RHEL7 updates
Hello Everyone,
Hopefully after I discuss my environment, someone can point me in the right direction. Okay so in the environment I work in, we have RHEL5, RHEL6 and were now starting to build RHEL7 servers. I have no problem with registering our RHEL5 or RHEL6 servers via RHN Classic. Once I run the rhn_register command on each system and put in my credentials the server gets registered and it tells me how many errata updates the server is missing etc. As most of you probably know, RHEL7 systems can't be registered that way. I did some google-ling and figured our how to register the RHEL7 system using RHN Classic Management. On each RHEL7 system I ran subscription-manager register --auto-attach and it attached the proper license. Okay so here is my dilemma/problem. When I log in to the Customer Portal and I click on the Red Hat Subscription Management I see my RHEL7 servers and the license attached. What I'm not seeing is if the server is missing updates like RHN Classic Management used to show me. So how and I supposed to know if my RHEL7 systems need updates without having to manually log into each server?? As a side note, my shop does not have Red Hat Satellite. Any insight would be helpful.