Local Storage Domain Problem

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Im having a problem in which Im installing a Hypervisor 4.4 on a server with 500G of HD. Im using Local storage

I did the installation of the host on the manager, all good, I then proceeded to create a logical volume to use it later for a storage domain, but when I tried the following command:

lvcreate -L 100G rhvh -n data-iso

It did not let me create the LV due to space limitations which is weird since this was a clear installation

Anyway, I then created it with only 50G and it worked, but now Im having the problem that only 50G of space is not going to be enough space to store the virtual disks of the VMs that will be needed in the future

I noticed that the space is been taken over by some other LVs and LGs (Please see image attached)

Is there any way to shrink these other LVs to then assign more space to the LV I created to be used as an storage domain without breaking the system?

Thanks in advance for your help on this

Best Regards!
