JBOSS EAP 6.4.4 Profiles

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Hi. We've been installing multiple applications which have different jdbc connection settings using this method;

First we create the new profile in the domain.xml file by copying / duplicating the ha-profile. Then we set the profile name to be unique for each app. Once we have the profile for the app in the domain.xml, we setup the jdbc, logging etc. using the GUI. This has worked well for us. Now we are upgrading from 6.0.1 to 6.4.4. This presents the opportunity to clean things up. The question has been raised about why not just use one profile for ALL applications. I am having a hard time understanding how that would work. For one profile with multiple jdbc connections configured, I believe that the apps could use the programmed jndi name for that app so that might work. For logging, the apps could use a common logging setup. But there are more settings than just jdbc and logging which may be unique to the app. I am looking for some feedback/best practices. I have had no luck finding this in the documentation.

