rhel 7.3, initial install, subscription manager, unable to reach subscription server

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I am new to using rhel 7.3 under the new Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite. I am installing rhel on an HPE DL20 Gen9 using the DVD ISO install on a USB. The install was done without any issues until I hit the Subscription Manager setup.

I have managed to get through creating my account, and creating the Activation Key for the physical system. The issue was when following the initial install instructions [27.1. SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER] (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Installation_Guide/chap-initial-setup.html#sect-initial-setup-subsciption-manager) I was getting the following error at the bottom of the screen: "Unable to reach the server at subscription.rhn.redhat.com:443/subscription".

Initially this post was to ask how to resolve the above error. I allowed the system to finish booting, and logged in. During the initial login to the user account, the init process allows you to setup Chrome, etc. It was here that I found that the URL for Chrome did not work either!

So recalling finding the state of the two NICs in the soft power button in the upper-rh corner, I found both NICs OFF!
The HPE DL20 Gen9 uses eno1 for the iLO device so I enabled eno2 for the OS and retried the setup for Chrome, and it worked!

The initial issue above was not an issue with the URL, but the default state of the NICS is OFF.

Hope this helps others setting up an HPE DL20 or any other hardware that has two NICs.

