Satellite 5.6 RHEL_7 Channels missing from web UI

Latest response

I activated our new cert yesterday and performed the initial sync after doing so for my rhel_7 base and child channels. Today satellite's jvm crashed (possibly unrelated but noted anyways) and the host needed rebooting before httpd would respond again.

-metadata import completed
-packages downloaded & sync'd
-channels DO show up under entitlements & subscriptions as well as the number of packages they contain
-channels and packages are view-able from spacewalk-report without issue

Also note that under channel distribution mapping rhel_7 is there but if I click on the channel label I get an error page with the following error which corresponds to the tomcat error below:

This error may have occurred in one of three ways:

The channel requested does not exist. This is most likely if you arrived at this page through bookmarks or some other non-hyperlink.
You do not have permission to view this channel.
You've found an error in our site.

2014-06-18 14:09:38,923 [TP-Processor9] WARN com.redhat.rhn.common.errors.LookupExceptionHandler - User 328 does not have access to channel 747 or the channel does not exist"

rhn_manager satellite_5.6 no_proxy rhel_7 channel_error
