Complex non XML/String Transforms

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Still learning, please overlook some of my newbie-'isms....

Here is my scenario:
Trying to use Switchyard Camel Netty service binding to provide a connector to a legacy C++ Socket based messaging system. I've been successful in using standalone Camel to create a netty route using a decoder to retrieve the byte[] and generate my POJO:

public class MessageDecoder extends FrameDecoder {
protected Object decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Channel channel,
ChannelBuffer buffer) throws Exception {

// buffer.skipBytes(4);//(3)
byte[] decoded = new byte[buffer.readableBytes()];
String msg = new String(decoded);// (4)
System.out.println("Decoded msg: " + msg);
TrainnerCommon aTrainnerCommon = new TrainnerCommon();
System.out.println("Trainer Object: " + aTrainnerCommon);
return aTrainnerCommon;


For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to produce this into Fuse Service Works using Switchyard. I seems like 'natively' all the bindings and their transforms are expecting String and formatted XML 'payloads'!?! Found some examples using what appears to be just Fuse using an @Converter annotation, ie:

public IFacadeMessage toIFacadeMessage(byte[] data, Exchange exchange) {

But cannot figure out how, via Switchyard to do the same as Fuse or standalone Camel?!?

To do this type of binding and service am I going to have to use a Camel URI using decoder??

Any help is very appreciated!

Adding Screen grab of Debugger variables in the Composer

