Linux drive letter drift problem

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Hi,when the system is restarted, the storage lun drive letter is /dev/sda, and after the restart, it becomes /dev/sdc or other.

We tried to use the Udev strategy to create the 58-storage.rule rule to solve this problem, but when the system restarts, it prompts that the udev version does not support renaming kernel device nodes, such as "NAME=/sda%n ignored, kernel device nodes can not be renamed; please fix it in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-test.rules:2". We want to fix the drive letter under /dev/sda, so how do we solve this problem?

Among them, the linux version number is Linux nas 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64, and the query result of using the rpm -qa | grep udev command is libgudev1-219-42.el7_4.1.x86_64, python-pyudev-0.15- 9.el7.noarch, and the rules information is as follows:

[root@RHEL7X rules.d]# cat 58-storage.rule

Thank you advance for sharing your experience here.
