Red Hat Insights Client - Technology Preview

Latest response

I want to inform the community about the release of the new Red Hat Insights client, which is currently available as Technology Preview.

insights-client is the replacement for redhat-access-insights and runs automatically as a cron job ... to run it manually, execute insights-client. We find more information here -> Product Documentation for Red Hat Insights | Red Hat Insights 1.0 Release Notes

Repositories :

sudo subscription-manager refresh
(in case the repository is not available)

sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-insights-3-rpms
(for the RHEL 7 Server edition - replace 7 with 6 when running a RHEL 6 Server)

sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-workstation-insights-3-rpms
(for the RHEL 7 Workstation edition - replace 7 with 6 when running a RHEL 6 Workstation)

Installation :

sudo yum update
sudo yum install insights-client

Usage :

sudo insights-client
sudo insights-client --<option>

  --help                        show this help message and exit
  --version                     Display version
  --register                    Register system to the Red Hat Insights Service
  --unregister                  Unregister system from the Red Hat Insights Service
  --display-name=DISPLAY_NAME   Display name for this system.  Must be used with --register
  --group=GROUP                 Group to add this system to during registration
  --retry=RETRIES               Number of times to retry uploading. 300 seconds between tries
  --validate                    Validate remove.conf
  --quiet                       Only display error messages to stdout
  --silent                      Display no messages to stdout
  --enable-schedule             Enable automatic scheduling for collection to run
  --disable-schedule            Disable automatic scheduling
  --conf=CONF                   Pass a custom config file
  --to-stdout                   print archive to stdout; sets --quiet and --no-upload
  --offline                     offline mode for OSP use
  --logging-file=LOGGING_FILE   path to log file location
  --net-debug                   Log the HTTP method and URL every time a network call is made.

  Debug options:
    --test-connection           Test connectivity to Red Hat
    --force-reregister          Forcefully reregister this machine to Red Hat. Use only as directed.
    --verbose                   DEBUG output to stdout
    --support                   Create a support logfile for Red Hat Insights
    --status                    Check this machine's registration status with Red Hat Insights
    --no-upload                 Do not upload the archive
    --keep-archive              Do not delete archive after upload  

I have installed and tested it on my RHEL 7 systems - the client is running smoothly without any problems so far, hence I can recommend to use it.

