Run Oracle Select Query in JBoss fuse container.
One of our customer is using our product, Java based, in their JBoss fuse container. In abstract, the product encrypts the input and insert the encrypted text in the database, Oracle. Internally the connections are managed by C3P0 library. Now when they are trying to call the exposed API of the product, they are unable to execute part of the API the code to get the connection with oracle database. The exception is "Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database". The oracle driver jar is ojdbc5.jar, the database used is Oracle 11g, Java 7, Jboss Fuse 6.1.0 . Oracle drivers are bundled as a jar inside lib/ directory of main jar and the MANIFEST of it contains entry like : Bundle-ClassPath: .,lib/ojdbc5.jar,lib/oraclepki.jar
We did the troubleshooting with points mentioned in the links below and everything looks OK. and Existing code throws this error [Hibernate + c3p0 + Oracle11g]: a resourcepool could not acquire a resource from its primary factory or source.
How should I debug it further to get the database connection?
Any combination in terms of oracle jars or java should I use?
NOTE: The API is using connection string like jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"_host:port... and DataSources.pooledDataSource for attaining connection. We are not using the xml files for attaining connections.