netbackup core dump not being created and deleted automatically
Hi Members
Someone please chelp me to findout the the reason for core being not dumped and deleted automatically.
We had this error again yesterday on our master netbackup server , where all the services went down.
Jun 3 21:03:23 main-nb-mast abrt[5643]: saved core dump of pid 11081 (/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpem) to /var/spool/abrt/ (67198976 bytes)
Jun 3 21:03:23 main-nb-mast abrtd: Directory 'ccpp-2013-06-03-21:03:22-11081' creation detected
Jun 3 21:03:23 main-nb-mast abrtd: Package 'SYMCnetbp' isn't signed with proper key
Jun 3 21:03:23 main-nb-mast abrtd: Corrupted or bad dump /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2013-06-03-21:03:22-11081 (res:2), deleting
Jun 3 21:03:23 main-nb-mast SQLAnywhere(nb_nb-mast): Disconnecting shared memory client, process id not found