Managing /etc/resolv.conf with Ansible

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Good Morning,

we would like to manage the /etc/resolv.conf with ansible. But currently the file is generated by NetworkManager.

[root@rhel-t2 ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
search sub.exampelcom
nameserver <ip address 1>
nameserver <ip address 2>

My guess is that the NetworkManager generates this file because I use the DNS1 and DNS2 directives in the ifcfg-file and no PEERDNS=no (see How to make persistent changes to the /etc/resolv.conf?).

What would be the best way to get /etc/resolv.conf under the control of ansible? My first thought was to simply stop using the DNS1 and DNS2 directives in the ifcfg-file and to disable the NetworkManager.service. Without the NetworkManager running I should be able to deploy the /etc/resolv.conf from an ansible template.

What do you think about it? Do you have any other ideas on how to do this?

Best regards,
