remoting-ejb-receiver to the server itself

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Two ears- one.ear and two.ear are deployed on same server group. server group contains multiple server hosted on different hosts.
* one.ear makes a remote ejb call in two.ear
* two.ear makes a remote ejb call in one.ear

do we need to define outbound-socket-binding/remote-destination to the server itself.

for example. 4447 is remoting port for all servers the server-group

    <socket-binding-group name="full-ha-sockets" default-interface="public">
      <outbound-socket-binding name="remote-socket-ejb-1">
        <remote-destination host="" port="4447"/>
      <outbound-socket-binding name="remote-socket-ejb-2">
        <remote-destination host="" port="4447"/>

where and hosting the servers in the server-group and server-group uses full-ha-sockets and full-ha profile

also in full-ha profile, here has one outbound connection to itself on port 4447 and other to

do we need to create an outbound connection to server itself ?
is local-destination-outbound-socket-binding something we should using in this case ?

    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:remoting:1.1">
      <connector name="remoting-connector" socket-binding="remoting" security-realm="ApplicationRealm"/>
        <remote-outbound-connection name="remote-ejb-connection-1" outbound-socket-binding-ref="remote-socket-ejb-1" username="quickuser1" security-realm="ejb-security-realm">
            <property name="SASL_POLICY_NOANONYMOUS" value="false"/>
            <property name="SSL_ENABLED" value="false"/>
        <remote-outbound-connection name="remote-ejb-connection-2" outbound-socket-binding-ref="remote-socket-ejb-2" username="quickuser1" security-realm="ejb-security-realm">
            <property name="SASL_POLICY_NOANONYMOUS" value="false"/>
            <property name="SSL_ENABLED" value="false"/>

