Is it possible to have multiple Iscsi paths to KVM Storage Pool supporting Live Migration?

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Hi, I am configuring a Red Hat Server that will be used as a Hypervisor for Red Hat guests.

I need to be able to use Live Migration as well.

Storage for guests are shared through iscsi and here we come to the problem. I seem to only be able to use a single path with iscsi when creating a Storage Pool and relying on a single nic between target and initiator is not an option (single point of failure).

From what i have read Bonding does not seem like an option either for iscsi.

Multipathed iscsi with device-mapper-multipath solve the issue with single path but i can't find any information if it is supported for Live Migration. Is there a way to have iscsi through multiple paths and two switches providing redundancy for the Storage Pool and guest systems while supporting Live Migration?

Thank you for your help.

Regards, Johan.
