- Issued:
- 2016-06-29
- Updated:
- 2016-06-29
RHBA-2016:1348 - Bug Fix Advisory
CFME 5.6.0 bug fixes and enhancement update
Bug Fix Advisory
Red Hat Insights patch analysis
Identify and remediate systems affected by this advisory.
Updated cfme packages that fix bugs and add various enhancements
are now available for Red Hat CloudForms 4.1.
Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine delivers the insight, control,
and automation needed to address the challenges of managing virtual
environments. CloudForms Management Engine is built on Ruby on Rails,
a model-view-controller (MVC) framework for web application
development. Action Pack implements the controller and the view
This update also fixes several bugs. Documentation for these changes
is available in the Release Notes linked to in the References section.
All CFME users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which
correct these issues and add these enhancements.
Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.
For details on how to apply this update, refer to:
Affected Products
- Red Hat CloudForms 4.1 x86_64
- BZ - 1180695 - List of RHOS events not captured in the control policy.log but captured in evm.log
- BZ - 1182777 - CFME - UI never returns when attempting to sort 3200 datastores by freespace
- BZ - 1196377 - UI: Download file from saved report is named after the current date rather than after the report saved date
- BZ - 1197869 - CFME 5.3.3 Zone Level Log collection incorrectly references and uses the appliance level log depot instead of zone level specified depot
- BZ - 1201711 - ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/favicon.ico" when subscribing to this feed
- BZ - 1202433 - No records displayed in "affect Services" table for set retirement dates
- BZ - 1204826 - Cloudforms widget not refreshed as scheduled
- BZ - 1205023 - Disable Download button for reports when no records are found
- BZ - 1205492 - Spinner spins forever on Configure->Configuration->Diagnostics->Timelines tab
- BZ - 1206285 - CFME allows deletion of default compute and storage chargeback rates
- BZ - 1211456 - Snapshot creation initiated message not displayed
- BZ - 1212272 - Incorrect flash message while enabling/disabling schedule
- BZ - 1213617 - Report generation returned: Status [Ok] Message [Task has been queued] in red
- BZ - 1213840 - RBAC: User able to modify catalog items when it has only access to view permission
- BZ - 1215557 - Add Trusted forest entry does not display the selected mode
- BZ - 1215947 - RBAC: Unexpected Error when clicked on configure for user with permissions to access control
- BZ - 1217785 - RHOS inventory only finds availability zone if instance exists in the zone
- BZ - 1220314 - Unable to log into Cloudforms with IE8 if the appliance is in the "internal website" security group
- BZ - 1220457 - Validating credentials for RHOS6 displays fog warning in current build
- BZ - 1220910 - Initial/Delta Refreshes 27-65% of time in the ruby garbage collector depending on provider size
- BZ - 1221333 - Service request to "Reconfigure this service" fails with error
- BZ - 1221822 - UI: Toolbar buttons should not be there on Log Depot settings edit form screen
- BZ - 1222005 - AMQP connection doesn't recover after rabbitmq-server restart
- BZ - 1222724 - [RFE] Please add auto approval function and auto mail function to VM's reconfigure operation
- BZ - 1222891 - RBAC: Unable to provision instances for user self service roles
- BZ - 1223316 - Openstack provisioning dialog doesn't filter instance types too small for image
- BZ - 1223825 - [RFE] Openstack power control - add support for "pause" and "shutdown" power operations
- BZ - 1224702 - Missing clouds/stacks and infrastructure/configuration management in 'show at login' drop down list
- BZ - 1224725 - Maintain uniformity for Japanese translation
- BZ - 1225427 - [ja_JP][zh_CN] All the drop-down menus or buttons and tooltips are unlocalized on all the tool bar.
- BZ - 1226429 - [Scale] - Realtime Metrics Purge Spiral - Metric::Purging.purge times out after a sufficiently large enough environment with C&U on
- BZ - 1226449 - [RFE] Indicate whether EMS connection is SSL
- BZ - 1229210 - Logging in with restricted user(Automate/Log) gives Authentication failed message
- BZ - 1229818 - CFME 5.4 beta - There seems to be no way of approving an Automation Task in state "Pending Approval"
- BZ - 1231154 - [ja_JP][zh_CN] Redundant string 'Miq' in some of the right panel name.
- BZ - 1231653 - [ja_JP][zh_CN] Unlocalized sub-tabs name of Configure -> Tasks.
- BZ - 1231661 - [ja_JP][zh_CN] Unlocalized column title name and string 'Items xx of xx' in tasks search result of Configure->Tasks.
- BZ - 1231667 - [ALL LANG] Unlocalized messages in all pop-up confirmation dialogs.
- BZ - 1231675 - [ALL LANG] All left navigation bar name and sub tree name are unlocalized.
- BZ - 1231692 - [ALL LANG] Unlocalized main page sub title name for all navigation bars.
- BZ - 1232184 - [ja_JP] On cloud intelligence->dashboard page, the tooltip on minimize button is not translated.(after first click)
- BZ - 1232196 - [ja_JP] The tooltip 'No Widgets available to add' on cloud intelligence->dashboard page needs to be translated.
- BZ - 1232225 - [ja_JP] Translation issues observed on cloud intelligence->Saved Reports page.
- BZ - 1232696 - [ja_JP] On cloud intelligence->Reports->reports page, page headers on the right side page needs to be aligned properly.
- BZ - 1232708 - [ja_JP]: Translation and alignment issues observed on cloud intelligence->reports->schedules page.
- BZ - 1232746 - [ja_JP] Translation issues on cloud intelligence->reports->dashboards page
- BZ - 1233104 - [ja_JP] Translation issues on cloud intelligence->RSS page
- BZ - 1233107 - [ja_JP] Translation issues on services->my services page
- BZ - 1236966 - CloudForms 3.2 edit catalog item fails
- BZ - 1238371 - Remove vm discovery as an event type
- BZ - 1238721 - Getting an error in the UI when moving an unsaved element in a service dialog
- BZ - 1240304 - No icon for "preparing for maintenance"
- BZ - 1240917 - VMRC fails with firefox browser in Linux OS with the error "Unable to connect to the MKS: Failed to connect to server <server>:<port>"
- BZ - 1244703 - [RFE][PRD] SCVMM targeted provider refresh
- BZ - 1244842 - Foreman UI: Provider detail page is missing the "Configuration" button in the toolbar
- BZ - 1245130 - Incorrect global filters listed for datastore analysis while adding a new schedule
- BZ - 1245163 - Incorrect options listed for datastore analysis for a single datastore filter while adding a schedule
- BZ - 1247010 - [ja_JP] Unlocalized string 'Analysis Profiles' displayed as 'Scan Item Sets' in all related analysis profile pages
- BZ - 1247517 - [ja_JP] Unlocalized string 'Service Catalog Item(s)' displayed as 'Service Template(s) ' in catalog items page.
- BZ - 1247534 - [en_US][ALL_LANG]Unexpected code <_> in item 'Unassigned' of Catalog in Adding or Editing Service Catalog Item->Basic Info page.
- BZ - 1247543 - [ja_JP] Unlocalized string 'Catalogs' displayed as 'Service Template Catalogs' in catalogs pages.
- BZ - 1247787 - Cannot configure external authentication (httpd) with non-generic server domain
- BZ - 1251234 - Unavailable AWS Config service causes many SNS requests
- BZ - 1254636 - OpenStack: Archived instances are not shown in the "archive" tree
- BZ - 1256300 - Clicking on "Clone this VM" throws "<AutomationEngine> Class [unknown/VM/Provisioning/Profile] not found in MiqAeDatastore" error
- BZ - 1257684 - VM clone on RHEV fails with error : [[RestClient::ResourceNotFound]: 404 Resource Not Found]
- BZ - 1258827 - Remove lifecycle options from archived/orphaned nodes
- BZ - 1259476 - [RFE] Add RHEVM Targeted Refreshes.
- BZ - 1261833 - Description text in Automate Export/Import missing
- BZ - 1264567 - Compute Deprecation errors in log
- BZ - 1265638 - AMQP credentials validation broken for Openstack Infra and Cloud providers
- BZ - 1266141 - [RFE] CFME should subscribe to the heat exchange for Openstack cloud provider
- BZ - 1267545 - trace raised when provising from catalog with JSON parser error
- BZ - 1271104 - Unable to create service dialog for element type dynamic drop down list
- BZ - 1271615 - Accessing VMRC in Win7/Chrome browser throws unsupported plugin error
- BZ - 1271905 - [RFE]For Amazon EC2 instances, capture the Last Boot Time.
- BZ - 1272041 - change OSP provider error message around no ssl available
- BZ - 1272166 - in the rendering of the details of a service hosted on vcenter, a ui only worker tries to connect to vcenter
- BZ - 1272369 - Containers: Action not implemented [container/x_button] on container Edit tag
- BZ - 1274336 - [RFE] Request to eliminate or make a large default value size for meaningless WARN message being emitted for almost all message ".put" warning of "large payload"
- BZ - 1275677 - Crontab errors in log
- BZ - 1275712 - Unable to edit entrypoint unless catalog item is set to be displayed in catalog
- BZ - 1275840 - Product Assistance text box renders incorrectly for non-super administrators
- BZ - 1276103 - Deleting a single schedule displays message as - "The selected Report Schedules was deleted" instead of schedule name
- BZ - 1276785 - Downloaded provider summary report contains ManageIQ string in the heading
- BZ - 1276789 - No 'check all' check box on tasks page
- BZ - 1277335 - [RFE] Provide a functionality to reset cfme appliance.
- BZ - 1278075 - [RFE] OpenStack instance is missing pause, shelve and shelve offload actions
- BZ - 1278084 - kernel logs (/dev/console) are not routed to /dev/ttyS0
- BZ - 1278170 - [RFE] - Need default validation for data type on TextBox fields when submitting Dialog (Provisioning)
- BZ - 1278400 - Openstack instances are missing power actions when selected from the instances list
- BZ - 1278654 - OpenStack Provider Discovery Fails
- BZ - 1278907 - Add project quotas without tenant quotas
- BZ - 1279357 - WebUI:HTML5-Cosole: "Object doesn't support property or method slice" error found when accessing spice console from IE10
- BZ - 1279380 - undefined method `find' for ManageIQ:Module
- BZ - 1279422 - OpenStack Platform Director nodes details should not show the power actions button
- BZ - 1279458 - Container Image Analysis Tasks should not be categorized as VM Analysis Tasks
- BZ - 1279506 - Logging backtrace in metrics processing
- BZ - 1279633 - UI: Remove 'Name' field from item details view screen as it is already there in title
- BZ - 1280053 - [RFE] Openstack Cloud provider images list do not show image attributes
- BZ - 1280104 - Event Bubble for Bottleneck events for RHEVM has vsphere icon
- BZ - 1280384 - FATAL Error: ActionController::RoutingError /components/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
- BZ - 1281563 - [RFE] Add new 5.5 appliance filesytems to the list of filesystems that we monitor and raise events against
- BZ - 1281582 - Automate domain and a namespace can't have the same name
- BZ - 1281597 - Automate | Quota exceeded, reason and log message values need formatting.
- BZ - 1281620 - Replace 'Ipaddress' with 'IP Address' on host summary page
- BZ - 1281891 - non-admin users are unable to view saved reports
- BZ - 1281999 - Long rendering times causing slow UI performance
- BZ - 1282553 - Show full screen report option not available in Saved reports
- BZ - 1282606 - VMware VM folder containing '/' is incorrectly displayed
- BZ - 1282618 - cfme cloud-init broken with rhev 3.5.5
- BZ - 1282627 - Automate | Quota | Add deprecation warning to old validate_quotas methods.
- BZ - 1282647 - UI: Spinners missing on Timeline options dropdowns
- BZ - 1282949 - Service dialog Tag Control elements do not render when service is ordered.
- BZ - 1282974 - Remove hand pointer from C&U collection tab on Region settings page
- BZ - 1283037 - [RFE] Display MIQ/Red Hat Automate domain versions in the UI
- BZ - 1283093 - UI: Wrong default view is set for providers, instances and VMs in Default Views settings.
- BZ - 1283108 - Changing views in orchestration templates does not work
- BZ - 1283122 - Container images id overlapped in tile view
- BZ - 1283273 - Service dialog dropdown list does not auto refresh other fields
- BZ - 1283274 - Tenant administrator has no rights to create new Cloud instances
- BZ - 1283309 - Multi-tenancy: Parent tenant cannot view child tenant elements
- BZ - 1283417 - Error while clicking Assigned profile link from a policy event bubble
- BZ - 1283424 - Incorrect Automate Message in 2 Profile Classes
- BZ - 1283425 - [RFE] Service summary page should show VMs provisioned through orchestration service
- BZ - 1283589 - Clicking on <None> template in service catalog ends up on Services / Requests page
- BZ - 1283604 - Error undefined method `build_script_grid' [miq_request/sort_template_grid] in sorting customize templates in requestinfo tab
- BZ - 1283629 - When selecting a template in the provision dialog, the table jumps to the top hiding your selection
- BZ - 1283716 - Setting Retirement Date from Cloud provider->Instances->Lifecycle fails
- BZ - 1283724 - NoMethodError: undefined method `message=' for nil:NilClass from Service provisioning
- BZ - 1283733 - Can't select items from dynamic dropdown
- BZ - 1283778 - Advanced configuration screen not expanding when editing
- BZ - 1283814 - Error while sorting tasks
- BZ - 1283885 - undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass when clicked on commit report management changes in reports menu editor
- BZ - 1283900 - Remove Hand pointer from reports menu editor of EVM group page
- BZ - 1283978 - unable to edit widgets in dashbaord
- BZ - 1283986 - [SSUI] - Hitting F5 on any page when logged into SSUI returns to login page
- BZ - 1284005 - Containers: REST API requires userid if bearer auth is selected.
- BZ - 1284014 - Don't have ability to add a new chargeback rate
- BZ - 1284024 - Remove container Topologies from default view settings as it has no gtl view
- BZ - 1284027 - Remove Group "Tenant My Company access" from Reports Explorer Dashboard accordion as this group does not exist in EVM groups
- BZ - 1284110 - Migrate VM : NoMethodError: undefined method `vm'
- BZ - 1284257 - Smart State analysis completes successfully (status=ok) but does not show any package information
- BZ - 1284352 - Service dialog accordion frame distorts sideways when editing an element
- BZ - 1284424 - Tabs without element can be added in service dialog
- BZ - 1284425 - Unable to drag or remove elements in service dialog edit
- BZ - 1284454 - Creating rates via REST API - should verify arguments
- BZ - 1284508 - UI: Unable to pick security groups in dropdown list until <None> option is deselected
- BZ - 1285036 - Error undefined method `namespace_id' for nil:NilClass in namespace delete.
- BZ - 1285273 - Self Service UI: When display Catalog Name in Filter, Catalogs are not in alphabetic order
- BZ - 1285284 - Self-Service UI: browser refresh always bring back to Login page
- BZ - 1285293 - When copying a method multiple summary messages show
- BZ - 1285297 - Self-Service UI: In Request Details last message is truncated if too long
- BZ - 1285455 - Utilization would choose "Daily" intervals by default and display empty graphs
- BZ - 1285463 - The cloud tenant summary page always shows 0 images
- BZ - 1285612 - UI error while sorting container nodes on Operating System, Kernel Version
- BZ - 1285628 - HTML character codes displayed for the dialog names with qoutes
- BZ - 1285755 - Service reconfigure screens fails to show the values set for static dropdown and radio button during service provsioning
- BZ - 1285864 - Incorrect title in PDF reports for Openshift pods
- BZ - 1285899 - Metric rollups for container providers are not properly determined
- BZ - 1285906 - [RFE] - Ability to inventory datastore clusters in vmware
- BZ - 1286062 - Dashboard edit & menu widget edit screens are lacking close buttons
- BZ - 1286247 - containers: No Class found for explorer tree node id '12-' [container/explorer]
- BZ - 1286507 - Inconsistency in background color of flash messages
- BZ - 1286519 - [ALL LANG] Unlocalized strings in login page.
- BZ - 1286521 - [ja_JP][zh_CN] Some strings on configuration->my settings->default view sub-tab are not translated.
- BZ - 1286536 - [ALL LANG] All column titles name are unlocalized in tables.
- BZ - 1286550 - [ALL LANG] Unlocalized sub-tab in Configure -> Configuration -> Database ->VMDB.
- BZ - 1286560 - Cannot run appliance_console when the appliance has an IPv6 address
- BZ - 1286629 - Remove connection fallback to non ssl for Openstack providers
- BZ - 1286690 - Orchestration template edit and remove button would remain incorrectly disabled in certain scenarios
- BZ - 1286811 - VimBroker Worker cache did not exit on "change in broker cache scope"
- BZ - 1286830 - External Authentication configuration fails after setting hostname in appliance console
- BZ - 1286843 - Lost tenant dropdown entries in orchestration reconfiguration dialog
- BZ - 1286863 - Intermittent "RangeError: 0xnnnnnnn is recycled object" errors when running automation scripts
- BZ - 1286976 - Add "terminate" action for cloud instance
- BZ - 1286999 - Quota enforcement for group as quota source does not work
- BZ - 1287090 - Error assigning service to catalogue
- BZ - 1287178 - Dashboard edit - make it possible to drop into an empty column
- BZ - 1287204 - Entry Point (NS/Cls/Inst) browser for service dialog elements fails to display available Instances
- BZ - 1287216 - [RFE] E-mail Scheduled Report target list too broad
- BZ - 1287310 - UI: Error while navigating to Container Pod Services Page
- BZ - 1287473 - Accessing the ae_domains association of an MiqAeServiceTenant object causes error "uninitialized constant MiqAeMethodService::MiqAeServiceMiqAeDomain"
- BZ - 1287507 - [ALL LANG] Unlocalized message 'Are you sure want to delete ...' in all pop-up dialogs.
- BZ - 1287563 - containers: No Class found for explorer tree node id '1-' [container/reload]
- BZ - 1287591 - Unexpected error after clicking on hosts under Utilization
- BZ - 1287635 - Attached volume for Openstack instance could show up as swap or ephemeral disk
- BZ - 1287637 - Pressing Save or Reset in Advanced Config disables buttons permanently
- BZ - 1287680 - DoubleRenderError leading to Internal Server Error when navigating to https:/ip_address/api
- BZ - 1287866 - Refresh fails on scvmm if vcenter is managed by scvmm
- BZ - 1287891 - ManageIQ Automate domain cleanup
- BZ - 1287998 - [ALL LANG] Unlocalized string 'Only a single value can be assigned from these categories'.
- BZ - 1288045 - OpenShift refresh broken on undefined memory capacity
- BZ - 1288131 - Provider event results show hyper link of the provider name which leads to the infrastructure provider which never existed
- BZ - 1288134 - all events appear with the same name (the provider name) in the timeline
- BZ - 1288135 - request_* events are duplicated in Automate.
- BZ - 1288146 - all events on timeline appear only under the "power activity" event type
- BZ - 1288362 - [ALL LANG] Inconsistent and unlocalized menu Storages with en_US under Infrastructure->Datastores
- BZ - 1288386 - [ALL LANG] Inconsistent and unlocalized menus with en_US under Containers.
- BZ - 1288396 - [ALL LANG] All contents are unlocalized under Containers->Topology.
- BZ - 1288418 - [ALL LANG] Unlocalized Error message when uploading file in Automate->Import/Export.
- BZ - 1288461 - Menu header tabs missing when clicked on VM request detail page provisioned by a non-admin user
- BZ - 1288489 - Provide metrics rollups per projects, services and replicators
- BZ - 1288496 - When using an SSL enabled Openstack Infra provider the toolbar doesn't switch Hosts to Nodes
- BZ - 1288512 - Tenant automation domains - undefined method `first' for nil:NilClass [miq_ae_class/x_button]
- BZ - 1289156 - Replication: host_storages table, duplicate key
- BZ - 1289329 - SmartState fails to show UTF-8 encoded files
- BZ - 1289676 - Scheduled reports generate for last group selected by user when user is a member of multiple groups
- BZ - 1289703 - UI: Automate Explorer - Domain version message should say "Current version" instead of "Currently version"
- BZ - 1289711 - VSAN type icon missing
- BZ - 1289781 - Fix Angular form rendering issues visible on slower machines and add focus to the first element in the form
- BZ - 1289936 - unable to display the details of a tenant after upgrading from cloudforms 3.1 to 3.2 in specific conditions
- BZ - 1290170 - UI: Report Editor - After resetting changes on edit screen then trying to change tab throws an error
- BZ - 1290300 - Global shared filters missing in services->workloads->Templates and Images
- BZ - 1290383 - Containers dashboard - Kubernetes provider count should not be available in containers dashboard
- BZ - 1290391 - Invalid hostname crashes appliance_console
- BZ - 1290403 - WebUI: Host: Services: Error "undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass [host/host_services]" found while accessing Services
- BZ - 1290583 - remove repositories sub tab
- BZ - 1290744 - The RHEL 7 SystemD generated machine-id is slightly different than the machine-id generated by the Insights client, it should be handled properly in CFME.
- BZ - 1290783 - Response [204] when you delete non-existent tag from tags collection
- BZ - 1290837 - User 'production' is not authorized to access 'Provider' record id '10' on accessing Satellite provider when Quota is assigned
- BZ - 1290908 - RFE: Support Azure VM retirement
- BZ - 1290932 - Availability zones are not loaded in ec2 while creating catalog item
- BZ - 1291056 - Timelines button should be disabled when there are no events for an entity
- BZ - 1291301 - appliance_console change wording for option 11
- BZ - 1291413 - Missing host filters for current vmware releases 5.5/6.0
- BZ - 1291465 - Main area of UI pushed up when clicking on certain tree nodes
- BZ - 1291748 - Default Filters tree contents hidden inside fieldset
- BZ - 1291774 - Accessing Availability Zone summary screen throws an error.
- BZ - 1291807 - container ssa in tasks screen: clicking the image links to a non existing vm and not the container
- BZ - 1291854 - Searching on Host vmm_vendor in the UI brings back no records
- BZ - 1291872 - Remove Sat 5 from Registration options for 5.5
- BZ - 1291891 - network association missing from vm.hardware.nics
- BZ - 1291904 - Requirement for an additional sorting option in the REST API to perform case-insensitive sorting on a list
- BZ - 1291922 - VM vendor column for Azure VMs is incorrectly set
- BZ - 1292077 - Containers Providers - Component Statuses table should not be shown when no data is available.
- BZ - 1292083 - Containers reports: missing support for Projects, Services & Replicators
- BZ - 1292146 - Incompatibility between IPA client and server versions
- BZ - 1292157 - Deletion of tenant is allowed when group exists with such tenant assigned
- BZ - 1292165 - Tenant and project name unique on parent tenant level only
- BZ - 1292174 - Multiple catalogs across tenants with the same name
- BZ - 1292184 - UI: VM Provisioning - When adding a provisiong request, uploading Sysprep Answer file does not load screen properly
- BZ - 1292285 - In a tenant you are unable to see your parent's templates
- BZ - 1292409 - [RFE] Allow root CA configuration for SSL enabled Openstack connectivity
- BZ - 1292791 - Schema fields reverse the order when added
- BZ - 1292852 - Display container provider metrics rollups
- BZ - 1293307 - Unable to list EC2 Public AMIs, even after enabling the attribute 'get_public_images' to true in EVM server configuration
- BZ - 1293370 - When worker killer is invoked, you get undefined method sort!
- BZ - 1293688 - Containers dashboard should show node and network utilization
- BZ - 1293731 - Amazon t2.nano instance type is not supported
- BZ - 1293891 - "Name" parameter does not work with category Collection for querying
- BZ - 1294374 - Containers: unable to display containers timeline
- BZ - 1294991 - CFME log_rotate_freespace_check.sh uses wrong value to determine volume freespace causing logrotate to fail
- BZ - 1295400 - Advanced search saved filter delete does not confirm.
- BZ - 1295479 - Documentation missing in new container provider view.
- BZ - 1295574 - Cloud or Infarstructure provider replicated from another region won't be deleted after that region's vmdb crash
- BZ - 1295941 - Orchestration template : Able to delete template in use
- BZ - 1296122 - Running a Control Action of "Invoke a Custom Automation" results in the error "MiqAeServiceModelBase.ar_method raised: <RuntimeError>: <user_id not specified in Automation request>"
- BZ - 1296192 - Reduce Memory usage of MiqScheduleWorker or raise memory threshold
- BZ - 1296248 - Cannot create an Alert that sends a Management Event not defined in MiqEventDefinition
- BZ - 1296258 - Hosts Credential/Settings page is blank
- BZ - 1296402 - Unable to set group ownership to "No Group"
- BZ - 1296451 - Hand pointer with no clickable links in tenant summary page
- BZ - 1296463 - [RFE] Tenant/Project level chargeback
- BZ - 1296671 - role VM/Template access restriction prevents service catalogs from being displayed when user group has no filtering set
- BZ - 1296980 - RFE - Enforce Tag Visibility on Cloud Stacks
- BZ - 1297002 - a missing storage can cause cfme 5.5 to stop collecting data from openstack
- BZ - 1297019 - Smart State Analysis Fails for RHEL7.1 VM on RHEV/NFS with CloudForms 4
- BZ - 1297030 - UI: Form buttons are not visible on Automate/Simulation screen
- BZ - 1297074 - CF 3.2: Switching user groups invalidates browser/version/os information, which might be disabling the console buttons on the VM.
- BZ - 1297097 - CF 3.2: Automation code throwing "0x000... is recycled object" exceptions
- BZ - 1297101 - ems_refresh errors out with "invoking [on_error] method=[update_provision_status(status => '[No Cloud/Infrastructure Provider defined]"
- BZ - 1297295 - Multi-tenancy: Able to set child tenant quota greater then parent tenant
- BZ - 1297351 - Retire vm doesn't work on scvmm provider
- BZ - 1297467 - Azure Region typo
- BZ - 1297539 - Unable to See/Access “My Services” after a Provisioning Event.
- BZ - 1297723 - We cannot create a schedule for "today"
- BZ - 1297951 - [RFE] Support dynamic fields in service dialogs
- BZ - 1298193 - Retire vm doesn't work on Azure cloud provider
- BZ - 1298325 - SCVMM Provider refresh error refresh_parser.rb:324:in `process_snapshots'
- BZ - 1298369 - UI: VM Explorers - link to clear applied filter is missing from title after applying filters on all VM explorers
- BZ - 1298611 - Retirement of vm doesn't work on amazon provider
- BZ - 1298645 - UI: Advanced Search - Delete button remains enabled after deleting the filter
- BZ - 1298709 - Self Service : Validation message keeps on showing even after navigating to other pages
- BZ - 1298722 - Problem with setting retirement date on Workloads explorer
- BZ - 1298748 - ISO provisioning always fails because it can't start the VM while the disk is locked
- BZ - 1298844 - Attempting to set a VMware Custom Attribute using vm.ems_custom_set gives a stack strace
- BZ - 1299010 - UI: Automate/Simulation screen throws an error
- BZ - 1299069 - MICROSOFT scvmm power off operation not working
- BZ - 1299071 - Microsoft svcmm vm.destroy error
- BZ - 1299381 - The header in Alert Profiles section does not change
- BZ - 1299424 - "Copy this Condition to a new condition" option is not working.
- BZ - 1299531 - RoutingError :No route matches [GET] "/images/icons/new/event-request_vm_shelve_offload.png") when clicked on control->explorer
- BZ - 1299579 - Automate Simulate should support a Retry button
- BZ - 1299848 - New Service Catalog item form is broken if type is Orchestration
- BZ - 1299963 - [RFE] Reporting: Unable to report on CF Tenant Quotas
- BZ - 1299965 - Unable to sequence automate class steps
- BZ - 1300387 - HTTP 404 error on downloading a file after SSA
- BZ - 1300410 - Cloud-init not running scripts on launching CFME instance
- BZ - 1300411 - Cannot select required drop downs form service dialog
- BZ - 1300559 - Unable to retire VMs which are provisioned using cloudforms 3.0 version
- BZ - 1300713 - Tenant Quota enforcement for memory does not work
- BZ - 1300788 - Quota limits for tenant does not work as expected
- BZ - 1300809 - filters based on group tag do not give visibility to vms
- BZ - 1300861 - Unexpected UI error while editing report menus as tenant admin
- BZ - 1301123 - objects copied from a previous deleted domain try to refer to the deleted domain when used
- BZ - 1301164 - Appliance doesnt autostart after update from to 5.5.2 (evm:update_start)
- BZ - 1301190 - Catalog Item : Unable to assign catalog to bundle
- BZ - 1301233 - Service Catalogs :RBAC: Tenant administrator role can raise a provisioning request but can't see it under MyService
- BZ - 1301469 - validation required for lookup button in provisioning form
- BZ - 1301607 - exception silently raised at registration against satellite 6.1
- BZ - 1301631 - Cannot not approve VM provision requests in the UI
- BZ - 1301717 - Missing instance processing in Automate engine doesn't preserve the instance name that was missing
- BZ - 1301743 - Adding duplicate zone sets zone name field disabled/uneditable
- BZ - 1301861 - Metrics does not show information for pods/containers
- BZ - 1302107 - MIQ retirement statemachine processed in the zone that its triggered in
- BZ - 1302160 - unknown attribute 'type' for Network. Method:[rescue in block in add_elements]
- BZ - 1302271 - Provisioning request approval - incorrect flash message text
- BZ - 1302331 - Tag control dropdown is broken
- BZ - 1302347 - Collect logs buttons do not disabled under zone level
- BZ - 1302362 - IPv6 RabbitMQ connection shows periodic Exception in the reader loop: AMQ::Protocol::EmptyResponseError: Empty response received from the server
- BZ - 1302410 - Disable start button for terminated ec2 instances
- BZ - 1302687 - Error during 'Save Tags': Failures occurred during bulk reassignment in edit host tag
- BZ - 1302784 - ssh Key pair not working on CFME provision
- BZ - 1302786 - Azure api version issue - The resource type 'locations/vmSizes' could not be found in the namespace
- BZ - 1302810 - [RFE] Orchestration templates auto collected from provider should be hidden from Services -> Catalogs -> Orchestration Templates
- BZ - 1302851 - smart state error "Unable to mount filesystem. Reason:[No root filesystem found.]"
- BZ - 1302868 - Silent crash when creating Database
- BZ - 1303074 - Error while executing a report
- BZ - 1303778 - Rename Policy Event Sample reports
- BZ - 1303956 - Duplicated events in the event list
- BZ - 1303959 - When the Openstack cloud provider AMQP server isn't reachable an Unknown reason is shown for credentials validation
- BZ - 1303997 - Openstack cloud instances do not show both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses when attached to dual stack network
- BZ - 1304065 - [RFE] UI should expose regex validation checks to TextBoxArea
- BZ - 1304288 - Error:undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass [miq_policy/rsop] when clicked on submit button in Control->simulation
- BZ - 1304411 - Automate "name" columns inappropriately sized
- BZ - 1304431 - sub check box inconsistent when editing class schema
- BZ - 1304740 - CloudForms inventory fails when an openstack cinder volume contains no 'device' directive in the attachments property
- BZ - 1304758 - Unknown Access Error on OpenShift container image analysis
- BZ - 1304833 - OOTB Self Service roles don't have access to Services tab
- BZ - 1305026 - Multiple catalogs across tenants with the same name in the accordion tree
- BZ - 1305182 - Disable OOTB Alert deletion
- BZ - 1305324 - Unexpected Exception during refresh Provider status
- BZ - 1305423 - Unable to recognize the active view for graph, hybrid and tabular view
- BZ - 1305535 - unable to manage rhevm 3.6.2
- BZ - 1305635 - Service :Request: Click on VM migrate request shows error
- BZ - 1305719 - [RFE] Importing of Reporting Widget via rake script broke
- BZ - 1306124 - Unable to sort datastore files
- BZ - 1306125 - Unable to change per page count dynamically on datastore pages
- BZ - 1306308 - RSS feeds for datastore alerts has incorrect title 'VM:'
- BZ - 1306326 - Containers table shows image name in 'State' column
- BZ - 1306331 - Typo in "Selinux Level" property for non-privileged container
- BZ - 1306385 - /etc/cron.hourly/miq_top_hourly calls /bin/miqtop which does not exist
- BZ - 1306638 - Product Features for Role can be cleared
- BZ - 1306705 - Update license for Prince
- BZ - 1306814 - Pipe character on host credentials page
- BZ - 1306833 - cannot trigger VM retirement via API
- BZ - 1306835 - During retirement the user that started the retirement should be stored as userid not user_id
- BZ - 1307019 - Cannot collect logs from server to subfolder anonymous ftp
- BZ - 1307068 - Accessing the ems_events association of a RHEV Host object gives "NameError: undefined local variable or method `id' for #<EmsEvent::ActiveRecord_Relation:0x00000002ae3ba0>"
- BZ - 1307153 - CFME 5.5.2 Provider autodiscovery fails with error "[NoMethodError]: undefined method `<<' for nil:NilClass" for known existing providers
- BZ - 1308498 - "The page is not redirecting properly" after clicking on container in Topology view
- BZ - 1308606 - iburst missing from /etc/chrony.conf
- BZ - 1309272 - Value of "Used Size" field is always blank
- BZ - 1309275 - "Actual size" field in disk information tab is always empty
- BZ - 1309431 - RHEV 3.6 SSA failing
- BZ - 1309473 - Filter chain halted as :check_privileges rendered or redirected
- BZ - 1309477 - [RFE] add proxy support to azure-armrest
- BZ - 1310067 - The AWS instance don't become archived after termination
- BZ - 1310117 - Unable to add Long Description for Orchestration based Catalog Items
- BZ - 1310842 - Service : Service catalog requests randomly fails with error in logs
- BZ - 1310895 - Adding a duplicate Foreman provider name never redirects to the flash message
- BZ - 1311221 - CFME VMware_HotAdd_Disk isn't working
- BZ - 1311291 - Multiple Refresh Buttons on Click
- BZ - 1311308 - <Choose> Won't Display on Refresh of Dynamic Dropdown
- BZ - 1311364 - Individual Container Dashboard does not display the correct no. of Routes
- BZ - 1311399 - Web-UI:rbac:Clicking on Users or Groups with restricted role user throws "undefined method `where' for #<Array:0x000000057a2510> [ops/tree_select]" error.
- BZ - 1311687 - [RFE] Same separator for Tenants/Projects tree items in whole CFME
- BZ - 1312003 - Azure - Remove the global region since it is not a valid region.
- BZ - 1312008 - [RFE] Create a armrest log for debug output for enhanced troubleshooting.
- BZ - 1312247 - Dashboard widgets don't fit in lightbox panel
- BZ - 1312560 - Ceph Infrastructure nodes page fails to show details with error ' Unexpected error encountered'
- BZ - 1312961 - Automate UI: The copy class screen hangs
- BZ - 1312971 - "Init Processes" doesn't list symlinked services
- BZ - 1313031 - Automate UI: Simulation Results view generates broken icons and FATAL error messages
- BZ - 1313122 - Schedule worker exceeding memory threshold and being restarted.
- BZ - 1313958 - Samba share for database backup fails to mount
- BZ - 1315377 - A copy of custom alert replace your custom alert
- BZ - 1315408 - Hyphen in LVM name caused wrong filesystem was used to search system files.
- BZ - 1315448 - upgrade from cfme-5.5.0 to 5.5.2 causes ntp_update cronjob to fail
- BZ - 1315459 - Remove Plugin dependency on ActionDispatch::Static middleware
- BZ - 1315814 - Overview for OpenShift errors out
- BZ - 1315945 - Cannot select Azure Subnet if first VIrtual Private Cloud is selected.
- BZ - 1315949 - If you choose Automatic Placement for Azure Instance, it complains that required fields are missing.
- BZ - 1316026 - Unable to list multiple IP Addresses of an instance running on OpenStack environment.
- BZ - 1316280 - The Power-Stop used for Azure is not the same as the Azure Portal Stop
- BZ - 1316282 - Events from vSphere stop working shortly after an appliance reboot (20-30 minute)
- BZ - 1316674 - ERROR -- : Failed to apply time and timezone configuration: /bin/timedatectl exit code: 1
- BZ - 1316733 - NetApp storage tab not displayed
- BZ - 1316770 - Replace 'Show this Datastores' with 'Show this VM's Datastores' on VM summary page
- BZ - 1317074 - "No route matches" error when clicking on "Provisioned VMs" link in Provision Request details screen
- BZ - 1317088 - REST API guide missing from Configure / About
- BZ - 1317517 - SmartState Analysis is Broken on OpenShift 3.2
- BZ - 1317698 - Automate | Quota runs twice for service provisioning.
- BZ - 1317911 - "Virtual to Real Ratio" for CPU is not displayed
- BZ - 1317921 - Memory size for Azure flavor incorrectly displayed in Bytes/KB
- BZ - 1317929 - Rails error "undefined local variable or method `percentage'" for datastore after SSA
- BZ - 1318019 - PXE provision booting up with missing pxe boot entry
- BZ - 1318032 - Cloud instance lacks owner after self-service provisioning
- BZ - 1318197 - [RFE] Add create action in user api of CloudForms.
- BZ - 1318356 - azure-armrest needs to handle multiple subscriptions
- BZ - 1318762 - strip leading or trailing whitespaces on ip and user when adding a provider
- BZ - 1318825 - "Terminating non responsive method with pid *" error when method is executed in wrong zone
- BZ - 1319005 - Duplicate id in manage quota form
- BZ - 1319292 - Automate | Quota | User/Group quota source, Memory and Storage instance values vs tag values problem
- BZ - 1319313 - Reload toolbar button is missing on automation requests view
- BZ - 1319322 - FATAL -- : ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/ems_cloud/show/6")
- BZ - 1319764 - Hardware.Volumes data not available for VMware VMs
- BZ - 1319910 - [RFE] Automate | Quota - Change consolidated quota schema to add quota source attribute.
- BZ - 1320682 - Google Cloud Provider does not retain the provider credentials.
- BZ - 1320689 - Post install callback doesn't always work
- BZ - 1321107 - v2_key appliance console crash
- BZ - 1321109 - Hang on invalid static ip
- BZ - 1321127 - Orchestration Provision to Azure destroys existing Resource Group and all it's contents
- BZ - 1321282 - SSA failed with " access denied by server while mounting <share>"
- BZ - 1321352 - New Self_service ui does not support dynamic drop downs which populate values from automate
- BZ - 1321354 - Red Hat Access insight api changed. CF appliance can't connect to it anymore
- BZ - 1321631 - Catalog Item : Catalog tab fields goes missing when "Display in Catalog" is checked
- BZ - 1321655 - Catalog Item : editing catalog item randomly throws error " undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass [catalog/atomic_form_field_changed] "
- BZ - 1321675 - CFME log_rotate_freespace_check.sh could awk on wrong field if filesystem name is long and wraps during df
- BZ - 1321751 - Unexpected Error when clicked on save button in Red Hat Software Updates tab
- BZ - 1321934 - GenericWorkers and PriorityWorkers are spawning threads that are not cleaned up during provisioning in
- BZ - 1322015 - Power state "off" of the terminated EC2 instance
- BZ - 1322101 - vm reconfigure event passing invalid data to Automate.
- BZ - 1322150 - Remove Tile/Grid View icons from Bottleneck summary page
- BZ - 1322153 - Wrong link in breadcrumb trail while viewing bottleneck events
- BZ - 1322270 - Smart Management section is missing in Orchestration Templates summary page.
- BZ - 1322416 - Error logging into self_service UI
- BZ - 1322485 - C&U Metrics Processor memory and timeout issues associated with 'perf_rollup' method and vmware host and vm isntances
- BZ - 1322590 - Unable to discover Ansible Tower
- BZ - 1322594 - service :dialog: Dynamic dropdown values are not loaded in dropdown unless refresh button is pressed
- BZ - 1322611 - RFE - Install hyperv-daemons on CFME VHD images for Hyper-V compatibility.
- BZ - 1322876 - provisioning error in $evm.execute('create_provision_request', *args)
- BZ - 1322891 - Can not validate C&U credentials for RHEVM provider
- BZ - 1322902 - VMware provider doesn't report actual disk usage in VM details
- BZ - 1322931 - SSUI - No space between blue filter components
- BZ - 1323258 - fix_auth.rb undefined class/module ArgumentError
- BZ - 1323292 - Invalid date/time crashes appliance_console
- BZ - 1323679 - rbac: Logging in as Administrator Role missing access to some tabs
- BZ - 1323724 - SmartState collected VM information fails to be stored into VMDB due to "data is not permitted at state finished" reason
- BZ - 1323951 - Replication doesnt work after 5.4.x > upgrade
- BZ - 1324094 - Automate namespace priority order not working properly
- BZ - 1324202 - Update from to fails
- BZ - 1324578 - Power state "suspended" of the terminated EC2 instance
- BZ - 1325007 - Customer needs to enable automate role in UI zone to which thousands of messages are being queued but not processed
- BZ - 1325718 - Under Default Views, Clouds -> Volumes is misaligned
- BZ - 1325738 - Server role selection/deselection not being honored
- BZ - 1325764 - Can't migrate appliance from to
- BZ - 1325940 - Right separator is not hidden in Event's toolbar
- BZ - 1326070 - Can't update appliance to 5.6 nightly
- BZ - 1326090 - Catalog Item displayed in Catalog even when not selected for Display.
- BZ - 1326201 - Typo "tentant" in Config -> Access Control > Adding a new Group
- BZ - 1326220 - Empty toolbar in Control
- BZ - 1326272 - Can't add infrastructure provider on
- BZ - 1326316 - [Configuration management] - Wrong provider type in dropdown menu
- BZ - 1326436 - Azure - Default Credentials valid - Refresh status failed
- BZ - 1326499 - Trusted Forest Settings table disappears when switched between authentication modes.
- BZ - 1326509 - [RFE] Adding Ceilometer event support for Openstack providers
- BZ - 1326585 - Provider UI: RSA key pair credentials use single-line text input field for "Private key"
- BZ - 1326866 - Setting an empty VM Note in VMware does not clear the VM | Container | Notes field
- BZ - 1326955 - VM start / stop operations via the REST sits in queued state if no Provider operations role is active
- BZ - 1327039 - UI: 502 Proxy Error with ManageIQ logo on browser's tab
- BZ - 1327042 - Flash message displayed multiples times for invalid credentials
- BZ - 1327133 - Cloud Openstack provider requires AMQP hostname to be added
- BZ - 1327149 - UI: Error "[500] We're sorry, but something went wrong" with ManageIQ logo on browser's tab
- BZ - 1327191 - ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/images/icons/16/chart_zoom.png") when clicked on utilization tab in VMDB
- BZ - 1327208 - UI: ManageIQ logo in browser's tab of product documentation
- BZ - 1327231 - Missing Container Image conditions node in Conditions accordion
- BZ - 1327279 - Google Compute Engine (GCE) provider is not available in 5.6; productization issue
- BZ - 1327297 - Unexpected error while viewing host drift analysis
- BZ - 1327323 - Incorrect hover text after hovering mouse on VMRC console icon on VM summary screen
- BZ - 1327333 - Hand pointer on VM reconfigure page
- BZ - 1327346 - Service : Service Icon (image) is missing from service catalog page
- BZ - 1327625 - WebUI:HTML5-Console: HTML5 console is broken
- BZ - 1327783 - RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/images/100/processmanager-websocket_worker.png")
- BZ - 1327792 - Azure provision fails if Security Group left as "Not Selected"
- BZ - 1328021 - Ansible Tower - Click on Configured systems unexpected ui error
- BZ - 1328058 - Network providers tab is unavailable in beta2
- BZ - 1328083 - resize instance, changing flavor throws undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass [vm_cloud/resize_vm]
- BZ - 1328087 - missing arguments for rhevm 3.6 API calls when used as a provider
- BZ - 1328112 - UI: Adding new Catalog Bundle from Services shows "undefined method `start_with?' for nil:NilClass [catalog/x_button] "
- BZ - 1328145 - Provisioning failing in production due to ESX Hosts with Identical host names in the VMDB causing the DISPLAY name to dynamically increment over multiple refreshes
- BZ - 1328197 - Container overview page doesn't show any data when metrics needed fields are nil
- BZ - 1328209 - Cloud : Instance Grid/Tile View Icon click says "page does not exist"
- BZ - 1328225 - Default Filters for Services/Workloads controlled by Cloud/Instances
- BZ - 1328226 - Multiple problems with integer type textbox dialog field
- BZ - 1328336 - The host,cluster & Datastores count is shown as zero for vmware provider
- BZ - 1328466 - UI: Config manager's toolbar has incorrect buttons if the config manager is selected through accordion
- BZ - 1328494 - Long lists do not fit in Alert profile assignment page
- BZ - 1328767 - [Negative] Adding new OpenStack key pair throws un-comprehensive error message
- BZ - 1328823 - Support Nested Satellite Host Groups during Provisioning
- BZ - 1328828 - Entered data in provision form of request tab is lost.
- BZ - 1328879 - UI: Item count shows (items 1-0 of 0) when there is no item on that page
- BZ - 1328905 - [RFE] Expose an 'Account' Active Record as a Service Model, with an association from MiqAeServiceVm
- BZ - 1328908 - Unable to do in-place upgrade from 5.5 to 5.6-beta2; package issue
- BZ - 1328967 - Service : Orchestration : Error provisioning orchestration stack in EC2
- BZ - 1329009 - After Session timeout, logging back in takes user to change password page.
- BZ - 1329137 - DB migration fail from 5.5 - 5.6 with openstack provider
- BZ - 1329225 - vmWare vCenter provider autodiscovery fails with error in the log
- BZ - 1329362 - "Compute" menu missing
- BZ - 1329422 - cloud Provider :Stack : Broken "Security link " In Stack
- BZ - 1329426 - Cloud : Adding new Key pair does not work
- BZ - 1329427 - [RFE]: Cloud key pair validation
- BZ - 1329540 - Red Hat Insights menu icon is missing
- BZ - 1329578 - Accordion links in provider summary page is broken
- BZ - 1329581 - Advance search popup page misrendered.
- BZ - 1329594 - Error "Invalid input [storage/show]" when clicked on monitoring utilization for all datastore clusters
- BZ - 1329599 - Performing SmartState analysis on storage clusters from list view displays records no longer exist.
- BZ - 1329606 - Performing SmartState analysis on datastore displays "... %{table} [%{name}] with id: [%{id}]" in flash messages.
- BZ - 1329610 - [Ansible Tower] Wrong format of Invalid username password flash message
- BZ - 1329619 - WebUI - Manageiq logo is displayed in the RSS window
- BZ - 1329651 - WebUI: Hosts: Datastore - "No route matches {:action=>"x_show", :controller=>"host", :id=>"11"} [host/show]" error found while accessing datastore
- BZ - 1329670 - undefined method `container_group' for #<EmsEvent:0x0000000582f230> [container_group/tl_chooser]
- BZ - 1329757 - Service : Catalog Item : Internal server Error (Infinite Spinner ) on clicking catalog items
- BZ - 1329759 - Service : Catalog Bundle : Resource table heading is not centered
- BZ - 1329761 - SSUI : Self Service page Images and formatting is missing
- BZ - 1329937 - UX: Obscure 'API authentication failed' message when trying to log in with incorrect password
- BZ - 1329940 - webUI:VMRC - VMRC console is broken
- BZ - 1330016 - Errors in production.log when opening debugging tools in FF
- BZ - 1330022 - WebUI: Ownership: User/Group drop down does not display the values
- BZ - 1330149 - Unable to add buttons and Button Groups
- BZ - 1330190 - Service provisioning fails with "Service_Template_Provisioning request is already being processed"
- BZ - 1330230 - 'The page you were looking for doesn't exist' error while viewing provider timelines
- BZ - 1330251 - Spinner spins forever while editing network providers
- BZ - 1330258 - Provisioning Dialog : Add new provisioning dialog does not work
- BZ - 1330261 - Provisioning Dialog : Unable to Copy provisioning dialog
- BZ - 1330265 - Trusted Forest Settings add new no button
- BZ - 1330288 - Unable to switch from list view to grid/tile view on Configured Systems page
- BZ - 1330438 - HTML5: Accessing RHOS Instances throws "FATAL -- : Error caught: [NameError] undefined local variable or method `proxy_miq_server' for #<ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::CloudManager::Vm:0x0000001d965ab0>" error message in production.log file
- BZ - 1330502 - [Ansible Tower] URL cannot be saved after editing
- BZ - 1330568 - AMQP port is ignored for OpenStack AMQP endpoint
- BZ - 1330580 - Widgets drag and drop is broken in Reports
- BZ - 1330635 - [RFE] Add an option to the user for choosing between AMQP/Ceilometer events
- BZ - 1330637 - LDAP switching groups dropdown menu not visible
- BZ - 1330725 - Provisioning a Cloud Instance displays a phone number label but not a phone number field.
- BZ - 1330728 - VSAN datastore missing from all datastore view
- BZ - 1330767 - 'The page you were looking for doesn't exist' error while clicking provider link from event bubble
- BZ - 1330771 - No paginator on datastore cluster list page
- BZ - 1331002 - UI: Reconfiguring instance shows "Reconfiguring %{vm_or_template} "%{name}" text instead of name
- BZ - 1331039 - Missing images in Automate UI
- BZ - 1331052 - UI: Instance reconfigure broken in cloud providers
- BZ - 1331053 - Replication fails to start after 5.5 -> 5.6 migration
- BZ - 1331061 - Lifecycle -> Migrate Instance should be disable
- BZ - 1331088 - "undefined method `strip' for nil:NilClass" displayed while adding rhevm provider with invalid crendentails
- BZ - 1331114 - pglogical replication initial sync fails with a migrated database
- BZ - 1331177 - Hosts: Deleting a host shows error (first time only)
- BZ - 1331184 - vm reconfigure adding new disk fails
- BZ - 1331251 - Routing Error when clicked on ISO Datastores
- BZ - 1331297 - Policy copy is not shown after creation
- BZ - 1331371 - AMQP credentials validation always passes
- BZ - 1331433 - [RFE] Provide support for different endpoint for Openshift hawkluar
- BZ - 1331567 - Retirement of a Vm or Instance should not delete it from the database
- BZ - 1331741 - Error when clicking on an infra provider from list view
- BZ - 1331803 - perf_capture_time method resulting in the failure to schedule C&U capture
- BZ - 1331843 - If you don't enter Azure Subscription ID, provider defaults to an unknown subscription and displays errors in GUI and Log.
- BZ - 1331883 - Chargeback costs reported in USD only even when rates are assigned non USD currencies
- BZ - 1332043 - Accessing the 'private_networks' association of a MiqAeServiceManageIQ_Providers_Openstack_CloudManager_CloudNetwork_Private object raises NoMethodError
- BZ - 1332109 - Add a new Infra provider RSA SSH keypair false negative in validation
- BZ - 1332317 - Continuous queuing of EMS Refresh for VMWare Provider
- BZ - 1332318 - Service : Click on Catalog Bundle does not display the bundle
- BZ - 1332562 - wrong url after a conversion to restful
- BZ - 1332579 - [NoMethodError] undefined method `metrics_collector_queue_name'
- BZ - 1332759 - Edit Report Menus- Manage Reports is backwards
- BZ - 1332806 - Unable to do cluster Drift analysis. Throws unexpected error
- BZ - 1332836 - Unable to migrate VM.Submit and Cancel buttons invisible
- BZ - 1332856 - Authentication invalidates when provider is down
- BZ - 1332866 - Metrics roles are shown as enabled in the UI but not running in the backend
- BZ - 1332996 - Production Provisioning stops working when EmsRefresh for VMware loops until restart_interval ends when host named "localhost" encountered as host name returned from VMware provider
- BZ - 1333137 - Cloud : Image Table Sort by "last Analysis Time" shows error
- BZ - 1333193 - Service : Service Provisioning on RHEV fails with error "'[NoMethodError]: undefined method `create_vm' for #<Array:0x000000162cfb30>')]"
- BZ - 1333257 - Edit tags Assignment form is not displayed for Datastores
- BZ - 1333258 - CFME - Refresh Provider fails
- BZ - 1333346 - Optimize -> Planning - selecting item in second drop down list will reset selected items
- BZ - 1333491 - UI: Clicking on Volume shows "undefined method `ids' for #<Array:0x00000023d34f50> [cloud_volume/show]"
- BZ - 1333520 - all containers have the same name in web UI but in docker ps shows UUID
- BZ - 1333524 - Service : No submit/Add/Cancel button for VM migrate form
- BZ - 1333566 - Snapshots management missing
- BZ - 1333573 - Opening https://<IP>/ems_infra/4?display=vms# link to appliance redirects you and throws up 404 error
- BZ - 1333795 - Duplicated widgets in Dashboard
- BZ - 1333806 - Migration with replication from 5.4 to 5.5; openstack provider, cloudtenant
- BZ - 1333874 - Automate | Services | Remove ConfigureChildDialog method and state value.
- BZ - 1333924 - Leftover pods should not interfere with future scans on the same image
- BZ - 1333942 - SSUI : Total count of requests displayed in SSUI dashboard are wrong
- BZ - 1333955 - [Regression] Relationships links are missing title attributes
- BZ - 1334202 - Volume Configuration and Policy Option is Enabled on Cloud Volumes page even no volumes are selected
- BZ - 1334238 - Error in Migrating Instance - undefined method `find_by_filtered_id' for #<VmCloudController:>
- BZ - 1334275 - UI: Instance Attach/Detach/Reconfigure broken in cloud providers
- BZ - 1334440 - Missing flash message for Time Profile create
- BZ - 1334522 - Incorrect sort by option for instances while sorting instances through C&U graphs
- BZ - 1334679 - Azure [NoMethodError]: undefined method `x_ms_meta_microsoftazurecompute_ostype'
- BZ - 1334684 - [[MiqPassword::MiqPasswordError]: can not decrypt v0_key encrypted string] encountered during phase [prepare_provision]
- BZ - 1334789 - Storage information was wiped out after running SSA on the VM of VMWare providers
- BZ - 1334865 - VixDiskLib not found on CFME when doing ssa on vm
- BZ - 1334909 - "could not obtain a database connection within 5.000 seconds (waited 5.000 seconds)" when running automate scripts
- BZ - 1334938 - Service Dialogue Check box not changing to r/w
- BZ - 1334943 - two error messages displayed in advanced search
- BZ - 1334953 - Error loading tree node for ansible inventory
- BZ - 1334954 - UI freezes with a spinning logo forever
- BZ - 1335085 - [NoMethodError]: undefined method `tenant_identity'
- BZ - 1335093 - Lists of Container Image policies are always empty
- BZ - 1335095 - Impossible to create a Container Image condition
- BZ - 1335100 - Policy creation dialog is broken if search button was pressed.
- BZ - 1335200 - cannot change the default view for replicators
- BZ - 1335220 - undefined method `base_class' for NilClass:Class [container_build/show_list] when selecting container builds menu when default view is tile or grid
- BZ - 1335384 - Error when changing gtl views under cloud volume -> instances
- BZ - 1335391 - Multiple miq servers running at the same time eating up memory
- BZ - 1335397 - List of Container Image conditions is always empty
- BZ - 1335462 - Not all vSphere 5.5 datastores shown in the Web UI; disappearing datastores
- BZ - 1335572 - Conditions in Policy profile are not removed immediately after deletion
- BZ - 1335658 - Automate Storage Service Model missing association to Storage Clusters
- BZ - 1335824 - All fields for all types of log collection are absent on UI
- BZ - 1335848 - [SDN] - remove create/add button for Networks Providers
- BZ - 1335895 - Azure cloud-init provisioning failing
- BZ - 1335945 - Replication subscription sync blocks due to pglogical locking bug
- BZ - 1335947 - Replication does not start when role is configured and enabled
- BZ - 1336018 - SSUI : Validation message needs some formatting
- BZ - 1336182 - Utilization - "Interval" field does not contain dropdown for Providers,Projects, Replicators and Container Services
- BZ - 1336184 - Smart State analysis task - spelling error
- BZ - 1336336 - Reseting Openstack Ceilometer connection after undefined method `list_events' for #<OpenstackHandle::MeteringDelegate:0x00000002d3a160>.
- BZ - 1336538 - LDAP bind username and password in url
- BZ - 1336541 - LDAP bind username and password being logged in plain text in evm.log
- BZ - 1336742 - Service systemd-journald fails to start due to AVC denial on /etc/machine-id read
- BZ - 1336751 - Scale Down and cancel before action ends with "The page you were looking for doesn't exist."
- BZ - 1336812 - VMware vCenter Provider : VM reconfigure (powered on or off) add disk error when more than 1 disk present
- BZ - 1336859 - After provider create, error in logs
- BZ - 1336861 - Connecting AMQP to port 5000 creates infinite reconnect loop that blocks workers
- BZ - 1336888 - Not able to create catalog item for azure
- BZ - 1336923 - Unable to get to filter tab while editing Chargeback reports
- BZ - 1336925 - Automate | Quota error "undefined method `vendor' for #<MiqAeMethodService::MiqAeServiceServiceTemplate:"
- BZ - 1336953 - Ansible : Ansible Tower Quadicon does not display details
- BZ - 1336978 - No chargebacks reports in Saved Chargeback reports folder
- BZ - 1337049 - Can't provision vm from template with Choose Automatically checked
- BZ - 1337057 - Remove Cinder volume fails - "No Cloud Volumes were selected for deletion."
- BZ - 1337070 - My Services Icon missing for Ansible Job Templates
- BZ - 1337072 - Ansible Jobs are shown in Cloud/Stacks - clicking on one gives error message
- BZ - 1337123 - EVM systemd restart/start fails in certain conditions
- BZ - 1337233 - [Ansible Tower] Validation does not work when editing provider
- BZ - 1337278 - Inaccurate chargeback cost reported with tiered rates
- BZ - 1337293 - Incorrect 'CPU used' in total column in Chargeback reports
- BZ - 1337298 - Non-zero chargeback costs when CPU usage is zero
- BZ - 1337475 - Missing spinner which indicates ajax requests
- BZ - 1337525 - httpd will not restart after reseting vmdb
- BZ - 1337558 - [ja_JP] 'Storage Pods' is not localized at Settings-My Settings-Default Views
- BZ - 1337563 - [ja_JP] Drop down menu translations missing on Settings-Tasks page.
- BZ - 1337657 - Chargeback reports contain no data when rates are assigned to Tenants
- BZ - 1337712 - Unexpected error encountered because of wrong simlink
- BZ - 1337716 - List of Cloud Objects shows all objects after going through one Cloud Store
- BZ - 1337929 - Missing images in "Adding a new Action" dialog
- BZ - 1337967 - Performance difference in field sends from 5.5 -> 5.6
- BZ - 1337985 - New menu has different mouseover and mouseout timing
- BZ - 1338007 - Automate Method: Loosing value entered in data field when adding input parameters
- BZ - 1338023 - Service :Dialog : Js Error when clicked on All Service Dialog
- BZ - 1338628 - Accessing the 'cloud_subnet' and 'cloud_network' associations of a MiqAeServiceManageIQ_Providers_Openstack_NetworkManager_NetworkPort object gives a 'NoMethodError'
- BZ - 1338699 - page not found in nodes relationships
- BZ - 1338739 - GCE Inventory Refresh Fails with Custom Machine Types
- BZ - 1338801 - Container description lacks the word "Summary"
- BZ - 1338803 - Container Providers default Display as set in Settings does not get applied to Providers View
- BZ - 1339303 - Events portion of database bloats on migration of 5.4 to 5.5 (ems_events to event_streams)
- BZ - 1339518 - Accessing the 'indirect_service_children' and 'indirect_vms' associations of an MiqAeServiceService object raise Ancestry::AncestryException
- BZ - 1339677 - [RFE] Lock 'root' account and disable password authentication for Azure appliance
- BZ - 1339702 - LDAP settings not saved
- BZ - 1339924 - Cancel migrating VM throws unexpected error
- BZ - 1339978 - Container provider dashboard page cannot load data
- BZ - 1340046 - Cannot select objects in the provider's dashboard display
- BZ - 1340155 - 5.5 UI Worker Thread Leak while ordering a service
- BZ - 1340165 - "No Containerimage Conditions are defined ." is always shown after Container Image condition deleting
- BZ - 1340247 - Replication subscription update fails
- BZ - 1340416 - "Marshalling error for key 'MIQ:VMDB:..': can't dump hash with default proc" in production log when clicked on submit button of order service request.
- BZ - 1340570 - Service :Orchestration : Orchestration service request fail for Ec2
- BZ - 1340721 - CFME does not start collecting metrics if no parameters are defined in Provider/Hawkular tab
- BZ - 1340879 - [Configuration management] - Browser address bar and Configured systems contain Foreman string
- BZ - 1340902 - There is no limit on container images concurrent SSAs
- BZ - 1341087 - Cannot do a compliance check on a host
- BZ - 1341207 - Unable to view compliance history of a container image.
- BZ - 1341291 - 5.6 ReplicationWorker Recycling due to rubyrep: unknown OID 0: failed to recognize type of 'change_table'. It will be treated as String.
- BZ - 1341873 - Service : "All Service " under "My Service" throws error
- BZ - 1344112 - Migration from 5.4 to with replication fails
- BZ - 1344412 - Vertical navigation incorrectly shows non-clickable arrows, also shows clickable arrow instead of pin
- BZ - 1344456 - replication errors after inplace upgrade from 5.5 to
- BZ - 1345888 - Azure provider unable to refresh when elements have non-ascii characters
- BZ - 1346962 - Only delete cloudforms provisioned vm's when retiring
- BZ - 1347312 - SSUI - i18n not working on appliance
- BZ - 1347319 - SSUI - vnc & spice console on an appliance give "The page you were looking for doesn't exist"
- BZ - 1347709 - When reading hawkular metrics, user receives a TypeError Exception.
Red Hat CloudForms 4.1
SRPM | |
cfme- | SHA-256: f6a0315e5282009433e8df825da986fa4096c7bc74145448c5830594e2f06039 |
cfme-appliance- | SHA-256: a219a8ef089cdc5f7b15b45f5ff128abb3fd59ad8b39208748e6dbd1b82a3521 |
cfme-gemset- | SHA-256: ab424134d2dbc4381d337fe14325d63ccf38f65d9c7a8a6ee8f9866c5038b257 |
prince-9.0r2-10.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: bbdc73a151984e994ffcaeb589f0f4004fde66c5569a15be4d86dc84517af57a |
rh-postgresql94-postgresql-pglogical-1.0.1-3.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: ef147ed5362dde16307bf996d10ea83b8f3d5e42af4719156d5458159b074c5c |
rh-postgresql94-postgresql-pglogical-output-1.0.1-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: d63a54a70390e38c5151efbc48462d9912a26925d0277f196adf07a12f1ea8a5 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-bcrypt-3.1.10-3.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 649db1f26e11d30ac9d7dd4037ecab5b1a03696e514162a9afb42ad6ca79533e |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-escape_utils-1.1.0-2.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: d5fd9fae58bcae571ecb5fc1892c2f0a746aa74964a8982e264caceefcf71da8 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-eventmachine-1.0.7-6.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 526686cb8ba9baac1f3847c35b23165c7eba2ba6089aee1e7a261875a6db5fe0 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-ffi-1.9.8-4.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 6200468c6d20dcac7a7d617a824c09251b15f056beb9ad7fb7501748f0e1e150 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-hamlit-2.0.2-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 917c4ee26c311bb39ae4d97e667c82caf4dd99133d83c142dc2e7a84b98a198a |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-http_parser.rb-0.6.0-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: bbfb59b2579d4f61fe616e9ddc7f7c749dec43d906aff1b38c049ded63a61312 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-json-1.8.2-9.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 0020ef89b73667f04ec9bad843452a9ed66e0205b6b57b4fa1503d030a54d7f8 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-linux_block_device-0.1.0-2.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: b2452237431c07667421f99a1ce551704571157dd2051b5d4e307226f520c74a |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-memory_buffer-0.1.0-2.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: c51a8b9cd7831dfeebde06329d0298918569743c989b40bcdecfd1217a52d428 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-net_app_manageability-0.1.0-3.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 4176fe6029ec1f365c11f4a8266c78df6c76e73bd1107391f321dec19c5bd389 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-nio4r-1.2.1-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: e54a54c90f889af1be1e7a2ac58a86a603d61bd3027a6ff7246b2aa6bd9201cc |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-nokogiri- | SHA-256: 4e8a778e979cac5b4f12e8c8a0c637d9a60efd3a475d90debd5f66c189b9b29d |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-pg-0.18.2-2.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: cce48540593007c85c9a7e467f75c7edeed5e94c72d40e19a4ad141ff705aecf |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-psych-2.0.13-4.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 8ea37a9cd140703a18aeb77f18ec5e9dadb5f161f8db4ffb42f222ef4ec3e395 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-puma-3.3.0-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 1596aad0cf6a23537308365e2685f14d49f685739b9b805ccae573c2c3050f55 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-redhat_access_cfme-1.0.3-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 2c8c57332fbcc4c38c1e349c509844fbbe50343816e69f1ea3fcfe27e5c1c5db |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-redhat_access_lib-0.0.6-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 760a4f38a977caa07b88a6c0d3afc43560ab0835ee86843724623c9dac531ccc |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-rugged-0.23.3-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 9fad1609e8cc87fc602f5a5d76849039d0457c4a07f60131deeee17e78968fdb |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-thin-1.6.3-2.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 8a2463b5e32de6f28ad81e01a10abd5a2a8f6c7961e97ae99f0888d9b2ed6a10 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-unf_ext- | SHA-256: b99e01a61fdd91e66346c4531f7b6d62f50672f41f577869f4ddf194e986c2b9 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-websocket-driver-0.6.3-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 75fb323ae9a73ae3d072b52eb33a3ee54d8723715c4f0cddb15653e809c92688 |
smem-1.4-1.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: 00a980015391a743598d55e0e1f0f7eac9d2d1b5e905f65b470a08d87de822c5 |
wmi-1.3.14-6.el7cf.src.rpm | SHA-256: adc54c073a4aa7bfd80521bf192091d29fb5c65609b6d3f2c263636260fcbd42 |
x86_64 | |
cfme- | SHA-256: 96349ae34f29d198fc522355814ce06ead9bdb76ede7c5a651ed8098acd811de |
cfme-appliance- | SHA-256: 3fe081830d05b67f6a9852cd6cf28f07f2eed4d9a8390d40ce56c477a64ef92f |
cfme-appliance-debuginfo- | SHA-256: 05a9a11620db2348e8ef8040d3251372fc441871b19be41a9b802e0d84e88f50 |
cfme-debuginfo- | SHA-256: e4d9cafe3d5eb371d7eaf1ba0a780c863a37548dadee680984b503b32cd1e8dd |
cfme-gemset- | SHA-256: f0d3c99b93d4efcd30640d23d6849e3a94b58ae5de6760712d5c90658e7035bb |
prince-9.0r2-10.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: aa1203f1c3325e32839a840dfc9a45989b15c1ae1b03d443468ba3099d47cb1b |
rh-postgresql94-postgresql-pglogical-1.0.1-3.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cbeaeaa13d2371daf0754db748bb951bc502ba1a561d71ec03cf3915c071af4b |
rh-postgresql94-postgresql-pglogical-debuginfo-1.0.1-3.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 2e0dac2beb3ee93ff4a52ee36d064ea453cc7bcccbbb1fad95730941b40a46cf |
rh-postgresql94-postgresql-pglogical-output-1.0.1-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: fe800bcf4298de1871fb1698be0588608a9d6954d4ad887e70c0d8fd3f265cf8 |
rh-postgresql94-postgresql-pglogical-output-debuginfo-1.0.1-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 462ad4569339a0589a6faf03a47a9c6fa288050d3e1785b25aa3554ba617b23e |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-bcrypt-3.1.10-3.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 7ef80b9a538d08fde41d80b960e042e3c09da1b3ef77daaace33ea57dffff366 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-bcrypt-debuginfo-3.1.10-3.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 7bc0dd02a34e7edd368be5a202ce58225a4fe9f8efb7a9146f89ee4342150ed7 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-escape_utils-1.1.0-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 6b12d2275449f424fdde68a79a0f816214680ede781cfba831daaea17f1cae3c |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-escape_utils-debuginfo-1.1.0-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 7e5922bb7b3bcb6128c6c3f60ba1a41eb17167580de2bdaa526a8822128b1985 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-eventmachine-1.0.7-6.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 163d3f9a9fb964976780b4c5bb179b0076dbe91f1222c80436e41954574ce713 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-eventmachine-debuginfo-1.0.7-6.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: f2eb12d2240c55568c1ac4a2db0ed72c0048c9a9a714ed5296b431f9a4250744 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-ffi-1.9.8-4.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 46169ff8526a926c6e0ce415e52d8e3cc370be567223967321b465f0005d8994 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-ffi-debuginfo-1.9.8-4.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 454282e2e09963b9547d705901e5754c5349ccd83f2811f81f518c5ed5cf6496 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-hamlit-2.0.2-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ae2acee73dc469503c9a16d40d9a6e6b5943b84ad7468e1197f5829d7a986a2f |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-hamlit-debuginfo-2.0.2-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 89f679425194e504d81657a9e8e5c2341761fafc6cdc2db54dea6737bb0f9978 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-http_parser.rb-0.6.0-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: c9661524d681ffd76c506598c8e2e789a54f5df2030fe30a147cd855b0102110 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-http_parser.rb-debuginfo-0.6.0-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 8e6e1dd66a76d9d9bec91bc2f5f27b7ec78209620d35aa968cc2d4e183ca6814 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-json-1.8.2-9.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 12ed444b9c2ddf6d34ca09bf662efe7e68685ff89535ed856d6821a45e9361b6 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-json-debuginfo-1.8.2-9.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 442d1b0ae8fe03c707b7d438d53283cf3c47ba347b1c0db81d5135a17f0733bf |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-linux_block_device-0.1.0-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 1b1da8cc8ee3747530b8b9c09f99b7e8f751c9466f9c9178bc69ea3f29ef69f6 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-linux_block_device-debuginfo-0.1.0-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 0d39afcb3726ed5d7a3d1745f4f1f5f23cad3cb2ecde7ab1598cd6721d08d4f8 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-memory_buffer-0.1.0-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: d34f9c8cbe4ed8e65d69312f5b8283790db7a5b9d56b3ac28233a277a907b3c1 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-memory_buffer-debuginfo-0.1.0-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 2ed4bdf411cc3e1a9419278c18a039e96d232817241c5ec117fdc56d9b5f3a54 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-net_app_manageability-0.1.0-3.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 99945cd84916bbb905c0f00e62a2ef83c287f2761070a00e92d745113248c05c |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-net_app_manageability-debuginfo-0.1.0-3.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 6dc18298940ec1592be184f8098d597deb7a953b8cd4e9f3a11c0cbc10b5fefb |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-nio4r-1.2.1-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 423d04c61789c90cc7de39ebb40cde367dd4aba93e973cddc9b8a9d65f45a654 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-nio4r-debuginfo-1.2.1-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 607032d467089cac0ce96c964ffe689950b739aa9d3259d61ea47419aae8813e |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-nokogiri- | SHA-256: 405b0ff3f1b8e56950d716f1bd5521a58c7ae9a2e16be64c82a24cb61d201ee5 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-nokogiri-debuginfo- | SHA-256: 5f24ca51ed95d54c83848613b64898cde1baaf3d49bd2e4d5ba70d33318a3457 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-pg-0.18.2-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: d2379aba361a829f25ae1320a44f3f9470e90da9bd0eccc25f9b7e443cd4a3ff |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-pg-debuginfo-0.18.2-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3b8e84191e5c9318946f559480f30b6ea21145bef850cad9c561ba8003c5a255 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-psych-2.0.13-4.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 26472cf71af342fc333e6a49afc23236a38b00265cf376b19bbda0588d2d0a86 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-psych-debuginfo-2.0.13-4.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: b03bab6db508e0b21e3753370ce03a6aadbeac09c40731f0897be66d5a1194d6 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-puma-3.3.0-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 44fa0d359d7b947c01bbde9f333048dced939f2f9441b7fb30d3dcfebf2a5218 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-puma-debuginfo-3.3.0-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 34cf7a3f5973fb10977e25deaf29292d94d1f0212a071c0a696622ca74fb44a7 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-redhat_access_cfme-1.0.3-1.el7cf.noarch.rpm | SHA-256: fb3aa7cbf8017a6367bc26dc4e1550ddaad7ae81325dad8dbe511c5089059eaa |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-redhat_access_lib-0.0.6-1.el7cf.noarch.rpm | SHA-256: 93675f10bc80762091dd297092fb920acca1b2d57c49edc5a3d8ce5fe85cb541 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-rugged-0.23.3-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: c4f494dbfc63464eeb1ac18c8461786ec027811ff5dffbfe9eca0663e2e8c06e |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-rugged-debuginfo-0.23.3-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: acbc8298fcf9453404a3a5d81e5300d03c93ad467306b84cf27fe9f33dfe749f |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-thin-1.6.3-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: bdfa6e37a45e370ef234ef437cc353e64ab8a78a4963d78c1ba8374198bce6c3 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-thin-debuginfo-1.6.3-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 76b90c47f434ad3091c74f42dc80cb1020a74d210423d717d7774336da70e859 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-unf_ext- | SHA-256: 43758ded2aa40b9812c9bcf983ad8c636cb5bdf4cfc614b7d1cb36cc30700361 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-unf_ext-debuginfo- | SHA-256: 0009570a3ca5f905ad8d0ffbd3e1a9c078bedb90bf15cc4b2a0a2ca5320f5961 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-websocket-driver-0.6.3-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 5de822b12438095382c111e7f43183898b5965079c7f43056eb7409a7740c8c8 |
rh-ruby22-rubygem-websocket-driver-debuginfo-0.6.3-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 11f3cf9d64e475a9cd4b68c8a8c14ccf31fce5f72cea36421e9d113a27d81d46 |
smem-1.4-1.el7cf.noarch.rpm | SHA-256: 293030882ff3c00602f9f4402a501c0b5027fc1f0a4e19ab26f74e2e5e017359 |
wmi-1.3.14-6.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: bcb98424a7ec0d334f959b483545f43a5035bb8828e06101ce9a1c5b012bbc33 |
wmi-debuginfo-1.3.14-6.el7cf.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: b720fa2f3e3eedb26ff26a56c00394c9b9fafb09e70f306baec433f169def3ce |
The Red Hat security contact is secalert@redhat.com. More contact details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/.