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A heap-buffer overflow was found in Vim. Patch v9.1.0038 optimized how the cursor position is calculated and removed a loop, that verified that the cursor position always points inside a line and does not become invalid by pointing beyond the end of a line. It was assumed that this loop was unnecessary. However, this change made it possible for the cursor position to stay invalid and point beyond the end of a line, which would eventually cause a heap-buffer-overflow when trying to access the line pointer at the specified cursor position.

A heap-buffer overflow was found in Vim. Patch v9.1.0038 optimized how the cursor position is calculated and removed a loop, that verified that the cursor position always points inside a line and does not become invalid by pointing beyond the end of a line. It was assumed that this loop was unnecessary. However, this change made it possible for the cursor position to stay invalid and point beyond the end of a line, which would eventually cause a heap-buffer-overflow when trying to access the line pointer at the specified cursor position.


Red Hat Product Security has rated this issue as having a Low security impact, because the "victim" has to run an untrusted file IN SCRIPT MODE. Someone who is running untrusted files in script mode is equivalent to someone just taking a random python script and running it. Since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, 7 are Out-of-Support-Scope for Low/Moderate flaws, the issue is not currently planned to be addressed in future updates for RHEL-6,7. Only Important and Critical severity flaws will be addressed at this time. For additional information, refer to the Issue Severity Classification: and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle & Updates Policy:

Red Hat Product Security has rated this issue as having a Low security impact, because the "victim" has to run an untrusted file IN SCRIPT MODE. Someone who is running untrusted files in script mode is equivalent to someone just taking a random python script and running it.

Since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, 7 are Out-of-Support-Scope for Low/Moderate flaws, the issue is not currently planned to be addressed in future updates for RHEL-6,7. Only Important and Critical severity flaws will be addressed at this time.

For additional information, refer to the Issue Severity Classification: and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle & Updates Policy:

Additional information

  • Bugzilla 2309275: vim: heap-buffer-overflow in Vim
  • CWE-122: Heap-based Buffer Overflow
  • FAQ: Frequently asked questions about CVE-2024-45306

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) Score Details

Important note

CVSS scores for open source components depend on vendor-specific factors (e.g. version or build chain). Therefore, Red Hat's score and impact rating can be different from NVD and other vendors. Red Hat remains the authoritative CVE Naming Authority (CNA) source for its products and services (see Red Hat classifications).

The following CVSS metrics and score provided are preliminary and subject to review.

CVSS v3 Score Breakdown
Red HatNVD

CVSS v3 Base Score



Attack Vector



Attack Complexity



Privileges Required



User Interaction






Confidentiality Impact



Integrity Impact



Availability Impact



CVSS v3 Vector

Red Hat: CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Red Hat's CVSS v3 score or Impact different from other vendors?

My product is listed as "Under investigation" or "Affected", when will Red Hat release a fix for this vulnerability?

What can I do if my product is listed as "Will not fix"?

What can I do if my product is listed as "Fix deferred"?

What is a mitigation?

I have a Red Hat product but it is not in the above list, is it affected?

Why is my security scanner reporting my product as vulnerable to this vulnerability even though my product version is fixed or not affected?

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