connections.
  • Accepts: All network connections.

Suitable for: Work environment where you mostly trust the other computers on the network.

  • Accepts: Only selected incoming connections.

One of these zones is set as the default zone. When interface connections are added to NetworkManager, they are assigned to the default zone. On installation, the default zone in firewalld is the public zone. You can change the default zone.


Make network zone names self-explanatory to help users understand them quickly.

To avoid any security problems, review the default zone configuration and disable any unnecessary services according to your needs and risk assessments.

Additional resources

  • man page

13.4. Zones in the web console

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux web console implements major features of the firewalld service and enables you to:

  • Add predefined firewall zones to a particular interface or range of IP addresses
  • Configure zones with selecting services into the list of enabled services
  • Disable a service by removing this service from the list of enabled service
  • Remove a zone from an interface

13.5. Enabling zones using the web console

You can apply predefined and existing firewall zones on a particular interface or a range of IP addresses through the RHEL web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console with administrative privileges. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Networking.
  3. Click on the Edit rules and zones button.

    Edit firewall rules and zones in the web console

    If you do not see the Edit rules and zones button, log in to the web console with the administrator privileges.

  4. In the Firewall section, click Add new zone.
  5. In the Add zone dialog box, select a zone from the Trust level options.

    The web console displays all zones predefined in the firewalld service.

  6. In the Interfaces part, select an interface or interfaces on which the selected zone is applied.
  7. In the Allowed Addresses part, you can select whether the zone is applied on:

    • the whole subnet
    • or a range of IP addresses in the following format:

  8. Click on the Add zone button.

    Add a firewall zone


  • Check the configuration in the Firewall section:

    Active zones

13.6. Enabling services on the firewall using the web console

By default, services are added to the default firewall zone. If you use more firewall zones on more network interfaces, you must select a zone first and then add the service with port.

The RHEL 8 web console displays predefined firewalld services and you can add them to active firewall zones.


The RHEL 8 web console configures the firewalld service.

The web console does not allow generic firewalld rules which are not listed in the web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console with administrator privileges. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Networking.
  3. Click on the Edit rules and zones button.

    cockpit edit rules and zones

    If you do not see the Edit rules and zones button, log in to the web console with the administrator privileges.

  4. In the Firewall section, select a zone for which you want to add the service and click Add Services.

    cockpit add services

  5. In the Add Services dialog box, find the service you want to enable on the firewall.
  6. Enable services according to your scenario:

    cockpit add service

  7. Click Add Services.

At this point, the RHEL 8 web console displays the service in the zone’s list of Services.

13.7. Configuring custom ports using the web console

The web console allows you to add:

You can add services by configuring custom ports as described.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console with administrator privileges. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Networking.
  3. Click on the Edit rules and zones button.

    cockpit edit rules and zones

    If you do not see the Edit rules and zones button, log in to the web console with the administrative privileges.

  4. In the Firewall section, select a zone for which you want to configure a custom port and click Add Services.

    cockpit add services

  5. In the Add services dialog box, click on the Custom Ports radio button.
  6. In the TCP and UDP fields, add ports according to examples. You can add ports in the following formats:

    • Port numbers such as 22
    • Range of port numbers such as 5900-5910
    • Aliases such as nfs, rsync

    You can add multiple values into each field. Values must be separated with the comma and without the space, for example: 8080,8081,http

  7. After adding the port number in the TCP filed, the UDP filed, or both, verify the service name in the Name field.

    The Name field displays the name of the service for which is this port reserved. You can rewrite the name if you are sure that this port is free to use and no server needs to communicate on this port.

  8. In the Name field, add a name for the service including defined ports.
  9. Click on the Add Ports button.

    cockpit add ports

To verify the settings, go to the Firewall page and find the service in the list of zone’s Services.

cockpit active zones

13.8. Disabling zones using the web console

You can disable a firewall zone in your firewall configuration using the web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console with administrator privileges. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Networking.
  3. Click on the Edit rules and zones button.

    cockpit edit rules and zones

    If you do not see the Edit rules and zones button, log in to the web console with the administrator privileges.

  4. Click on the Options icon at the zone you want to remove.

    cockpit delete zone

  5. Click Delete.

The zone is now disabled and the interface does not include opened services and ports which were configured in the zone.

Chapter 14. Setting up system-wide cryptographic policies in the web console

You can set one of system-wide cryptographic policies and subpolicies directly in the RHEL web console interface. Besides the four predefined system-wide cryptographic policies, you can also apply the following combinations of policies and subpolicies through the graphical interface now:

The DEFAULT policy with the SHA-1 algorithm enabled.
The LEGACY policy with less secure settings that improve interoperability for Active Directory services.
The FIPS policy with further restrictions required by the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation standard.

Because the FIPS:OSPP system-wide subpolicy contains further restrictions for cryptographic algorithms required by the Common Criteria (CC) certification, the system is less interoperable after you set it. For example, you cannot use RSA and DH keys shorter than 3072 bits, additional SSH algorithms, and several TLS groups. Setting FIPS:OSPP also prevents connecting to Red Hat Content Delivery Network (CDN) structure. Furthermore, you cannot integrate Active Directory (AD) into the IdM deployments that use FIPS:OSPP, communication between RHEL hosts using FIPS:OSPP and AD domains might not work, or some AD accounts might not be able to authenticate.

Note that your system is not CC-compliant after you set the FIPS:OSPP cryptographic subpolicy. The only correct way to make your RHEL system compliant with the CC standard is through the installation of the cc-config package. See the Common Criteria section in the Compliance Activities and Government Standards Knowledgebase article for a list of certified RHEL versions, validation reports, and links to CC guides hosted at the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) website.



  1. Log in to the web console. For more information, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. In the Configuration card of the Overview page, click your current policy value next to Crypto policy.

    The web console: Overview

  3. In the Change crypto policy dialog window, click on the policy you want to start using on your system.

    The web console: Change the system-wide cryptographic policy

  4. Click the Apply and reboot button.


  • After the restart, log back in to web console, and check that the Crypto policy value corresponds to the one you selected. Alternatively, you can enter the update-crypto-policies --show command to display the current system-wide cryptographic policy in your terminal.

Additional resources

Chapter 15. Creating an SELinux configuration Ansible playbook in the web console

In the web console, you can generate a shell script or an Ansible playbook of your SELinux configuration. In case of the Ansible playbook, you can conveniently apply the configuration on multiple systems.



  1. Click SELinux.
  2. Click View the automation script.

    A window with the generated script opens. You can navigate between a shell script and an Ansible playbook generation options tab.

    Ansible playbook of your SELinux configuration

  3. Click the Copy to clipboard button to select the script or playbook and apply it.

As a result, you have an automation script that you can apply to more machines.

Chapter 16. Managing partitions using the web console

Learn how to manage file systems on RHEL 8 using the web console.

For details about the available file systems, see the Overview of available file systems.

16.1. Displaying partitions formatted with file systems in the web console

The Storage section in the web console displays all available file systems in the Filesystems table.

Besides the list of partitions formatted with file systems, you can also use the page for creating new storage.


  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • The web console must be installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click the Storage tab.

    In the Storage table, you can see all available partitions formatted with file systems, their ID, types, locations, sizes, and how much space is available on each partition.

    Image displaying the Storage table available in the cockpit Storage tab.

    You can also use the drop-down menu in the top-right corner to create new local or networked storage.

    Image displaying the drop-down menu available in the Storage table.

16.2. Creating partitions in the web console

To create a new partition:

  • Use an existing partition table
  • Create a partition


  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • The web console must be installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • An unformatted volume connected to the system is visible in the Storage table of the Storage tab.


  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click the Storage tab.
  3. In the Storage table, click the device which you want to partition to open the page and options for that device.
  4. On the device page, click the menu button, , and select Create partition table.
  5. In the Initialize disk dialog box, select the following:

    1. Partitioning:

      • Compatible with all systems and devices (MBR)
      • Compatible with modern system and hard disks > 2TB (GPT)
      • No partitioning
    2. Overwrite:

      • Select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox if you want the RHEL web console to rewrite the whole disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to go through the whole disk, but it is more secure. Use this option if the disk includes any data and you need to overwrite it.

        If you do not select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox, the RHEL web console rewrites only the disk header. This increases the speed of formatting.

  6. Click Initialize.
  7. Click the menu button, , next to the partition table you created. It is named Free space by default.
  8. Click Create partition.
  9. In the Create partition dialog box, enter a Name for the file system.
  10. Add a Mount point.
  11. In the Type drop-down menu, select a file system:

    • XFS file system supports large logical volumes, switching physical drives online without outage, and growing an existing file system. Leave this file system selected if you do not have a different strong preference.
    • ext4 file system supports:

      • Logical volumes
      • Switching physical drives online without outage
      • Growing a file system
      • Shrinking a file system

    Additional option is to enable encryption of partition done by LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup), which allows you to encrypt the volume with a passphrase.

  12. Enter the Size of the volume you want to create.
  13. Select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox if you want the RHEL web console to rewrite the whole disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to go through the whole disk, but it is more secure. Use this option if the disk includes any data and you need to overwrite it.

    If you do not select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox, the RHEL web console rewrites only the disk header. This increases the speed of formatting.

  14. If you want to encrypt the volume, select the type of encryption in the Encryption drop-down menu.

    If you do not want to encrypt the volume, select No encryption.

  15. In the At boot drop-down menu, select when you want to mount the volume.
  16. In Mount options section:

    1. Select the Mount read only checkbox if you want the to mount the volume as a read-only logical volume.
    2. Select the Custom mount options checkbox and add the mount options if you want to change the default mount option.
  17. Create the partition:

    • If you want to create and mount the partition, click the Create and mount button.
    • If you want to only create the partition, click the Create only button.

      Formatting can take several minutes depending on the volume size and which formatting options are selected.

Verification steps

  • To verify that the partition has been successfully added, switch to the Storage tab and check the Storage table and verify whether the new partition is listed.

16.3. Deleting partitions in the web console

You can remove partitions in the web console interface.


  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • The web console must be installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.


  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click the Storage tab.
  3. Click the device from which you want to delete a partition.
  4. On the device page and in the GPT partitions section, click the menu button, next to the partition you want to delete.
  5. From the drop-down menu, select Delete.

    The RHEL web console terminates all processes that are currently using the partition and unmount the partition before deleting it.

Verification steps

  • To verify that the partition has been successfully removed, switch to the Storage tab and check the Storage table.

16.4. Mounting and unmounting file systems in the web console

To be able to use partitions on RHEL systems, you need to mount a file system on the partition as a device.


You also can unmount a file system and the RHEL system will stop using it. Unmounting the file system enables you to delete, remove, or re-format devices.


  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • The web console must be installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • If you want to unmount a file system, ensure that the system does not use any file, service, or application stored in the partition.


  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click the Storage tab.
  3. In the Storage table, select a volume from which you want to delete the partition.
  4. In the GPT partitions section, click the menu button, next to the partition whose file system you want to mount or unmount.
  5. Click Mount or Unmount.

Chapter 17. Managing NFS mounts in the web console

The RHEL 8 web console enables you to mount remote directories using the Network File System (NFS) protocol.

NFS makes it possible to reach and mount remote directories located on the network and work with the files as if the directory was located on your physical drive.


  • The RHEL 8 web console has been installed.

    For details, see Installing the web console.

  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • NFS server name or IP address.
  • Path to the directory on the remote server.

17.1. Connecting NFS mounts in the web console

Connect a remote directory to your file system using NFS.


  • NFS server name or the IP address.
  • Path to the directory on the remote server.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the menu button.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select New NFS mount.

    Image displaying the available options in the Storage table drop-down menu. The New NFS mount options is highlighted.

  5. In the New NFS Mount dialog box, enter the server or IP address of the remote server.
  6. In the Path on Server field, enter the path to the directory that you want to mount.
  7. In the Local Mount Point field, enter the path to the directory on your local system where you want to mount the NFS.
  8. In the Mount options check box list, select how you want to mount the NFS. You can select multiple options depending on your requirements.

    • Check the Mount at boot box if you want the directory to be reachable even after you restart the local system.
    • Check the Mount read only box if you do not want to change the content of the NFS.
    • Check the Custom mount options box and add the mount options if you want to change the default mount option. For more information, see Customizing NFS mount options in the web console.

      New NFS mount dialog box

  9. Click Add.

Verification steps

  • Open the mounted directory and verify that the content is accessible.

17.2. Customizing NFS mount options in the web console

Edit an existing NFS mount and add custom mount options.

Custom mount options can help you to troubleshoot the connection or change parameters of the NFS mount such as changing timeout limits or configuring authentication.


  • An NFS mount is added to your system.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the NFS mount you want to adjust.
  4. If the remote directory is mounted, click Unmount.

    You must unmount the directory during the custom mount options configuration. Otherwise, the web console does not save the configuration and this causes an error.

  5. Click Edit.
  6. In the NFS Mount dialog box, select Custom mount option.
  7. Enter mount options separated by a comma. For example:

    • nfsvers=4: The NFS protocol version number
    • soft: The type of recovery after an NFS request times out
    • sec=krb5: The files on the NFS server can be secured by Kerberos authentication. Both the NFS client and server have to support Kerberos authentication.

    For a complete list of the NFS mount options, enter man nfs in the command line.

  8. Click Apply.
  9. Click Mount.

Verification steps

  • Open the mounted directory and verify that the content is accessible.

Chapter 18. Managing RAID in the web console

Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks (RAID) represents a way how to arrange more disks into one storage for performance and redundancy goals.

RAID uses the following data distribution strategies:

  • Mirroring — data are copied to two different locations. If one disk fails, you have a copy and your data is not lost.
  • Striping — data are evenly distributed among disks.

Level of protection depends on the RAID level.

The RHEL web console supports the following RAID levels:

  • RAID 0 (Stripe)
  • RAID 1 (Mirror)
  • RAID 4 (Dedicated parity)
  • RAID 5 (Distributed parity)
  • RAID 6 (Double Distributed Parity)
  • RAID 10 (Stripe of Mirrors)

Before you can use disks in RAID, you must:

  • Create a RAID.
  • Format it with file system.
  • Mount the RAID to the system.


  • The RHEL 8 web console is installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.

18.1. Creating RAID in the web console

Configure RAID in the RHEL 8 web console.


  • Physical disks connected to the system. Each RAID level requires different amount of disks.


  1. Open the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the menu button.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select Create MDRAID device.

    Image displaying the available options in the Storage table drop-down menu. Selecting the MDRAID device option.

  5. In the Create RAID Device dialog box, enter a name for the new RAID.
  6. In the RAID Level drop-down list, select a level of RAID you want to use.
  7. From the Chunk Size drop-down list, select the size from the list of available options.

    The Chunk Size value specifies how large each block is for data writing. For example, if the chunk size is 512 KiB, the system writes the first 512 KiB to the first disk, the second 512 KiB is written to the second disk, and the third chunk is written to the third disk. If you have three disks in your RAID, the fourth 512 KiB is written to the first disk again.

  8. Select the disks you want to use for RAID.
  9. Click Create.

Verification steps

18.2. Formatting RAID in the web console

You can format and mount software RAID devices in the RHEL 8 web console.


  • Physical disks are connected and visible by RHEL 8.
  • RAID is created.
  • Consider the file system to be used for the RAID.
  • Consider creating a partitioning table.


  1. Open the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the menu button, , next to the RAID device you want to format.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select Format.
  5. In the Format dialog box, enter a name.
  6. In the Mount Point field, add the mount path.
  7. From the Type drop-down list, select the type of file system.
  8. Select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox if you want the RHEL web console to rewrite the whole disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to go through the whole disk, but it is more secure. Use this option if the disk includes any data and you need to overwrite it.

    If you do not select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox, the RHEL web console rewrites only the disk header. This increases the speed of formatting.

  9. If you want to encrypt the volume, select the type of encryption from the Encryption drop-down menu.

    If you do not want to encrypt the volume, select No encryption.

  10. In the At boot drop-down menu, select when you want to mount the volume.
  11. In the Mount options section:

    1. Select the Mount read only checkbox if you want the to mount the volume as a read-only logical volume.
    2. Select the Custom mount options checkbox and add the mount options if you want to change the default mount option. For more information, see Customizing NFS mount options in the web console.
  12. Format the RAID partition:

    • If you want to format and mount the partition, click the Format and mount button.
    • If you want to only format the partition, click the Format only button.

      Formatting can take several minutes depending on the volume size and which formatting options are selected.


  • After the formatting has completed successfully, you can see the details of the formatted logical volume in the Storage table on the Storage page.

18.3. Creating a partition table on RAID using the web console

Format RAID with the partition table on the new software RAID device created in the RHEL 8 interface.

RAID requires formatting as any other storage device. You have two options:

  • Format the RAID device without partitions
  • Create a partition table with partitions


  • Physical disks are connected and visible by .
  • RAID is created.
  • Consider the file system used for the RAID.
  • Consider creating a partitioning table.


  1. Open the RHEL 8 console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the RAID device on which you want to create a partition table.
  4. Click the menu button, in the MDRAID device section.
  5. From the drop-down menu, select Create partition table.
  6. In the Initialize disk dialog box, select the following:

    1. Partitioning:

      • Compatible with all systems and devices (MBR)
      • Compatible with modern system and hard disks > 2TB (GPT)
      • No partitioning
    2. Overwrite:

      • Select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox if you want the RHEL web console to rewrite the whole disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to go through the whole disk, but it is more secure. Use this option if the disk includes any data and you want to overwrite it.

        If you do not select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox, the RHEL web console rewrites only the disk header. This increases the speed of formatting.

  7. Click Initialize.

    The partitioning table is created and you can now create partitions on that table. For more details, see Creating partitions on RAID using hte web console.

18.4. Creating partitions on RAID using the web console

Create a partition in the existing partition table.



  1. Open the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the RAID device on which you want to create a partition.
  4. On the RAID device page, scroll to the GPT partitions section and click the menu button, , next to the partition table you created. It is named Free space by default.
  5. Click Create partition.
  6. In the Create partition dialog box, enter a name for the file system. Do not use spaces in the name.
  7. In the Mount Point field, add the mount path.
  8. In the Type drop-down list, select the type of file system.
  9. In the Size field, set the size of the partition.
  10. Select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox if you want the RHEL web console to rewrite the whole disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to go through the whole disk, but it is more secure. Use this option if the disk includes any data and you want to overwrite it.

    If you do not select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox, the RHEL web console rewrites only the disk header. This increases the speed of formatting.

  11. If you want to encrypt the volume, select the type of encryption in the Encryption drop-down menu.

    If you do not want to encrypt the volume, select No encryption.

  12. In the At boot drop-down menu, select when you want to mount the volume.
  13. In the Mount options section:

    1. Select the Mount read only checkbox if you want the to mount the volume as a read-only logical volume.
    2. Select the Custom mount options checkbox and add the mount options if you want to change the default mount option.
  14. Create the partition:

    • If you want to create and mount the partition, click the Create and mount button.
    • If you want to only create the partition, click the Create only button.

      Formatting can take several minutes depending on the volume size and which formatting options are selected.

      You can create more partitions after the partition is created.

      At this point, the system uses mounted and formatted RAID.


  • You can see the details of the formatted logical volume in the Storage table on the main storage page.

18.5. Creating a volume group on top of RAID using the web console

Build a volume group from software RAID.


  • RAID device that is not formatted and not mounted.


  1. Open the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the menu button.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select Create LVM2 volume group.

    Image displaying the available options in the Storage table drop-down menu. Selecting Create LVM2 volume group.

  5. In the Create LVM2 volume group dialog box, enter a name for the new volume group.
  6. From the Disks list, select a RAID device.

    If you do not see the RAID in the list, unmount the RAID from the system. The RAID device must not be in use by the RHEL 8 system.

  7. Click Create.

18.6. Additional resources

Chapter 19. Configuring LVM logical volumes using the web console

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 supports logical volume management (LVM). The RHEL 8 installer automatically creates an LVM2 volume group and installs the system on it during the installation process.

You can use the RHEL web console to manage LVM2 volume groups and volumes as demonstrated on the following example page of an LVM2 group:

Image showing the LVM2 logical volume group page.


  • The RHEL 8 web console has been installed.

    For instructions, see Installing and enabling the web console.

  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • Physical drives, RAID devices, or any other type of block device from which you can create the logical volume.

19.1. Logical Volume Manager in the web console

The RHEL 8 web console provides a graphical interface to create LVM volume groups and logical volumes.

Volume groups create a layer between physical and logical volumes. This layer allows additions or removals of physical volumes without influencing the logical volume itself. Volume groups appear as one drive with capacity consisting of capacities of all physical drives included in the group. You can join physical drives into volume groups in the web console.

The main advantages of logical volumes are:

  • Better flexibility than the partitioning system used on your physical drive.
  • Ability to connect more physical drives into one volume.
  • Possibility of expanding (growing) or reducing (shrinking) capacity of the volume on-line, without restart.
  • Ability to create snapshots.

19.2. Creating volume groups in the web console

Create volume groups from one or more physical drives or other storage devices.

Logical volumes are created from volume groups. Each volume group can include multiple logical volumes.

For details, see Managing LVM volume groups.


  • Physical drives or other types of storage devices from which you want to create volume groups.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the menu button.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select Create LVM2 volume group.

    Image displaying the available options in the Storage table drop-down menu. Selecting Create LVM2 volume group.

  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the volume group. The name must not include spaces.
  6. Select the drives you want to combine to create the volume group.

    cockpit create volume group

    The RHEL web console displays only unused block devices. If you do not see your device in the list, make sure that it is not being used by your system, or format it to be empty and unused. Used devices include, for example:

    • Devices formatted with a file system
    • Physical volumes in another volume group
    • Physical volumes being a member of another software RAID device
  7. Click Create.

    The volume group is created.


  • On the Storage page, check whether the new volume group is listed in the Storage table.

19.3. Creating logical volumes in the web console

Logical volumes act as physical drives. You can use the RHEL 8 web console to create LVM logical volumes in a volume group.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the volume group in which you want to create logical volumes.
  4. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section and click Create new logical volume.
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the new logical volume. Do not include spaces in the name.
  6. In the Purpose drop-down menu, select Block device for filesystems.

    This configuration enables you to create a logical volume with the maximum volume size which is equal to the sum of the capacities of all drives included in the volume group.

    cockpit lv block dev

  7. Define the size of the logical volume. Consider:

    • How much space the system using this logical volume will need.
    • How many logical volumes you want to create.

    You do not have to use the whole space. If necessary, you can grow the logical volume later.

    cockpit lv size

  8. Click Create.

    The logical volume is created. To use the logical volume you must format and mount the volume.


  • On the Logical volume page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section and verify whether the new logical volume is listed.

    cockpit lv details

19.4. Formatting logical volumes in the web console

Logical volumes act as physical drives. To use them, you must format them with a file system.


Formatting logical volumes erases all data on the volume.

The file system you select determines the configuration parameters you can use for logical volumes. For example, the XFS file system does not support shrinking volumes. For details, see Resizing logical volumes in the web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the volume group in the logical volumes is created.
  4. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section.
  5. Click the menu button, , next to the volume group you want to format.
  6. From the drop-down menu, select Format.

    Image displaying the details of the existing logical volume.

  7. In the Name field, enter a name for the file system.
  8. In the Mount Point field, add the mount path.

    The format a logical volume dialog box with configurable fields.

  9. In the Type drop-down menu, select a file system:

    • XFS file system supports large logical volumes, switching physical drives online without outage, and growing an existing file system. Leave this file system selected if you do not have a different strong preference.

      XFS does not support reducing the size of a volume formatted with an XFS file system

    • ext4 file system supports:

      • Logical volumes
      • Switching physical drives online without an outage
      • Growing a file system
      • Shrinking a file system
  10. Select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox if you want the RHEL web console to rewrite the whole disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to go through the whole disk, but it is more secure. Use this option if the disk includes any data and you need to overwrite it.

    If you do not select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox, the RHEL web console rewrites only the disk header. This increases the speed of formatting.

  11. From the Encryption drop-down menu, select the type of encryption if you want to enable it on the logical volume.

    You can select a version with either the LUKS1 (Linux Unified Key Setup) or LUKS2 encryption, which allows you to encrypt the volume with a passphrase.

  12. In the At boot drop-down menu, select when you want the logical volume to mount after the system boots.
  13. Select the required Mount options.
  14. Format the logical volume:

    • If you want to format the volume and immediately mount it, click Format and mount.
    • If you want to format the volume without mounting it, click Format only.

      Formatting can take several minutes depending on the volume size and which formatting options are selected.


  1. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section and click the logical volume to check the details and additional options.

    cockpit lv formatted

  2. If you selected the Format only option, click the menu button at the end of the line of the logical volume, and select Mount to use the logical volume.

19.5. Resizing logical volumes in the web console

Learn how to extend or reduce logical volumes in the RHEL 8 web console.

Whether you can resize a logical volume depends on which file system you are using. Most file systems enable you to extend (grow) the volume online (without outage).

You can also reduce (shrink) the size of logical volumes, if the logical volume contains a file system which supports shrinking. It should be available, for example, in the ext3/ext4 file systems.


You cannot reduce volumes that contains GFS2 or XFS filesystem.


  • Existing logical volume containing a file system that supports resizing logical volumes.


The following steps provide the procedure for growing a logical volume without taking the volume offline:

  1. Log in to the RHEL web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the volume group in the logical volumes is created.
  4. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section and click the menu button, , next to volume group you want to resize.
  5. From the menu, select Grow or Shrink to resize the volume:

    • Growing the Volume:

      1. Select Grow to increase the size of the volume.

        cockpit lv details

      2. In the Grow logical volume dialog box, adjust the size of the logical volume.

        cockpit lv grow

      3. Click Grow.

        LVM grows the logical volume without causing a system outage.

    • Shrinking the Volume:

      1. Select Shrink to reduce the size of the volume.

        cockpit lv details

      2. In the Shrink logical volume dialog box, adjust the size of the logical volume.

        cockpit lv shrink

      3. Click Shrink.

        LVM shrinks the logical volume without causing a system outage.

Chapter 20. Configuring thin logical volumes using the web console

You can use thin-provisioned logical volumes to allocate more space for designated applications or servers than the actually available physical storage.

For details, see Creating thin-provisioned snapshot volumes.


  • The RHEL 8 web console has been installed.

    For details, see Installing the web console.

  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • Physical drives or other types of storage devices, which you want to use to create volume groups, are attached to your system.

20.1. Creating pools for thinly provisioned volumes in the web console

Create a pool for thinly-provisioned volumes.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the volume group in which you want to create thin volumes.
  4. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section and click Create new logical volume.
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the new logical volume. Do not include spaces in the name.
  6. In the Purpose drop-down menu, select Pool for thinly provisioned volumes.

    This configuration enables you to create a logical volume with the maximum volume size which is equal to the sum of the capacities of all drives included in the volume group.

    cockpit lv block dev

  7. Define the size of the logical volume. Consider:

    • How much space the system using this logical volume needs.
    • How many logical volumes you want to create.

    You do not have to use the whole space. If necessary, you can grow the logical volume later.

    cockpit lv size

  8. Click Create.

    The pool for thin volumes is created and you can now add thin volumes to the pool.

20.2. Creating thinly provisioned logical volumes in the web console

You can use the web console to create a thin-provisioned logical volume in the pool. The pool can include multiple thin volumes and each thin volume can be as large as the pool for thin volumes itself.


Using thin volumes requires regular checkup of the actual free physical space of the logical volume.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the menu button volume group in which you want to create thin volumes.
  4. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section and click the pool in which you want to create the thin logical volumes.
  5. On the Pool for thinly provisioned LVM2 logical volumes page, scroll to the Thinly provisioned LVM2 logical volumes section and click Create new thinly provisioned logical volume.
  6. In the Create thin volume dialog box, enter a name for the thin volume. Do not use spaces in the name.
  7. Define the size of the thin volume.
  8. Click Create.

    The thin logical volume is created. You must format the volume before you can use it.

20.3. Formatting logical volumes in the web console

Logical volumes act as physical drives. To use them, you must format them with a file system.


Formatting logical volumes erases all data on the volume.

The file system you select determines the configuration parameters you can use for logical volumes. For example, the XFS file system does not support shrinking volumes. For details, see Resizing logical volumes in the web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the volume group in the logical volumes is created.
  4. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section.
  5. Click the menu button, , next to the volume group you want to format.
  6. From the drop-down menu, select Format.

    Image displaying the details of the existing logical volume.

  7. In the Name field, enter a name for the file system.
  8. In the Mount Point field, add the mount path.

    The format a logical volume dialog box with configurable fields.

  9. In the Type drop-down menu, select a file system:

    • XFS file system supports large logical volumes, switching physical drives online without outage, and growing an existing file system. Leave this file system selected if you do not have a different strong preference.

      XFS does not support reducing the size of a volume formatted with an XFS file system

    • ext4 file system supports:

      • Logical volumes
      • Switching physical drives online without an outage
      • Growing a file system
      • Shrinking a file system
  10. Select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox if you want the RHEL web console to rewrite the whole disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to go through the whole disk, but it is more secure. Use this option if the disk includes any data and you need to overwrite it.

    If you do not select the Overwrite existing data with zeros checkbox, the RHEL web console rewrites only the disk header. This increases the speed of formatting.

  11. From the Encryption drop-down menu, select the type of encryption if you want to enable it on the logical volume.

    You can select a version with either the LUKS1 (Linux Unified Key Setup) or LUKS2 encryption, which allows you to encrypt the volume with a passphrase.

  12. In the At boot drop-down menu, select when you want the logical volume to mount after the system boots.
  13. Select the required Mount options.
  14. Format the logical volume:

    • If you want to format the volume and immediately mount it, click Format and mount.
    • If you want to format the volume without mounting it, click Format only.

      Formatting can take several minutes depending on the volume size and which formatting options are selected.


  1. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section and click the logical volume to check the details and additional options.

    cockpit lv formatted

  2. If you selected the Format only option, click the menu button at the end of the line of the logical volume, and select Mount to use the logical volume.

20.4. Creating thinly-provisioned snapshot volumes with the web console

You can create snapshots of thin logical volumes in the RHEL web console to backup changes recorded on the disk from the last snapshot.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the volume group in which you want to create thin volumes.
  4. On the Logical volume group page, scroll to the LVM2 logical volumes section and click the pool in which you want to create the thin logical volumes.
  5. On the Pool for thinly provisioned LVM2 logical volumes page, scroll to the Thinly provisioned LVM2 logical volumes section and click the menu button, , next to the logical volume.
  6. From the drop-down menu, select Create snapshot.

    Image displaying the drop-down menu for a logical volume.

  7. In the Name field, enter a snapshot name.

    Image displaying the Create snapshot dialog box.

  8. Click Create.
  9. On the Pool for thinly provisioned LVM2 logical volumes page, scroll to the Thinly provisioned LVM2 logical volumes section and click the menu button, , next to the newly created snapshot.
  10. From the drop-down menu, select Activate to activate the volume.

    Image displaying the new logical volume in the Logical volumes table.

Chapter 21. Changing physical drives in volume groups using the web console

Change the drive in a volume group using the RHEL 8 web console.

The change of physical drives consists of the following procedures:


  • The RHEL 8 web console has been installed.

    For details, see Installing the web console.

  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • A new physical drive for replacing the old or broken one.
  • The configuration expects that physical drives are organized in a volume group.

21.1. Adding physical drives to volume groups in the web console

The RHEL 8 web console enables you to add a new physical drive or other type of volume to the existing logical volume.


  • A volume group must be created.
  • A new drive connected to the machine.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the volume group to which you want to add physical drives.
  4. On the LVM2 volume group page, click Add physical volume.
  5. In the Add Disks dialog box, select the preferred drives and click Add.

Verification steps

  • On the LVM2 volume group page, check the Physical volumes section to verify whether the new physical drives are available in the volume group.

21.2. Removing physical drives from volume groups in the web console

If a logical volume includes multiple physical drives, you can remove one of the physical drives online.

The system moves automatically all data from the drive to be removed to other drives during the removal process. Notice that it can take some time.

The web console also verifies, if there is enough space for removing the physical drive.


  • A volume group with more than one physical drive connected.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the volume group to which you want to add physical drives.
  4. On the LVM2 volume group page, scroll to the Physical volumes section.
  5. Click the menu button, , next to the physical volume you want to remove.
  6. From the drop-down menu, select Remove.

    The RHEL 8 web console verifies whether the logical volume has enough free space to removing the disk. If there is no free space to transfer the data, you cannot remove the disk and you must first add another disk to increase the capacity of the volume group. For details, see Adding physical drives to logical volumes in the web console.

Chapter 22. Managing Virtual Data Optimizer volumes using the web console

Configure the Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO) using the RHEL 8 web console.

You will learn how to:

  • Create VDO volumes
  • Format VDO volumes
  • Extend VDO volumes


  • The RHEL 8 web console is installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.

22.1. VDO volumes in the web console

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 supports Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO).

VDO is a block virtualization technology that combines:

For details, see Enabling or disabling compression in VDO.
For details, see Enabling or disabling compression in VDO.
Thin provisioning
For details, see Creating and managing thin provisioned volumes (thin volumes).

Using these technologies, VDO:

  • Saves storage space inline
  • Compresses files
  • Eliminates duplications
  • Enables you to allocate more virtual space than how much the physical or logical storage provides
  • Enables you to extend the virtual storage by growing

VDO can be created on top of many types of storage. In the RHEL 8 web console, you can configure VDO on top of:

  • LVM


    It is not possible to configure VDO on top of thinly-provisioned volumes.

  • Physical volume
  • Software RAID

For details about placement of VDO in the Storage Stack, see System Requirements.

Additional resources

22.2. Creating VDO volumes in the web console

Create a VDO volume in the RHEL web console.


  • An LVM2 group from which you want to create VDO.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Storage.
  3. Click the menu button, , next to the LVM2 group in which you want to create a VDO volume.

    Storage tab: Create logical volume option in the LVM2 group drop-down menu

  4. Select VDO filesystem volume in the drop-down menu next to the Purpose field.
  5. In the Name field, enter a name of the VDO volume without spaces.
  6. In the Logical Size bar, set up the size of the VDO volume. You can extend it more than ten times, but consider for what purpose you are creating the VDO volume:

    • For active VMs or container storage, use logical size that is ten times the physical size of the volume.
    • For object storage, use logical size that is three times the physical size of the volume.

    For details, see Deploying VDO.

  7. Select the Compression option. This option can efficiently reduce various file formats.

    For details, see Enabling or disabling compression in VDO.

  8. Select the Deduplication option.

    This option reduces the consumption of storage resources by eliminating multiple copies of duplicate blocks. For details, see Enabling or disabling compression in VDO.

    Create a VDO volume

Verification steps

  • Check that you can see the new VDO volume in the Storage section. Then, you can format it with a file system.

22.3. Formatting VDO volumes in the web console

VDO volumes act as physical drives. To use them, you must format them with a file system.


Formatting erases all data on the volume.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Storage.
  3. Click the LVM2 volume group containing the VDO volume you want to format.
  4. Click the menu button, , at the end of the line with the VDO volume you want to format.
  5. Click Format.

    Format option in the VDO logical volume menu

  6. In the Name field, enter the logical volume name.
  7. In the Mount Point field, add the mount path.
  8. By default, the web console rewrites only the disk header after you finish this dialog. The advantage of this option is the speed of formatting. If you check the Overwrite existing data with zeros option, the web console rewrites the whole disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to go through the whole disk. Use this option if the disk includes any sensitive data and you want to rewrite them.
  9. In the Type drop-down menu, select a file system:

    • The default option, the XFS file system, supports large logical volumes, switching physical drives online without outage, and growing.

      XFS does not support shrinking volumes. Therefore, you cannot reduce the size of a volume formatted with XFS.

    • The ext4 file system supports logical volumes, switching physical drives online without outage, growing, and shrinking.

    You can also select a version with the LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) encryption, which allows you to encrypt the volume with a passphrase.

  10. In the At boot drop-down menu, select when you want to mount the volume.
  11. Click Format and mount or Format only.

    Formatting can take several minutes depending on the used formatting options and the volume size.

    Format option in the VDO logical volume menu


  • After a successful finish, you can see the details of the formatted VDO volume on the Storage tab and in the LVM2 volume group tab.

22.4. Extending VDO volumes in the web console

Extend VDO volumes in the RHEL 8 web console.


  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • The VDO volume created.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Storage.
  3. Click your VDO volume in the VDO Devices box.
  4. In the VDO volume details, click the Grow button.
  5. In the Grow logical size of VDO dialog box, extend the logical size of the VDO volume.
  1. Click Grow.

Verification steps

  • Check the VDO volume details for the new size to verify that your changes have been successful.

Chapter 23. Locking data with LUKS password in the RHEL web console

In the web console’s Storage tab, you can now create, lock, unlock, resize, and otherwise configure encrypted devices using the LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) version 2 format.

This new version of LUKS offers:

  • More flexible unlocking policies
  • Stronger cryptography
  • Better compatibility with future changes


  • The RHEL 8 web console has been installed. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.

23.1. LUKS disk encryption

Linux Unified Key Setup-on-disk-format (LUKS) provides a set of tools that simplifies managing the encrypted devices. With LUKS, you can encrypt block devices and enable multiple user keys to decrypt a master key. For bulk encryption of the partition, use this master key.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses LUKS to perform block device encryption. By default, the option to encrypt the block device is unchecked during the installation. If you select the option to encrypt your disk, the system prompts you for a passphrase every time you boot the computer. This passphrase unlocks the bulk encryption key that decrypts your partition. If you want to modify the default partition table, you can select the partitions that you want to encrypt. This is set in the partition table settings.


The default cipher used for LUKS is aes-xts-plain64. The default key size for LUKS is 512 bits. The default key size for LUKS with Anaconda XTS mode is 512 bits. The following are the available ciphers:

  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Twofish
  • Serpent

Operations performed by LUKS

  • LUKS encrypts entire block devices and is therefore well-suited for protecting contents of mobile devices such as removable storage media or laptop disk drives.
  • The underlying contents of the encrypted block device are arbitrary, which makes it useful for encrypting swap devices. This can also be useful with certain databases that use specially formatted block devices for data storage.
  • LUKS uses the existing device mapper kernel subsystem.
  • LUKS provides passphrase strengthening, which protects against dictionary attacks.
  • LUKS devices contain multiple key slots, which means you can add backup keys or passphrases.

LUKS is not recommended for the following scenarios:

  • Disk-encryption solutions such as LUKS protect the data only when your system is off. After the system is on and LUKS has decrypted the disk, the files on that disk are available to anyone who have access to them.
  • Scenarios that require multiple users to have distinct access keys to the same device. The LUKS1 format provides eight key slots and LUKS2 provides up to 32 key slots.
  • Applications that require file-level encryption.

23.2. Configuring the LUKS passphrase in the web console

If you want to add encryption to an existing logical volume on your system, you can only do so through formatting the volume.


  • The web console must be installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.
  • Available existing logical volume without encryption.


  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Storage.
  3. In the Storage table, click the menu button, , next to the storage device you want to encrypt.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select Format.
  5. In the Encryption field, select the encryption specification, LUKS1 or LUKS2.
  6. Set and confirm your new passphrase.
  7. [Optional] Modify further encryption options.
  8. Finalize formatting settings.
  9. Click Format.

23.3. Changing the LUKS passphrase in the web console

Change a LUKS passphrase on an encrypted disk or partition in the web console.


  • The web console must be installed and accessible. For details, see Installing the web console.
  • The cockpit-storaged package is installed on your system.


  1. Log in to the web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Storage
  3. In the Storage table, select the disk with encrypted data.
  4. On the disk page, scroll to the Keys section and click the edit button.

    cockpit LUKS edit

  5. In the Change passphrase dialog window:

    1. Enter your current passphrase.
    2. Enter your new passphrase.
    3. Confirm your new passphrase.

      cockpit change pwd

  6. Click Save

Chapter 24. Configuring automated unlocking by using a Tang key in the web console

You can configure automated unlocking of a LUKS-encrypted storage device using a key provided by a Tang server.



  1. Open the RHEL web console by entering the following address in a web browser:


    Replace the <localhost> part by the remote server’s hostname or IP address when you connect to a remote system.

  2. Provide your credentials and click Storage. In the Storage table, click the disk that contains an encrypted volume you plan to add to unlock automatically.
  3. In the following page with details of the selected disk, click + in the Keys section to add a Tang key:

    RHEL web console: Encryption
  4. Select Tang keyserver as Key source, provide the address of your Tang server, and a password that unlocks the LUKS-encrypted device. Click Add to confirm:

    RHEL web console: Add Tang key

    The following dialog window provides a command to verify that the key hash matches.

  5. In a terminal on the Tang server, use the tang-show-keys command to display the key hash for comparison. In this example, the Tang server is running on the port 7500:

    # tang-show-keys 7500
  6. Click Trust key when the key hashes in the web console and in the output of previously listed commands are the same:

    RHEL web console: Verify Tang key
  7. In RHEL 8.8 and later, after you select an encrypted root file system and a Tang server, you can skip adding the rd.neednet=1 parameter to the kernel command line, installing the clevis-dracut package, and regenerating an initial RAM disk (initrd). For non-root file systems, the web console now enables the and clevis-luks-akspass.path systemd units, installs the clevis-systemd package, and adds the _netdev parameter to the fstab and crypttab configuration files.


  1. Check that the newly added Tang key is now listed in the Keys section with the Keyserver type:

    RHEL web console: A keyserver key is listed
  2. Verify that the bindings are available for the early boot, for example:

    # lsinitrd | grep clevis-luks
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           48 Jan  4 02:56 etc/systemd/system/ -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/clevis-luks-askpass.path

Chapter 25. Managing software updates in the web console

Learn how to manage software updates in the RHEL 8 web console and ways to automate them.

The Software Updates module in the web console is based on the yum utility. For more information about updating software with yum, see the Updating software packages section.

25.1. Managing manual software updates in the web console

You can manually update your software using the web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Software Updates.

    The list of available updates refreshes automatically if the last check happened more than 24 hours ago. To trigger a refresh, click the Check for Updates button.

  3. Apply updates. You can watch the update log while the update is running.

    1. To install all available updates, click the Install all updates button.
    2. If you have security updates available, you can install them separately by clicking the Install Security Updates button.
    3. If you have kpatch updates available, you can install them separately by clicking the Install kpatch updates button.
  4. Optional: You can turn on the Reboot after completion switch for an automatic restart of your system.

    If you perform this step, you can skip the remaining steps of this procedure.

  5. After the system applies updates, you get a recommendation to restart your system.

    We recommend this especially if the update included a new kernel or system services that you do not want to restart individually.

  6. Click Ignore to cancel the restart, or Restart Now to proceed with restarting your system.

    After the system restart, log in to the web console and go to the Software Updates page to verify that the update has been successful.

25.2. Managing automatic software updates in the web console

In the web console, you can choose to apply all updates, or security updates and also manage periodicity and time of your automatic updates.



  1. Log in to RHEL 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Software Updates.
  3. In the Settings table, click the Edit button.
  4. Pick one of the types of automatic updates. You can select from Security updates only, or All updates.
  5. To modify the day of the automatic update, click on the every day drop-down menu and select a specific day.
  6. To modify the time of the automatic update, click into the 6:00 field and select or type a specific time.
  7. If you want to disable automatic software updates, select the No updates type.

25.3. Managing on-demand restarting after applying software updates in the web console

The intelligent restarting feature informs the users whether it is necessary to reboot the whole system after you apply a software update or if it is sufficient to only restart certain services.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Software Updates.
  3. Apply an update of your system.
  4. After a successful update, click Reboot system…​, Restart services…​, or Ignore
  5. If you decide to ignore, you can return to the restart or reboot menu by doing one of the following:

    1. Rebooting:

      1. Click the Reboot system button in the Status field of the Software Updates page.
      2. (Optional) Write a message to the logged in users.
      3. Select a delay from the Delay drop-down menu.
      4. Click Reboot.
    2. Restarting services:

      1. Click the Restart services…​ button in the Status field of the Software Updates page.

        You will see a list of all the services that require a restart.

      2. Click Restart services.

        Depending on your choice, the system will reboot or your services will restart.

25.4. Applying patches with kernel live patching in the web console

The web console allows users to apply kernel security patches without forcing reboots by using the kpatch framework. The following procedure shows how to set up the preferred type of patching.



  1. Log in to the web console with administrative privileges. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. Click Software Updates.
  3. Check the status of your kernel patching settings.

    1. If the patching is not installed, click Install.

      cockpit kernel patching install

    2. To enable kernel patching, click Enable.

      cockpit kernel patching disabled

    3. Check the check box for applying kernel patches.
    4. Select whether you want to apply patches for current and future kernels, or for the current kernel only. If you choose to subscribe to applying patches for future kernels, the system will apply patches also for the upcoming kernel releases.

      cockpit kernel patching future

      cockpit kernel patching current

    5. Click Apply.


  • Check that the kernel patching is now Enabled in the Settings table of the Software updates section.

    cockpit kernel patching enabled

Chapter 26. Managing subscriptions in the web console

Manage your subscription for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 from the web console.

To get a subscription for your Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you need to have an account in the Red Hat Customer Portal or an activation key.

This chapter covers:

  • Subscription management in the RHEL 8 web console.
  • Registering subscriptions for your system in the web console with the Red Hat user name and password.
  • Registering subscriptions with the activation key.


  • Purchased subscriptions.
  • The system subjected to subscription has to be connected to the internet because the web console needs to communicate with the Red Hat Customer Portal.

26.1. Subscription management in the web console

The RHEL 8 web console provides an interface for using Red Hat Subscription Manager installed on your local system.

The Subscription Manager connects to the Red Hat Customer Portal and verifies all available:

  • Active subscriptions
  • Expired subscriptions
  • Renewed subscriptions

If you want to renew the subscription or get a different one in Red Hat Customer Portal, you do not have to update the Subscription Manager data manually. The Subscription Manager synchronizes data with Red Hat Customer Portal automatically.

26.2. Registering subscriptions with credentials in the web console

Use the following steps to register a newly installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux with account credentials using the RHEL web console.


  • A valid user account on the Red Hat Customer Portal.

    See the Create a Red Hat Login page.

  • Active subscription for your RHEL system.


  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. In the Health filed in the Overview page, click the Not registered warning, or click Subscriptions in the main menu to move to page with your subscription information.

    cockpit subscription Health .

  3. In the Overview filed, click Register.

    cockpit subscription Overview

  4. In the Register system dialog box, select that you want to register using your account credentials.

    cockpit subscriptions account

  5. Enter your username.
  6. Enter your password.
  7. Optionally, enter your organization’s name or ID.

    If your account belongs to more than one organization on the Red Hat Customer Portal, you have to add the organization name or organization ID. To get the org ID, go to your Red Hat contact point.

    • If you do not want to connect your system to Red Hat Insights, clear the Insights check box.
  8. Click the Register button.

At this point, your Red Hat Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux system has been successfully registered.

26.3. Registering subscriptions with activation keys in the web console

Use the following steps to register a newly installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux with an activation key using the RHEL web console.


  • If you do not have a user account in the portal, your vendor provides you with the activation key.


  1. Log in to the RHEL web console. For details, see Logging in to the web console.
  2. In the Health filed in the Overview page, click the Not registered warning, or click Subscriptions in the main menu to move to page with your subscription information.

    cockpit subscription Health .

  3. In the Overview filed, click Register.

    cockpit subscription Overview

  4. In the Register system dialog box, select that you want to register using an activation key.

    cockpit subscriptions key

  5. Enter your key or keys.
  6. Enter your organization’s name or ID.

    To get the organization ID, go to your Red Hat contact point.

    • If you do not want to connect your system to Red Hat Insights, clear the Insights check box.
  7. Click the Register button.

At this point, your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system has been successfully registered.

Chapter 27. Configuring kdump in the web console

You can set up and test the kdump configuration by using the RHEL 8 web console. The web console can enable the kdump service at boot time. Furthermore, the web console enables you to configure the reserved memory for kdump and to select the vmcore saving location in an uncompressed or compressed format.

27.1. Configuring kdump memory usage and target location in web console

You can configure the memory reserve for the kdump kernel and also specify the target location to capture the vmcore dump file with the RHEL web console interface.



  1. In the web console, open the Kernel dump tab and start the kdump service by setting the Kernel crash dump switch to on.
  2. Configure the kdump memory usage in the terminal, for example:

    $ sudo grubby --update-kernel ALL --args crashkernel=512M

    Restart the system to apply the changes.

  3. In the Kernel dump tab, click Edit at the end of the Crash dump location field.

    Kdump page in the web console
  4. Specify the target directory for saving the vmcore dump file:

    • For a local filesystem, select Local Filesystem from the drop-down menu.

      Location for saving vmcore
    • For a remote system by using the SSH protocol, select Remote over SSH from the drop-down menu and specify the following fields:

      • In the Server field, enter the remote server address.
      • In the SSH key field, enter the SSH key location.
      • In the Directory field, enter the target directory.
    • For a remote system by using the NFS protocol, select Remote over NFS from the drop-down menu and specify the following fields:

      • In the Server field, enter the remote server address.
      • In the Export field, enter the location of the shared folder of an NFS server.
      • In the Directory field, enter the target directory.


        You can reduce the size of the vmcore file by selecting the Compression checkbox.

  5. Optional: Display the automation script by clicking View automation script.

    A window with the generated script opens. You can navigate between a shell script and an Ansible playbook generation options tab.

  6. Optional: Copy the script by clicking Copy to clipboard.

    You can use this script to apply the same configuration on multiple machines.


  1. Click Test configuration.

    Test configuration of kdump
  2. Click Crash system under Test kdump settings.


    When you initiate the system crash, the kernel operation stops and results in a system crash with data loss.

Additional resources

Chapter 28. Managing virtual machines in the web console

To manage virtual machines in a graphical interface on a RHEL 8 host, you can use the Virtual Machines pane in the RHEL 8 web console.

Image displaying the virtual machine tab of the web console.

28.1. Overview of virtual machine management by using the web console

The RHEL 8 web console is a web-based interface for system administration. As one of its features, the web console provides a graphical view of virtual machines (VMs) on the host system, and makes it possible to create, access, and configure these VMs.

Note that to use the web console to manage your VMs on RHEL 8, you must first install a web console plug-in for virtualization.

Next steps

28.2. Setting up the web console to manage virtual machines

Before using the RHEL 8 web console to manage virtual machines (VMs), you must install the web console virtual machine plug-in on the host.


  • Ensure that the web console is installed and enabled on your machine.

    # systemctl status cockpit.socket
    cockpit.socket - Cockpit Web Service Socket
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cockpit.socket

    If this command returns Unit cockpit.socket could not be found, follow the Installing the web console document to enable the web console.


  • Install the cockpit-machines plug-in.

    # yum install cockpit-machines


  1. Access the web console, for example by entering the https://localhost:9090 address in your browser.
  2. Log in.
  3. If the installation was successful, Virtual Machines appears in the web console side menu.

    Image displaying the virtual machine tab of the web console.

28.3. Renaming virtual machines by using the web console

You might require renaming an existing virtual machine (VM) to avoid naming conflicts or assign a new unique name based on your use case. To rename the VM, you can use the RHEL web console.



  1. In the Virtual Machines interface, click the Menu button of the VM that you want to rename.

    A drop-down menu appears with controls for various VM operations.

  2. Click Rename.

    The Rename a VM dialog appears.

    Image displaying the rename a VM dialog box.
  3. In the New name field, enter a name for the VM.
  4. Click Rename.


  • Check that the new VM name has appeared in the Virtual Machines interface.

28.4. Virtual machine management features available in the web console

By using the RHEL 8 web console, you can perform the following actions to manage the virtual machines (VMs) on your system.

Table 28.1. VM tasks that can be performed in the RHEL 8 web console

TaskFor details, see:

Create a VM and install it with a guest operating system

Creating virtual machines and installing guest operating systems by using the web console

Delete a VM.

Deleting virtual machines by using the web console.

Start, shut down, and restart the VM

Starting virtual machines by using the web console and Shutting down and restarting virtual machines by using the web console

Connect to and interact with a VM using a variety of consoles

Interacting with virtual machines by using the web console

View a variety of information about the VM

Viewing virtual machine information by using the web console

Adjust the host memory allocated to a VM

Adding and removing virtual machine memory by using the web console

Manage network connections for the VM

Using the web console for managing virtual machine network interfaces

Manage the VM storage available on the host and attach virtual disks to the VM

Managing storage for virtual machines

Configure the virtual CPU settings of the VM

Managing virtual CPUs by using the web console

Live migrate a VM

Live migrating a virtual machine by using the web console

Rename a VM

Renaming virtual machines by using the web console

Share files between the host and the VM

Sharing files between the host and its virtual machines

Manage host devices

Managing virtual devices by using the web console

Manage virtual optical drives

Managing virtual optical drives

Attach watchdog device

Attaching a watchdog device to a virtual machine by using the web console

28.5. Differences between virtualization features in Virtual Machine Manager and the web console

The Virtual Machine Manager (virt-manager) application is supported in RHEL 8, but has been deprecated. The web console is intended to become its replacement in a subsequent major release. It is, therefore, recommended that you get familiar with the web console for managing virtualization in a GUI.

However, in RHEL 8, some VM management tasks can only be performed in virt-manager or the command line. The following table highlights the features that are available in virt-manager but not available in the RHEL 8.0 web console.

If a feature is available in a later minor version of RHEL 8, the minimum RHEL 8 version appears in the Support in web console introduced column.

Table 28.2. VM managemennt tasks that cannot be performed using the web console in RHEL 8.0

TaskSupport in web console introducedAlternative method by using CLI

Setting a virtual machine to start when the host boots

RHEL 8.1

virsh autostart

Suspending a virtual machine

RHEL 8.1

virsh suspend

Resuming a suspended virtual machine

RHEL 8.1

virsh resume

Creating file-system directory storage pools

RHEL 8.1

virsh pool-define-as

Creating NFS storage pools

RHEL 8.1

virsh pool-define-as

Creating physical disk device storage pools

RHEL 8.1

virsh pool-define-as

Creating LVM volume group storage pools

RHEL 8.1

virsh pool-define-as

Creating partition-based storage pools


virsh pool-define-as

Creating GlusterFS-based storage pools


virsh pool-define-as

Creating vHBA-based storage pools with SCSI devices


virsh pool-define-as

Creating Multipath-based storage pools


virsh pool-define-as

Creating RBD-based storage pools


virsh pool-define-as

Creating a new storage volume

RHEL 8.1

virsh vol-create

Adding a new virtual network

RHEL 8.1

virsh net-create or virsh net-define

Deleting a virtual network

RHEL 8.1

virsh net-undefine

Creating a bridge from a host machine’s interface to a virtual machine


virsh iface-bridge

Creating a snapshot


virsh snapshot-create-as

Reverting to a snapshot


virsh snapshot-revert

Deleting a snapshot


virsh snapshot-delete

Cloning a virtual machine

RHEL 8.4


Migrating a virtual machine to another host machine

RHEL 8.5

virsh migrate

Attaching a host device to a VM

RHEL 8.5

virt-xml --add-device

Removing a host device from a VM

RHEL 8.5

virt-xml --remove-device

Chapter 29. Managing remote systems in the web console

Connect to the remote systems and manage them in the RHEL 8 web console.

The following chapter describes:

  • The optimal topology of connected systems.
  • How to add and remove remote systems.
  • When, why, and how to use SSH keys for remote system authentication.
  • How to configure a web console client to allow a user authenticated with a smart card to SSH to a remote host and access services on it.


  • Opened the SSH service on remote systems.

29.1. Remote system manager in the web console

Using the RHEL 8 web console to manage remote systems in the network requires considering the topology of connected servers.

For optimal security use the following connection setup:

  • Configure one system with the web console as a bastion host. The bastion host is a system with opened HTTPS port.
  • All other systems communicate through SSH.

With the web interface running on the bastion host, you can reach all other systems through the SSH protocol using port 22 in the default configuration.

RHEL Cockpit ManagingSystems 484190 0119

29.2. Adding remote hosts to the web console

You can connect other systems with a user name and password.



  1. In the RHEL 8 web console, click on your username@hostname in the top left corner of the Overview page.

    cockpit username dropdown

  2. From the drop-down menu, select the Add new host button.

    cockpit add new host

  3. In the Add new host dialog box, specify the host you want to add.
  4. (Optional) Add the user name for the account to which you want to connect.

    You can use any user account of the remote system. However, if you use credentials of a user account without administration privileges, you will not be able to perform administration tasks.

    If you use the same credentials as for your local system, the web console will authenticate remote systems automatically every time you log in. However, using the same credentials on more machines could be a potential security risk.

  5. (Optional) Click the Color field to change the color of the system.
  6. Click Add.

    The new host will appear in the list of hosts in the username@hostname drop-down menu.


The web console does not save passwords used to log in to remote systems which means that you have to log in again after each system restart. Next time you log in, click the Log in button placed on the main screen of the disconnected remote system to open the login dialog.

cockpit not connected to host

29.3. Removing remote hosts from the web console

You can remove other systems from the web console.



  1. Log in to the RHEL 8 web console.
  2. Click on your username@hostname in the top left corner of the Overview page.

    cockpit username dropdown

  3. Click the Edit hosts icon.

    cockpit edit hosts

  4. To remove a host from web console, click the red minus sign - button next to its host name. Note that you cannot remove a host you are currently connected to.

    cockpit remove host

As a result, the server is removed from your web console.

29.4. Enabling SSH login for a new host

When you add a new host you can also log in to the host with an SSH key. If you already have an SSH key on your system, the web console uses the existing one; otherwise, the web console can create a key.



  1. In the RHEL 8 web console, click on your username@hostname in the top left corner of the Overview page.

    cockpit username dropdown

  2. From the drop-down menu, select the Add new host button.

    cockpit add new host

  3. In the Add new host dialog box, specify the host you want to add.
  4. Add the user name for the account to which you want to connect.

    You can use any user account of the remote system. However, if you use credentials of a user account without administration privileges, you will not be able to perform administration tasks.

  5. (Optional) Click the Color field to change the color of the system.
  6. Click Add.

    A new dialog window will appear asking for a password.

  7. Enter the user account password.
  8. Check Authorize ssh key if you already have an SSH key.

    cockpit authorize ssh key

  9. Check Create a new SSH key and authorize it if you do not have an SSH key. The web console will create it for you.

    cockpit ssh key add from login

    1. Add a password for the SSH key.
    2. Confirm the password.
  10. Click Log in

    The new host will appear in the list of hosts in the username@hostname drop-down menu.

Verification steps

  1. Log out.
  2. Log back in.
  3. Click Log in in the Not connected to host screen.
  4. Select SSH key as your authentication option.

    cockpit ssh login dialog
  5. Enter your key password.
  6. Click Log in.

29.5. Constrained delegation in Identity Management

The Service for User to Proxy (S4U2proxy) extension provides a service that obtains a service ticket to another service on behalf of a user. This feature is known as constrained delegation. The second service is typically a proxy performing some work on behalf of the first service, under the authorization context of the user. Using constrained delegation eliminates the need for the user to delegate their full ticket-granting ticket (TGT).

Identity Management (IdM) traditionally uses the Kerberos S4U2proxy feature to allow the web server framework to obtain an LDAP service ticket on the user’s behalf. The IdM-AD trust system also uses constrained delegation to obtain a cifs principal.

You can use the S4U2proxy feature to configure a web console client to allow an IdM user that has authenticated with a smart card to achieve the following:

  • Run commands with superuser privileges on the RHEL host on which the web console service is running without being asked to authenticate again.
  • Access a remote host using SSH and access services on the host without being asked to authenticate again.

29.6. Configuring a web console to allow a user authenticated with a smart card to SSH to a remote host without being asked to authenticate again

After you have logged in to a user account on the RHEL web console, as an Identity Management (IdM) system administrator you might need to connect to remote machines by using the SSH protocol. You can use the constrained delegation feature to use SSH without being asked to authenticate again.

Follow this procedure to configure the web console to use constrained delegation. In the example below, the web console session runs on the host and it is being configured to access the host by using SSH on behalf of the authenticated user.


  • You have obtained an IdM admin ticket-granting ticket (TGT).
  • You have root access to
  • The web console service is present in IdM.
  • The host is present in IdM.
  • The web console has created an S4U2Proxy Kerberos ticket in the user session. To verify that this is the case, log in to the web console as an IdM user, open the Terminal page, and enter:

    $ klist
    Ticket cache: FILE:/run/user/1894000001/cockpit-session-3692.ccache
    Default principal: user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
    07/30/21 09:19:06 07/31/21 09:19:06 HTTP/
    07/30/21 09:19:06  07/31/21 09:19:06  krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
            for client HTTP/


  1. Create a list of the target hosts that can be accessed by the delegation rule:

    1. Create a service delegation target:

      $ ipa servicedelegationtarget-add cockpit-target
    2. Add the target host to the delegation target:

      $ ipa servicedelegationtarget-add-member cockpit-target \ --principals=host/
  2. Allow cockpit sessions to access the target host list by creating a service delegation rule and adding the HTTP service Kerberos principal to it:

    1. Create a service delegation rule:

      $ ipa servicedelegationrule-add cockpit-delegation
    2. Add the web console client to the delegation rule:

      $ ipa servicedelegationrule-add-member cockpit-delegation \ --principals=HTTP/
    3. Add the delegation target to the delegation rule:

      $ ipa servicedelegationrule-add-target cockpit-delegation \ --servicedelegationtargets=cockpit-target
  3. Enable Kerberos authentication on the host:

    1. SSH to as root.
    2. Open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file for editing.
    3. Enable GSSAPIAuthentication by uncommenting the GSSAPIAuthentication no line and replacing it with GSSAPIAuthentication yes.
  4. Restart the SSH service on so that the above changes take effect immediately:

    $ systemctl try-restart sshd.service

29.7. Using Ansible to configure a web console to allow a user authenticated with a smart card to SSH to a remote host without being asked to authenticate again

After you have logged in to a user account on the RHEL web console, as an Identity Management (IdM) system administrator you might need to connect to remote machines by using the SSH protocol. You can use the constrained delegation feature to use SSH without being asked to authenticate again.

Follow this procedure to use the servicedelegationrule and servicedelegationtarget ansible-freeipa modules to configure a web console to use constrained delegation. In the example below, the web console session runs on the host and it is being configured to access the host by using SSH on behalf of the authenticated user.


  • The IdM admin password.
  • root access to
  • The web console service is present in IdM.
  • The host is present in IdM.
  • The web console has created an S4U2Proxy Kerberos ticket in the user session. To verify that this is the case, log in to the web console as an IdM user, open the Terminal page, and enter:

    $ klist
    Ticket cache: FILE:/run/user/1894000001/cockpit-session-3692.ccache
    Default principal: user@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
    Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
    07/30/21 09:19:06 07/31/21 09:19:06 HTTP/
    07/30/21 09:19:06  07/31/21 09:19:06  krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
            for client HTTP/
  • You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:

    • You are using Ansible version 2.14 or later.
    • You have installed the ansible-freeipa package on the Ansible controller.
    • The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
    • The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your ipaadmin_password.
  • The target node, that is the node on which the ansible-freeipa module is executed, is part of the IdM domain as an IdM client, server or replica.


  1. Navigate to your ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory:

    $ cd ~/MyPlaybooks/
  2. Create a web-console-smart-card-ssh.yml playbook with the following content:

    1. Create a task that ensures the presence of a delegation target:

      - name: Playbook to create a constrained delegation target
        hosts: ipaserver
        - /home/user_name/MyPlaybooks/secret.yml
        - name: Ensure servicedelegationtarget web-console-delegation-target is present
            ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
            name: web-console-delegation-target
    2. Add a task that adds the target host to the delegation target:

        - name: Ensure servicedelegationtarget web-console-delegation-target member principal host/ is present
            ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
            name: web-console-delegation-target
            principal: host/
            action: member
    3. Add a task that ensures the presence of a delegation rule:

        - name: Ensure servicedelegationrule delegation-rule is present
            ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
            name: web-console-delegation-rule
    4. Add a task that ensures that the Kerberos principal of the web console client service is a member of the constrained delegation rule:

        - name: Ensure the Kerberos principal of the web console client service is added to the servicedelegationrule web-console-delegation-rule
            ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
            name: web-console-delegation-rule
            principal: HTTP/
            action: member
    5. Add a task that ensures that the constrained delegation rule is associated with the web-console-delegation-target delegation target:

        - name: Ensure a constrained delegation rule is associated with a specific delegation target
            ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}"
            name: web-console-delegation-rule
            target: web-console-delegation-target
            action: member
  3. Save the file.
  4. Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory web-console-smart-card-ssh.yml
  5. Enable Kerberos authentication on

    1. SSH to as root.
    2. Open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file for editing.
    3. Enable GSSAPIAuthentication by uncommenting the GSSAPIAuthentication no line and replacing it with GSSAPIAuthentication yes.

Additional resources

Chapter 30. Configuring Single Sign-On for the RHEL 8 web console in the IdM domain

Learn how to use Single Sign-on (SSO) authentication provided by Identity Management (IdM) in the RHEL 8 web console.


  • IdM domain administrators can use the RHEL 8 web console to manage local machines.
  • Users with a Kerberos ticket in the IdM domain do not need to provide login credentials to access the web console.
  • All hosts known to the IdM domain are accessible via SSH from the local instance of the RHEL 8 web console.
  • Certificate configuration is not necessary. The console’s web server automatically switches to a certificate issued by the IdM certificate authority and accepted by browsers.

This chapter covers the following steps to configure SSO for logging into the RHEL web console:

  1. Add machines to the IdM domain using the RHEL 8 web console.

    For details, see Joining a RHEL 8 system to an IdM domain using the web console.

  2. If you want to use Kerberos for authentication, you need to obtain a Kerberos ticket on your machine.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console using Kerberos authentication.

  3. Allow administrators on the IdM server to run any command on any host.

    For details, see Enabling admin sudo access to domain administrators on the IdM server.


30.1. Joining a RHEL 8 system to an IdM domain using the web console

You can use the web console to join the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 system to the Identity Management (IdM) domain.


  • The IdM domain is running and reachable from the client you want to join.
  • You have the IdM domain administrator credentials.


  1. Log into the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. In the Configuration field of the Overview tab click Join Domain.
  3. In the Join a Domain dialog box, enter the host name of the IdM server in the Domain Address field.
  4. In the Domain administrator name field, enter the user name of the IdM administration account.
  5. In the Domain administrator password, add a password.
  6. Click Join.

Verification steps

  1. If the RHEL 8 web console did not display an error, the system has been joined to the IdM domain and you can see the domain name in the System screen.
  2. To verify that the user is a member of the domain, click the Terminal page and type the id command:

    $ id
    euid=548800004(example_user) gid=548800004(example_user) groups=548800004(example_user) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023

30.2. Logging in to the web console using Kerberos authentication

The following procedure describes steps on how to set up the RHEL 8 system to use Kerberos authentication.


With SSO you usually do not have any administrative privileges in the web console. This only works if you configured passwordless sudo. The web console does not interactively ask for a sudo password.


  • IdM domain running and reachable in your company environment.

    For details, see Joining a RHEL 8 system to an IdM domain using the web console.

  • Enable the cockpit.socket service on remote systems to which you want to connect and manage them with the RHEL web console.

    For details, see Installing the web console.

  • If the system does not use a Kerberos ticket managed by the SSSD client, try to request the ticket with the kinit utility manually.


Log in to the RHEL web console with the following address: https://dns_name:9090.

At this point, you are successfully connected to the RHEL web console and you can start with configuration.

A screenshot of the web console with a menu in a column along the left that has the following buttons: System - Logs - Storage - Networking - Accounts - Services - Applications - Diagnostic Reports - Kernel Dump - SELinux. The "System" option has been chosen and displays details for the system such as Hardware - Machine ID - Operating system - Secure Shell Keys - Hostname - and others. 3 graphs display usage of CPUs over time - use of Memory and Swap over time - and Disk I/O over time.

30.3. Enabling admin sudo access to domain administrators on the IdM server

You can allow domain administrators to use any command on any host in the Identity Management (IdM) domain by using the RHEL web console.

To accomplish this, enable sudo access to the admins user group created automatically during the IdM server installation. All users added to the admins group gain sudo access if you run ipa-advise script on the group.


  • The server runs IdM 4.7.1 or later.


  1. Connect to the IdM server.
  2. Run the ipa-advise script:

    $ ipa-advise enable-admins-sudo | sh -ex

If the console does not display an error, the admins group has sudo permissions on all machines in the IdM domain.

Chapter 31. Configuring smart card authentication with the web console for centrally managed users

Configure smart card authentication in the RHEL web console for users who are centrally managed by:

  • Identity Management
  • Active Directory which is connected in the cross-forest trust with Identity Management
Smart card authentication does not elevate administrative privileges yet and the web console opens in the web browser in the read-only mode.
You can run administrative commands in the built-in terminal with `sudo`.


31.1. Smart card authentication for centrally managed users

A smart card is a physical device, which can provide personal authentication using certificates stored on the card. Personal authentication means that you can use smart cards in the same way as user passwords.

You can store user credentials on the smart card in the form of a private key and a certificate. Special software and hardware is used to access them. You insert the smart card into a reader or a USB socket and supply the PIN code for the smart card instead of providing your password.

Identity Management (IdM) supports smart card authentication with:


If you want to start using smart card authentication, see the hardware requirements: Smart Card support in RHEL8+.

31.2. Installing tools for managing and using smart cards


  • The gnutls-utils package is installed.
  • The opensc package is installed.
  • The pcscd service is running.

Before you can configure your smart card, you must install the corresponding tools, which can generate certificates and start the pscd service.


  1. Install the opensc and gnutls-utils packages:

    # yum -y install opensc gnutls-utils
  2. Start the pcscd service.

    # systemctl start pcscd

Verification steps

  • Verify that the pcscd service is up and running

    # systemctl status pcscd

31.3. Preparing your smart card and uploading your certificates and keys to your smart card

Follow this procedure to configure your smart card with the pkcs15-init tool, which helps you to configure:

  • Erasing your smart card
  • Setting new PINs and optional PIN Unblocking Keys (PUKs)
  • Creating a new slot on the smart card
  • Storing the certificate, private key, and public key in the slot
  • If required, locking the smart card settings as certain smart cards require this type of finalization

The pkcs15-init tool may not work with all smart cards. You must use the tools that work with the smart card you are using.


  • The opensc package, which includes the pkcs15-init tool, is installed.

    For more details, see Installing tools for managing and using smart cards.

  • The card is inserted in the reader and connected to the computer.
  • You have a private key, a public key, and a certificate to store on the smart card. In this procedure, testuser.key, testuserpublic.key, and testuser.crt are the names used for the private key, public key, and the certificate.
  • You have your current smart card user PIN and Security Officer PIN (SO-PIN).


  1. Erase your smart card and authenticate yourself with your PIN:

    $ pkcs15-init --erase-card --use-default-transport-keys
    Using reader with a card: Reader name
    PIN [Security Officer PIN] required.
    Please enter PIN [Security Officer PIN]:

    The card has been erased.

  2. Initialize your smart card, set your user PIN and PUK, and your Security Officer PIN and PUK:

    $ pkcs15-init --create-pkcs15 --use-default-transport-keys \ --pin 963214 --puk 321478 --so-pin 65498714 --so-puk 784123
    Using reader with a card: Reader name

    The pcks15-init tool creates a new slot on the smart card.

  3. Set a label and the authentication ID for the slot:

    $ pkcs15-init --store-pin --label testuser \ --auth-id 01 --so-pin 65498714 --pin 963214 --puk 321478
    Using reader with a card: Reader name

    The label is set to a human-readable value, in this case, testuser. The auth-id must be two hexadecimal values, in this case it is set to 01.

  4. Store and label the private key in the new slot on the smart card:

    $ pkcs15-init --store-private-key testuser.key --label testuser_key \ --auth-id 01 --id 01 --pin 963214
    Using reader with a card: Reader name

    The value you specify for --id must be the same when storing your private key and storing your certificate in the next step. Specifying your own value for --id is recommended as otherwise a more complicated value is calculated by the tool.

  5. Store and label the certificate in the new slot on the smart card:

    $ pkcs15-init --store-certificate testuser.crt --label testuser_crt \ --auth-id 01 --id 01 --format pem --pin 963214
    Using reader with a card: Reader name
  6. Optional: Store and label the public key in the new slot on the smart card:

    $ pkcs15-init --store-public-key testuserpublic.key --label testuserpublic_key --auth-id 01 --id 01 --pin 963214
    Using reader with a card: Reader name

    If the public key corresponds to a private key or certificate, specify the same ID as the ID of the private key or certificate.

  7. Optional: Certain smart cards require you to finalize the card by locking the settings:

    $ pkcs15-init -F

    At this stage, your smart card includes the certificate, private key, and public key in the newly created slot. You have also created your user PIN and PUK and the Security Officer PIN and PUK.

31.4. Enabling smart card authentication for the web console

To be able to use smart card authentication in the web console, enable smart card authentication in the cockpit.conf file.

Additionally, you can disable password authentication in the same file.



  1. Log in to the RHEL web console with administrator privileges.

    For details, see Logging in to the web console.

  2. Click Terminal.
  3. In the /etc/cockpit/cockpit.conf, set the ClientCertAuthentication to yes:

    ClientCertAuthentication = yes
  4. Optional: Disable password based authentication in cockpit.conf with:

    action = none

    This configuration disables password authentication and you must always use the smart card.

  5. Restart the web console to ensure that the cockpit.service accepts the change:

    # systemctl restart cockpit

31.5. Logging in to the web console with smart cards

You can use smart cards to log in to the web console.


  • A valid certificate stored in your smart card that is associated to a user account created in a Active Directory or Identity Management domain.
  • PIN to unlock the smart card.
  • The smart card has been put into the reader.


  1. Open your web browser and add the web console’s address in the address bar.

    The browser asks you to add the PIN protecting the certificate stored on the smart card.

  2. In the Password Required dialog box, enter PIN and click OK.
  3. In the User Identification Request dialog box, select the certificate stored in the smart card.
  4. Select Remember this decision.

    The system does not open this window next time.


    This step does not apply to Google Chrome users.

  5. Click OK.

You are now connected and the web console displays its content.

31.6. Limiting user sessions and memory to prevent a DoS attack

A certificate authentication is protected by separating and isolating instances of the cockpit-ws web server against attackers who wants to impersonate another user. However, this introduces a potential denial of service (DoS) attack: A remote attacker could create a large number of certificates and send a large number of HTTPS requests to cockpit-ws each using a different certificate.

To prevent this DoS, the collective resources of these web server instances are limited. By default, limits to the number of connections and to memory usage are set to 200 threads and a 75% (soft) / 90% (hard) memory limit.

The following procedure describes resource protection by limiting the number of connections and memory.


  1. In the terminal, open the system-cockpithttps.slice configuration file:

    # systemctl edit system-cockpithttps.slice
  2. Limit the TasksMax to 100 and CPUQuota to 30%:

    # change existing value
    # add new restriction
  3. To apply the changes, restart the system:

    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl stop cockpit

Now, the new memory and user session limits protect the cockpit-ws web server from DoS attacks.

31.7. Additional resources

Chapter 32. Satellite host management and monitoring

Red Hat Satellite is a system management solution for deploying, configuring, and maintaining your systems across physical, virtual, and cloud environments. Satellite provides provisioning, remote management and monitoring of multiple Red Hat Enterprise Linux deployments with a centralized tool.

By default, RHEL web console integration is disabled in Red Hat Satellite. To access Red Hat web console features for your hosts from within Red Hat Satellite, you must first enable RHEL web console integration on a Red Hat Satellite Server.

Satellite documentation for managing many hosts at scale in the web console

Chapter 33. Managing container images by using the RHEL web console

You can use the RHEL web console web-based interface to pull, prune, or delete your container images.

33.1. Pulling container images in the web console

You can download container images to your local system and use them to create your containers.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. In the Images table, click the overflow menu in the upper-right corner and select Download new image.
  3. The Search for an image dialog box appears.
  4. In the Search for field, enter the name of the image or specify its description.
  5. In the in drop-down list, select the registry from which you want to pull the image.
  6. Optional: In the Tag field, enter the tag of the image.
  7. Click Download.


  • Click Podman containers in the main menu. You can see the newly downloaded image in the Images table.

You can create a container from the downloaded image by clicking the Create container in the Images table. To create the container, follow steps 3-8 in Creating containers in the web console.

33.2. Pruning container images in the web console

You can remove all unused images that do not have any containers based on it.


  • At least one container image is pulled.
  • The web console is installed and accessible. For more information, see Installing the web console and Logging in to the web console.
  • The cockpit-podman add-on is installed:

    # yum install cockpit-podman


    1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
    2. In the Images table, click the overflow menu in the upper-right corner and select Prune unused images.
    3. The pop-up window with the list of images appears. Click Prune to confirm your choice.


  • Click Podman containers in the main menu. The deleted images should not be listed in the Images table.

33.3. Deleting container images in the web console

You can delete a previously pulled container image using the web console.


  • At least one container image is pulled.
  • The web console is installed and accessible. For more information, see Installing the web console and Logging in to the web console.
  • The cockpit-podman add-on is installed:

    # yum install cockpit-podman


    1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
    2. In the Images table, select the image you want to delete and click the overflow menu and select Delete.
    3. The window appears. Click Delete tagged images to confirm your choice.


  • Click the Podman containers in the main menu. The deleted container should not be listed in the Images table.

Chapter 34. Managing containers by using the RHEL web console

You can use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux web console to manage your containers and pods. With the web console, you can create containers as a non-root or root user.

  • As a root user, you can create system containers with extra privileges and options.
  • As a non-root user, you have two options:

    • To only create user containers, you can use the web console in its default mode - Limited access.
    • To create both user and system containers, click Administrative access in the top panel of the web console page.

For details about differences between root and rootless containers, see Special considerations for rootless containers.

34.1. Creating containers in the web console

You can create a container and add port mappings, volumes, environment variables, health checks, and so on.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. Click Create container.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name of your container.
  4. Provide desired info in the Details tab.

    • Available only with the administrative access: Select the Owner of the container: System or User.
    • In the Image drop down list select or search the container image in selected registries.

      • Optional: Check the Pull latest image checkbox to pull the latest container image.
    • The Command field specifies the command. You can change the default command if you need.

      • Optional: Check the With terminal checkbox to run your container with a terminal.
    • The Memory limit field specifies the memory limit for the container. To change the default memory limit, check the checkbox and specify the limit.
    • Available only for system containers: In the CPU shares field, specify the relative amount of CPU time. Default value is 1024. Check the checkbox to modify the default value.
    • Available only for system containers: In the Restart policy drop down menu, select one of the following options:

      • No (default value): No action.
      • On Failure: Restarts a container on failure.
      • Always: Restarts a container when exits or after rebooting the system.
  5. Provide the required information in the Integration tab.

    • Click Add port mapping to add port mapping between the container and host system.

      • Enter the IP address, Host port, Container port and Protocol.
    • Click Add volume to add volume.

      • Enter the host path, Container path. You can check the Writable option checkbox to create a writable volume. In the SELinux drop down list, select one of the following options: No Label, Shared or Private.
    • Click Add variable to add environment variable.

      • Enter the Key and Value.
  6. Provide the required information in the Health check tab.

    • In the Command fields, enter the 'healthcheck' command.
    • Specify the healthcheck options:

      • Interval (default is 30 seconds)
      • Timeout (default is 30 seconds)
      • Start period
      • Retries (default is 3)
      • When unhealthy: Select one of the following options:

        • No action (default): Take no action.
        • Restart: Restart the container.
        • Stop: Stop the container.
        • Force stop: Force stops the container, it does not wait for the container to exit.
  7. Click Create and run to create and run the container.

You can click Create to only create the container.


  • Click Podman containers in the main menu. You can see the newly created container in the Containers table.

34.2. Inspecting containers in the web console

You can display detailed information about a container in the web console.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. Click the > arrow icon to see details of the container.

    • In the Details tab, you can see container ID, Image, Command, Created (timestamp when the container was created), and its State.

      • Available only for system containers: You can also see IP address, MAC address, and Gateway address.
    • In the Integration tab, you can see environment variables, port mappings, and volumes.
    • In the Log tab, you can see container logs.
    • In the Console tab, you can interact with the container using the command line.

34.3. Changing the state of containers in the web console

In the Red Hat Enterprise Linux web console, you can start, stop, restart, pause, and rename containers on the system.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. In the Containers table, select the container you want to modify and click the overflow menu and select the action you want to perform:

    • Start
    • Stop
    • Force stop
    • Restart
    • Force restart
    • Pause
    • Rename

34.4. Committing containers in the web console

You can create a new image based on the current state of the container.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. In the Containers table, select the container you want to modify and click the overflow menu and select Commit.
  3. In the Commit container form, add the following details:

    • In the New image name field, enter the image name.
    • Optional: In the Tag field, enter the tag.
    • Optional: In the Author field, enter your name.
    • Optional: In the Command field, change command if you need.
    • Optional: Check the Options you need:

      • Pause container when creating image: The container and its processes are paused while the image is committed.
      • Use legacy Docker format: if you do not use the Docker image format, the OCI format is used.
  4. Click Commit.


  • Click the Podman containers in the main menu. You can see the newly created image in the Images table.

34.5. Creating a container checkpoint in the web console

Using the web console, you can set a checkpoint on a running container or an individual application and store its state to disk.


Creating a checkpoint is available only for system containers.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. In the Containers table, select the container you want to modify and click the overflow icon menu and select Checkpoint.
  3. Optional: In the Checkpoint container form, check the options you need:

    • Keep all temporary checkpoint files: keep all temporary log and statistics files created by CRIU during checkpointing. These files are not deleted if checkpointing fails for further debugging.
    • Leave running after writing checkpoint to disk: leave the container running after checkpointing instead of stopping it.
    • Support preserving established TCP connections
  4. Click Checkpoint.


  • Click the Podman containers in the main menu. Select the container you checkpointed, click the overflow menu icon and verify that there is a Restore option.

34.6. Restoring a container checkpoint in the web console

You can use data saved to restore the container after a reboot at the same point in time it was checkpointed.


Creating a checkpoint is available only for system containers.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. In the Containers table, select the container you want to modify and click the overflow menu and select Restore.
  3. Optional: In the Restore container form, check the options you need:

    • Keep all temporary checkpoint files: Keep all temporary log and statistics files created by CRIU during checkpointing. These files are not deleted if checkpointing fails for further debugging.
    • Restore with established TCP connections
    • Ignore IP address if set statically: If the container was started with IP address the restored container also tries to use that IP address and restore fails if that IP address is already in use. This option is applicable if you added port mapping in the Integration tab when you create the container.
    • Ignore MAC address if set statically: If the container was started with MAC address the restored container also tries to use that MAC address and restore fails if that MAC address is already in use.
  4. Click Restore.


  • Click the Podman containers in the main menu. You can see that the restored container in the Containers table is running.

34.7. Deleting containers in the web console

You can delete an existing container using the web console.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. In the Containers table, select the container you want to delete and click the overflow menu and select Delete.
  3. The pop-up window appears. Click Delete to confirm your choice.


  • Click the Podman containers in the main menu. The deleted container should not be listed in the Containers table.

34.8. Creating pods in the web console

You can create pods in the RHEL web console interface.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. Click Create pod.
  3. Provide desired information in the Create pod form:

    • Available only with the administrative access: Select the Owner of the container: System or User.
    • In the Name field, enter the name of your container.
    • Click Add port mapping to add port mapping between container and host system.

      • Enter the IP address, Host port, Container port and Protocol.
    • Click Add volume to add volume.

      • Enter the host path, Container path. You can check the Writable checkbox to create a writable volume. In the SELinux drop down list, select one of the following options: No Label, Shared or Private.
  4. Click Create.


  • Click Podman containers in the main menu. You can see the newly created pod in the Containers table.

34.9. Creating containers in the pod in the web console

You can create a container in a pod.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. Click Create container in pod.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name of your container.
  4. Provide the required information in the Details tab.

    • Available only with the administrative access: Select the Owner of the container: System or User.
    • In the Image drop down list select or search the container image in selected registries.

      • Optional: Check the Pull latest image checkbox to pull the latest container image.
    • The Command field specifies the command. You can change the default command if you need.

      • Optional: Check the With terminal checkbox to run your container with a terminal.
    • The Memory limit field specifies the memory limit for the container. To change the default memory limit, check the checkbox and specify the limit.
    • Available only for system containers: In the CPU shares field, specify the relative amount of CPU time. Default value is 1024. Check the checkbox to modify the default value.
    • Available only for system containers: In the Restart policy drop down menu, select one of the following options:

      • No (default value): No action.
      • On Failure: Restarts a container on failure.
      • Always: Restarts container when exits or after system boot.
  5. Provide the required information in the Integration tab.

    • Click Add port mapping to add port mapping between the container and host system.

      • Enter the IP address, Host port, Container port and Protocol.
    • Click Add volume to add volume.

      • Enter the host path, Container path. You can check the Writable option checkbox to create a writable volume. In the SELinux drop down list, select one of the following options: No Label, Shared, or Private.
    • Click Add variable to add environment variable.

      • Enter the Key and Value.
  6. Provide the required information in the Health check tab.

    • In the Command fields, enter the healthcheck command.
    • Specify the healthcheck options:

      • Interval (default is 30 seconds)
      • Timeout (default is 30 seconds)
      • Start period
      • Retries (default is 3)
      • When unhealthy: Select one of the following options:

        • No action (default): Take no action.
        • Restart: Restart the container.
        • Stop: Stop the container.
        • Force stop: Force stops the container, it does not wait for the container to exit.

The owner of the container is the same as the owner of the pod.


In the pod, you can inspect containers, change the status of containers, commit containers, or delete containers.


  • Click Podman containers in the main menu. You can see the newly created container in the pod under the Containers table.

34.10. Changing the state of pods in the web console

You can change the status of the pod.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. In the Containers table, select the pod you want to modify and click the overflow menu and select the action you want to perform:

    • Start
    • Stop
    • Force stop
    • Restart
    • Force restart
    • Pause

34.11. Deleting pods in the web console

You can delete an existing pod using the web console.



  1. Click Podman containers in the main menu.
  2. In the Containers table, select the pod you want to delete and click the overflow menu and select Delete.
  3. In the following pop-up window, click Delete to confirm your choice.

You remove all containers in the pod.


  • Click the Podman containers in the main menu. The deleted pod should not be listed in the Containers table.

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