- Issued:
- 2016-03-09
- Updated:
- 2016-03-09
RHEA-2016:0375 - Product Enhancement Advisory
ovirt-hosted-engine-setup bug fix and enhancement update
Product Enhancement Advisory
Red Hat Insights patch analysis
Identify and remediate systems affected by this advisory.
Updated ovirt-hosted-engine-setup packages that fix several bugs and add various enhancements are now available.
The ovirt-hosted-engine-setup package provides a self-hosted engine tool for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. A self-hosted engine is a virtualized environment in which the Manager runs on a virtual machine on the hosts managed by the Manager.
A list of bugs fixed in this update is available in the Technical Notes book: https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.6/html-single/Technical_Notes/index.html
Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.
For details on how to apply this update, refer to:
Affected Products
- Red Hat Virtualization 3 for RHEL 7 x86_64
- BZ - 1002454 - [RFE] Possibility to install host into engine VM without running through the whole installation process again.
- BZ - 1032069 - hosted-engine setup using cdrom image doesn't check if file is really image file
- BZ - 1077850 - [RFE] Hosted Engine - Support easier deployment flow out of the box with the Virtual Appliance image
- BZ - 1083025 - [RFE][HC] - Hosted Engine Support for GlusterFS
- BZ - 1101297 - [RFE] Allow fully automatic deployment process for hosted-engine
- BZ - 1101553 - [HE-setup] Use vdsm api instead of vdsClient
- BZ - 1108341 - [RFE] Prompt again for admin password during hosted-engine --deploy
- BZ - 1116469 - [RFE] Provide a tool to clear hosted-engine.lockspace that will also check that no agent is running locally and that --vm-status does not list any host as active.
- BZ - 1120780 - [RFE] Wait for user input to shutdown vm in the end of hosted-engine deployment process
- BZ - 1131918 - "hosted-engine --deploy" allows selection of unusable NICs
- BZ - 1139793 - [RFE] Keep hosted engine VM configuration in the shared storage
- BZ - 1153278 - [RFE] Hosted Engine on FC
- BZ - 1155637 - [hosted-engine][iscsi] [dirty storage] [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Misc configuration': Wrong Master domain or its version:
- BZ - 1167074 - [hosted-engine] Deployment fails with "The VDSM host was found in a failed state. Please check engine and bootstrap installation logs."
- BZ - 1169290 - [hosted-engine] [iSCSI support] connectStoragePools fails with "SSLError: The read operation timed out" while adding a new host to the setup
- BZ - 1169792 - [hosted-engine] Bad check of iso image permission
- BZ - 1177800 - [RFE] [hosted-engine-setup] [iSCSI support] Add more information to LUNs list provided during deployment
- BZ - 1178535 - migration to additional host fails before restarting HA agent
- BZ - 1191074 - [RFE][HC] make override of iptables configurable when using hosted-engine
- BZ - 1196038 - [RFE] hosted-engine setup is unable to use bonded vlan interface as "nic to set rhevm bridge on"
- BZ - 1198138 - [RFE] Add the capability to attach an ISO image for cloud-init configuration
- BZ - 1205663 - [RFE] Let the user customize rhevm appliance memory size from deployment scripts
- BZ - 1210763 - [ovirt-hosted-engine-setup] script doesn't validate user input for username for iscsi storage domain > 50 characters.
- BZ - 1211532 - [RFE] Auto-detect available appliance images and suggest them to be used
- BZ - 1215436 - Provide way to connect text only to HE during setup, virsh is failing.
- BZ - 1215437 - hosted-engine --deploy will fail when re-deploying the first host
- BZ - 1216172 - [self-hosted] Can't add 2nd host into self-hosted env: The VDSM host was found in a failed state... Unable to add slot-5b to the manager
- BZ - 1217106 - [RFE][Tracker] - Improve appliance use flow in HE setup
- BZ - 1221148 - Failed to deploy additional host due to unconfigured iptables
- BZ - 1227366 - Make fully automated setup the default option in hosted engine setup.
- BZ - 1228239 - HE deployment with exist VM, failed if used NFS storage path with trailing slash
- BZ - 1234915 - Upgrade ovirt-hosted-engine-setup to 1.3.0
- BZ - 1236464 - reduce dependencies for HC support in Hosted Engine
- BZ - 1238668 - Failed to pass stage of storage domain name
- BZ - 1238709 - Redeploy of hosted-engine on NFS storage failed
- BZ - 1241426 - An error appeared in the UI if choose cancel deploy HE
- BZ - 1241430 - [TEXT][Hosted-Engine] "oVirt Engine" shouldn't be shown on downstream build.
- BZ - 1243155 - hosted-engine fails to transfer the appliance image to the storage domain because the lv was not activated
- BZ - 1249118 - On additional hosts, appending an answerfile, the setup will not download the HE one from the first host
- BZ - 1251912 - hosted-engine-setup fails updating vlan property on the management network if more than one datacenter is there
- BZ - 1253939 - vdsm create ovirtmgmt bridge with DEFROUTE=no
- BZ - 1254104 - [hosted-engine-setup] Deployment over iSCSI using RHEVM-appliance fails with endless 'WARNING otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.image image._disk_customization:124 Not enough free space' messages
- BZ - 1254671 - Fail HE install when closing the install
- BZ - 1254838 - [hsoted-engine] adding second host fails with: "SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed"
- BZ - 1284979 - Upgrade ovirt-hosted-engine-setup to
- BZ - 1293654 - Upgrade ovirt-hosted-engine-setup to
- BZ - 1305885 - Upgrade ovirt-hosted-engine-setup to
Red Hat Virtualization 3 for RHEL 7
SRPM | |
ovirt-hosted-engine-setup- | SHA-256: eeb7e10586705d09097414c839fca2cee9fac8b48adfb33cc0aabcb6a65170a5 |
x86_64 | |
ovirt-hosted-engine-setup- | SHA-256: 2b1af33b4a34c41650311736049ddd84fae09da1d78969ef39d933a4567639fb |
Red Hat Virtualization for IBM Power LE 3
SRPM | |
ovirt-hosted-engine-setup- | SHA-256: eeb7e10586705d09097414c839fca2cee9fac8b48adfb33cc0aabcb6a65170a5 |
ppc64le |
The Red Hat security contact is secalert@redhat.com. More contact details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/.