Full Automated Install of RHEV-H?
We are trying to fully automated RHEV-H installation. We have found two issues so far that drive us nuts...
1) No matter what option used, install, reinstall or firstboot, the process stops and waits for operator to press enter? To confirm install? This happens every single time we boot via PXE. This makes no sense, how can we stop this behavior?
2) After automation takes place for RHEV-H deployment, the above issue not withstanding, we have to hit enter to acknowledge reboot? At least kickstart CFG had an option for automatic reboot, but not RHEV-H automation? No where in the Hypervisor Deployment Guide, or Installation Guide is this issue noted. Anyone figure out how to solve this one?
We have found a few other quirks, but these two just frankly, break the ability to deploy RHEV-H effectively, full automation? Not possible, yet.