- Issued:
- 2013-02-20
- Updated:
- 2013-02-20
RHBA-2013:0350 - Bug Fix Advisory
subscription-manager bug fix and enhancement update
Bug Fix Advisory
Red Hat Insights patch analysis
Identify and remediate systems affected by this advisory.
Updated subscription-manager packages that fix several bugs and add various
enhancements are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The subscription-manager packages provide programs and libraries to allow users
to manage subscriptions and yum repositories from the Red Hat Entitlement
The subscription-manager packages have been upgraded to upstream version 1.1.15,
which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version.
This update also fixes the following bugs:
- The dbus packages, which contain the D-BUS communication system, are not
included in the minimal installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. However, the
subscription-manager utility depends on dbus, which could previously cause
subscription-manager to terminate unexpectedly with a traceback during the
registration process. The system was registered successfully but the rhsmcertd
daemon was not able to communicate with subscription manager servers, such as
candlepin, Subscription Asset Manager, or katello. With this update,
subscription-manager exits without a traceback when dbus is not present on the
system. To ensure proper communication with the subscription manager servers,
install dbus manually by running "yum install dbus". (BZ#785265)
- Due to an incorrect error handling of invalid system names, the system could
be left in unusable state during the first boot process. The handling of invalid
system names has been fixed and first boot proceeds properly as expected.
In addition, this update adds the following enhancements:
- With this update, the subscribe-manager "unsubscribe" command has been renamed
to "remove". (BZ#874749)
- With this update, the subscribe-manager "subscribe" command has been renamed
to "attach". This change includes also the references to the "subscribe"
command, such as "--auto-subscribe", which has been renamed to "--auto-attach".
(BZ#874776, BZ#874804)
All users of subscription-manager are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which fix these bugs and add these enhancements.
Before applying this update, make sure all previously-released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.
This update is available via the Red Hat Network. Details on how to
use the Red Hat Network to apply this update are available at
Affected Products
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 i386
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support 6 i386
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 6 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 6 i386
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 6 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 6 i386
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM z Systems 6 s390x
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Power, big endian 6 ppc64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Scientific Computing 6 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from RHUI 6 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from RHUI 6 i386
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support 6 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support (for IBM z Systems) 6 s390x
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support Extension 6 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support Extension 6 i386
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support Extension (for IBM z Systems) 6 s390x
- BZ - 708512 - rhsmcertd is logging "certificates updated" when it should be "update failed (255), retry in 1 minutes"
- BZ - 748912 - subscription-manager-gui tracebacks when importing non-existant cert
- BZ - 785265 - DBUS required to send package information during registration
- BZ - 785666 - Client wouldn't report permanent HW addr. of slave interfaces for setups using network bonding
- BZ - 796737 - rhsm-icon usage statement
- BZ - 800323 - Unicode characters break subscription-manager when executed from a subshell
- BZ - 801434 - Calendar selection tool doesn't have at-spi accessibility name
- BZ - 808217 - [RFE] a textural output banner would be nice for subscription-manager release --list
- BZ - 808356 - Unable to subscribe in firstboot
- BZ - 812483 - [fr_FR] [ru_RU] [bn_IN] [kn_IN] [ta_IN] "Product ID:" is not translated.
- BZ - 813263 - "Register" button is disabled in RHSM GUI after unregister
- BZ - 817671 - [RFE] Add Support for Activation Keys in GUI
- BZ - 828075 - [ja_JP] [RHSM Firstboot] Unlocalized string 'All Available Subscriptions' in Manual Configuration Required page.
- BZ - 828365 - [kn] failed pofilter xmltags tests for subscription-manager translations
- BZ - 829111 - Release list command doesn't compare platform between content requried tag and product provided tag
- BZ - 834806 - Unable to assign priorities to certificate-based redhat repositories
- BZ - 839772 - Update service level and release of "" to be "Not Set" in Settings Dialog
- BZ - 841496 - Subscription manager bash-completions prevents gdm from starting
- BZ - 845349 - [RFE] As a Red Hat user, I would like to use the exclude line in the yum.repos.d files and not have them blown away.
- BZ - 846207 - multiple specifications of --enable doesnot throw error when repo id is invalid
- BZ - 848095 - Adjust 'subscription-manager --help' layout
- BZ - 850430 - Allow users to hit enter after entering credentials instead of having to tab to register button during Subscription Manager Registration
- BZ - 850531 - String Update: 'Certificate Status' -> 'Status'
- BZ - 850533 - String Update: 'Next Update' -> 'Next System Check-in'
- BZ - 851303 - rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm man page updates
- BZ - 852328 - "subscription-manager version" cmd should display two RHN types, when registered the system with both classic and cert-based RHN
- BZ - 853572 - typo in rhsmcertd --help message
- BZ - 854374 - rct --help String & Layout Updates
- BZ - 854388 - Contract(s) Listing Update in My Installed Products Details Pane
- BZ - 854702 - Remove Column for *, Add * Directly to Quantity Cell When Relevant - All Available Subscriptions
- BZ - 855365 - New String: Unique Output String When CLI Unsubscribe --all From 1 Subscription
- BZ - 856236 - Misleading error message registering w/ activation key and passing environment
- BZ - 856573 - The servicelevel option in rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm --help is incorrect
- BZ - 856735 - Move Next Update Notification Text to About Screen
- BZ - 857191 - Stacking shows a useless parent in All Available Subscriptions tab
- BZ - 858289 - Rename subscription-manager.desktop file
- BZ - 859090 - String Update: redhat_branding.py
- BZ - 860291 - Rebase subscription-manager to 6.4
- BZ - 860621 - Got traceback for “rct cat-cert <entitlement cert serial number>-key.pem”
- BZ - 861170 - Traceback produced when parenthesis are provided as input to filter field
- BZ - 862848 - String Update: Change Subscription Redemption Dialog Close Button -> Cancel Button
- BZ - 862852 - Subscription Redemption Dialog Remove One of the Two Separators
- BZ - 862885 - String Update: Capitalize unlimited in the All Available Subscriptions tab
- BZ - 862909 - [RFE] rct tool man page
- BZ - 863133 - "subscription-manager version" have server type listed first in output
- BZ - 863572 - Need to Disable Back/Forward Buttons in Firstboot When We Show the Progress Bar
- BZ - 864159 - Add new table string to All Available Subscriptions tab for when no subscriptions are available
- BZ - 864177 - 'subscription-manager list --available' and '--consumed' have issues displaying some long Subscription Names properly
- BZ - 864184 - String Update: Capitalize Machine Type value from 'subscription-manager --available'
- BZ - 864207 - 'subscription-manager subscribe --auto' should be smart enough to not run when all products are subscribed already
- BZ - 864555 - Remove maximize button from filter dialog in All Available Subscriptions
- BZ - 864569 - Reduce length of date field in All Available Subscriptions tab
- BZ - 867070 - Alter default table height in My Installed Products tab
- BZ - 867766 - [RFE] unsubscribe from multiple entitlement certificates using serial numbers
- BZ - 868347 - subscription-manager version reports "registered to: 0.7.11-1" value when identity reports "This system is not yet registered."
- BZ - 869729 - --autosubscribe and --activationkey should be mutually exclusive
- BZ - 869934 - "subscription-manager release --list" report "Network error" against SAM 1.2.
- BZ - 871146 - Error parsing config: Error parsing "proxy = ''": URL must be http, ftp or https not ""
- BZ - 871152 - Zanata translations for subscription-manager 1.1 are not yet 100%
- BZ - 871736 - rhsmd:21:<module>:ImportError: No module named gobject
- BZ - 872847 - unsubscribe serial numbers feedback is wacky when consumer has been deleted server-side
- BZ - 873418 - Activation key window does not have at-spi locators.
- BZ - 873631 - rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm failed with error “No such org: None”
- BZ - 873732 - subscription-manager returns "Unknown" for distribution fields.
- BZ - 873791 - expected exit codes from unsubscribe with multiple serial numbers
- BZ - 873884 - String Update: Change "Subscription Management Server" to "subscription management service" in rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm
- BZ - 873889 - String Update: RHN classic in redhat_branding.py
- BZ - 874147 - python-ethtool api changed causing facts to list ipv4 address as "unknown"
- BZ - 874266 - String Update: Invalid or Missing Entitlement Subscriptions -> Invalid or Missing Subscriptions (in rhsm-icon)
- BZ - 874623 - subscription-manager version report for server when not registered classically nor certificatlely
- BZ - 874636 - String Update: 'Subscription Management Service' -> 'subscription management service' (Register dialog)
- BZ - 874749 - String Updates: Unsubscribe -> Remove
- BZ - 874755 - help message terminology for cli options that can be specified in multiplicity
- BZ - 874760 - String Updates: Machine -> System
- BZ - 874776 - String Updates: Auto-subscribe -> Auto-attach
- BZ - 874804 - String Updates: Subscribe -> Attach
- BZ - 874816 - String Updates: Consumer -> Unit/System
- BZ - 875153 - rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm leaves system unregistered when a non-existant environment is specified/mistyped
- BZ - 876294 - String Updates: rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm terminology updates
- BZ - 876305 - String Updates: subscription-manager cli terminology updates
- BZ - 876340 - String Update: Update option in register module from '--autoattach' to '--auto-attach'
- BZ - 876356 - String Updates: Tweaks to 'subscription-manager help' module descriptions
- BZ - 876692 - String Updates: Consistency cleanups in --helps across subscription-manager and associated tools/scripts
- BZ - 876753 - Change --heal-interval to --attach-interval in rhsmcertd
- BZ - 877452 - String Update: Fix typo in subscription_manager/gui/importsub.py:115 "certficate"
- BZ - 877579 - Unlimited subscriptions are defaulting to a quantity of -1 in the gui and cannot be attached
- BZ - 878257 - man page for subscription-manager-gui needs an update to add new --register option
- BZ - 878264 - rhsmcertd man page needs update for renamed/deprecated options
- BZ - 878269 - subscription-manager man page needs updates for deprecated/renamed modules
- BZ - 878648 - Remove newline prior to Usage statement in 'subscription-manager --help'
- BZ - 878820 - There's error info on terminal when doing subscribe or unregister using subscription-manager in RHEV-H
- BZ - 878986 - column restriction is too agressive AND it causes "stty: standard input: Invalid argument"
- BZ - 881117 - Email Address Entry field does not have an at-spi locator
- BZ - 881952 - ssl.SSLError: The read operation timed out (during large rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm)
- BZ - 883123 - Migration from RHN classic fails to find organization
- BZ - 884259 - Redeem subscription dialog throws traceback
- BZ - 885964 - Got Traceback while migrating from rhn to katello with --servicelevel or --force option.
- BZ - 886280 - man page for rhsm-icon example
- BZ - 886604 - etc/yum.repos.d/ does not exist, turning manage_repos off.
- BZ - 886887 - Firstboot : Upon entering an invalid activation key,throws an alert messsage but takes you to a system registration screen
- BZ - 886992 - redhat.repo is not being created
- BZ - 887429 - [pt_BR] pofilter urls test is failing on an altered https translation to http
- BZ - 887431 - [pt_BR] pofilter variables test is failing on a missing %s in the msgstr
- BZ - 887433 - [es_ES] pofilter options test failed on the translation of --auto-attach to --auto-adjuntar
- BZ - 887434 - [ru] pofilter options test failed on incorrect translation of commandline option "--list"
- BZ - 887890 - [pa_IN] polfilter unchanged test failed for msgid "Activation Keys are alphanumeric strings that..."
- BZ - 887923 - [gu] pofilter doublewords test failed on msgid=""The subscription management service you register with..."
- BZ - 887957 - [ml_IN] pofilter newlines test failed for msgid="Redeeming the subscription may take..."
- BZ - 887966 - [es_ES] pofilter newlines test failed for msgid="Redeeming the subscription may take..."
- BZ - 887989 - [de_DE] pofilter newlines test failed on msgid "Redeeming the subscription may take..."
- BZ - 887995 - [fr_FR] pofilter newlines test failed for msgid "Redeeming the subscription..."
- BZ - 887997 - [it] pofilter newlines test failed on msgid="Error subscribing: %s"
- BZ - 888006 - [kn] pofilter newlines test failed on a few msgids
- BZ - 888790 - Not able to register client to katello using activationkey with subscription-manager-gui.
- BZ - 888858 - [ml] pofilter tabs test failed for several msgids
- BZ - 888864 - [es_ES] pofilter tabs test failed for several msgids
- BZ - 888868 - [pt_BR] pofilter tabs test failed for several msgids
- BZ - 888873 - [or] pofilter tabs test failed for several msgids
- BZ - 888886 - [it] pofilter tabs test failed for several msgids
- BZ - 888889 - [hi] pofilter tabs test failed for several msgids
- BZ - 888891 - [zh_CN] pofilter tabs test failed for several msgids
- BZ - 888923 - [te] pofilter tabs test failed for several msgids
- BZ - 888928 - [ja] pofilter tabs test failed
- BZ - 888936 - [gu] pofilter newlines test failed for a few msgids
- BZ - 888960 - [ko] pofilter newlines test failed
- BZ - 888964 - [bn_IN] pofilter newlines test failed
- BZ - 888971 - [pt_BR] pofilter newlines test failed
- BZ - 888979 - [te] pofilter newlines test failed
- BZ - 889204 - encountering the following stderr msg when subscription name contains UTF8 chars: [priority,] message string
- BZ - 889621 - although translated, msgid "%s subscriptions removed from this system." is not rendering as translated
- BZ - 890296 - 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2013'.
- BZ - 891375 - [pt_BR] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891378 - [or] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891383 - [ml] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891384 - [kn] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891386 - [it] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891391 - [hi] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891394 - [gu] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891398 - [es_ES] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891402 - [as] deprecated modules should not be translated from msgid to msgstr
- BZ - 891434 - [ta] msgid "deprecated, see auto-attach-interval"
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
x86_64 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cc970d10ffbb87ef766bb3c7debce580a376cbf3bfcea881fbeb55cb6b01ec59 |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cc970d10ffbb87ef766bb3c7debce580a376cbf3bfcea881fbeb55cb6b01ec59 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 33933d304d50176ec058b9b73316a98fa4683825c7504667b050992e42907342 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 33933d304d50176ec058b9b73316a98fa4683825c7504667b050992e42907342 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ad54bdaf05e9d8a6ca7ea3dd377fffe5fa12eb7d73a5172b4fdd72b9aa9a5d5b |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ad54bdaf05e9d8a6ca7ea3dd377fffe5fa12eb7d73a5172b4fdd72b9aa9a5d5b |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ce1fb732737fa72ef0e1c2f114d09b93d40e3e29a35d1a8156c798f90c96e979 |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ce1fb732737fa72ef0e1c2f114d09b93d40e3e29a35d1a8156c798f90c96e979 |
i386 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 4354a6f7b042a0039fb76d2cdc1319f770e7edb2b13fd95b79546c0477051280 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 3a5ce2cebff161c1455013a2beb0a2fa3e16b52374ccff63b8b475ffa6e7f4a8 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: a77f1905fd317a4c4e7698b20128a7daf08cfeb1e7414186157734347f170ede |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 34dba0ddbf08e134afbb4fb8bfd71545be8db99ab1f30bc746066408da7e7e8f |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: b032994eaec5b0ede45108fa8eaa0577b86df3a738837528976a6c513c32f9b8 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
x86_64 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cc970d10ffbb87ef766bb3c7debce580a376cbf3bfcea881fbeb55cb6b01ec59 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 33933d304d50176ec058b9b73316a98fa4683825c7504667b050992e42907342 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ad54bdaf05e9d8a6ca7ea3dd377fffe5fa12eb7d73a5172b4fdd72b9aa9a5d5b |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ce1fb732737fa72ef0e1c2f114d09b93d40e3e29a35d1a8156c798f90c96e979 |
i386 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 4354a6f7b042a0039fb76d2cdc1319f770e7edb2b13fd95b79546c0477051280 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 3a5ce2cebff161c1455013a2beb0a2fa3e16b52374ccff63b8b475ffa6e7f4a8 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: a77f1905fd317a4c4e7698b20128a7daf08cfeb1e7414186157734347f170ede |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 34dba0ddbf08e134afbb4fb8bfd71545be8db99ab1f30bc746066408da7e7e8f |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: b032994eaec5b0ede45108fa8eaa0577b86df3a738837528976a6c513c32f9b8 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
x86_64 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cc970d10ffbb87ef766bb3c7debce580a376cbf3bfcea881fbeb55cb6b01ec59 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 33933d304d50176ec058b9b73316a98fa4683825c7504667b050992e42907342 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ad54bdaf05e9d8a6ca7ea3dd377fffe5fa12eb7d73a5172b4fdd72b9aa9a5d5b |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ce1fb732737fa72ef0e1c2f114d09b93d40e3e29a35d1a8156c798f90c96e979 |
i386 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 4354a6f7b042a0039fb76d2cdc1319f770e7edb2b13fd95b79546c0477051280 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 3a5ce2cebff161c1455013a2beb0a2fa3e16b52374ccff63b8b475ffa6e7f4a8 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: a77f1905fd317a4c4e7698b20128a7daf08cfeb1e7414186157734347f170ede |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 34dba0ddbf08e134afbb4fb8bfd71545be8db99ab1f30bc746066408da7e7e8f |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: b032994eaec5b0ede45108fa8eaa0577b86df3a738837528976a6c513c32f9b8 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
x86_64 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cc970d10ffbb87ef766bb3c7debce580a376cbf3bfcea881fbeb55cb6b01ec59 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 33933d304d50176ec058b9b73316a98fa4683825c7504667b050992e42907342 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ad54bdaf05e9d8a6ca7ea3dd377fffe5fa12eb7d73a5172b4fdd72b9aa9a5d5b |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ce1fb732737fa72ef0e1c2f114d09b93d40e3e29a35d1a8156c798f90c96e979 |
i386 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 4354a6f7b042a0039fb76d2cdc1319f770e7edb2b13fd95b79546c0477051280 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 3a5ce2cebff161c1455013a2beb0a2fa3e16b52374ccff63b8b475ffa6e7f4a8 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: a77f1905fd317a4c4e7698b20128a7daf08cfeb1e7414186157734347f170ede |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 34dba0ddbf08e134afbb4fb8bfd71545be8db99ab1f30bc746066408da7e7e8f |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: b032994eaec5b0ede45108fa8eaa0577b86df3a738837528976a6c513c32f9b8 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM z Systems 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
s390x | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: f9b4e3d3e161e292ba11c495aa41bdb751a3de5958fd7dea10554c16ddfc7b4d |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: 3edcf2f832cfe6788fd67676af5de633c01eba879f7838713585f8e3cd4d10af |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: 2ec2a4cc10a85401f2058d0d338c9ca88f34127894bfe5993fa2e2d56b5f6d75 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: ef9e843e02cb1475efb12f3130d2a23c5d405ef4ef3b7c9f5887a64554142bef |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: bdf99cbfa8b5f1dd460f36ef5388a3bbbd846c7a82bbd332676744237cd5c8e5 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Power, big endian 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
ppc64 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.ppc64.rpm | SHA-256: 72b44e4f9444d2ed6679d6e7ea4be345689691693236c26fef77337df98a7cb0 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.ppc64.rpm | SHA-256: 700c20f6d08fabcb0c6bc126100ec560b22757f57b495837e574b74e2772b244 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.ppc64.rpm | SHA-256: 3aa794a8af5e214faf43c751bf1e968bd7f5ec191558baeacfd1added244d8dc |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.ppc64.rpm | SHA-256: 7b03440e7848de8cfed6c09e1d5b46ac118ab6cfaf469027434b69feecaac61e |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.ppc64.rpm | SHA-256: bb9035f7874a3f9a5cbf11fdbaaca7e90f3e262f56e66b5607cba344e7d2806a |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Scientific Computing 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
x86_64 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cc970d10ffbb87ef766bb3c7debce580a376cbf3bfcea881fbeb55cb6b01ec59 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 33933d304d50176ec058b9b73316a98fa4683825c7504667b050992e42907342 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ad54bdaf05e9d8a6ca7ea3dd377fffe5fa12eb7d73a5172b4fdd72b9aa9a5d5b |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ce1fb732737fa72ef0e1c2f114d09b93d40e3e29a35d1a8156c798f90c96e979 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from RHUI 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
x86_64 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cc970d10ffbb87ef766bb3c7debce580a376cbf3bfcea881fbeb55cb6b01ec59 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 33933d304d50176ec058b9b73316a98fa4683825c7504667b050992e42907342 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ad54bdaf05e9d8a6ca7ea3dd377fffe5fa12eb7d73a5172b4fdd72b9aa9a5d5b |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ce1fb732737fa72ef0e1c2f114d09b93d40e3e29a35d1a8156c798f90c96e979 |
i386 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 4354a6f7b042a0039fb76d2cdc1319f770e7edb2b13fd95b79546c0477051280 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 3a5ce2cebff161c1455013a2beb0a2fa3e16b52374ccff63b8b475ffa6e7f4a8 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: a77f1905fd317a4c4e7698b20128a7daf08cfeb1e7414186157734347f170ede |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 34dba0ddbf08e134afbb4fb8bfd71545be8db99ab1f30bc746066408da7e7e8f |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: b032994eaec5b0ede45108fa8eaa0577b86df3a738837528976a6c513c32f9b8 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support (for IBM z Systems) 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
s390x | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: f9b4e3d3e161e292ba11c495aa41bdb751a3de5958fd7dea10554c16ddfc7b4d |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: 3edcf2f832cfe6788fd67676af5de633c01eba879f7838713585f8e3cd4d10af |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: 2ec2a4cc10a85401f2058d0d338c9ca88f34127894bfe5993fa2e2d56b5f6d75 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: ef9e843e02cb1475efb12f3130d2a23c5d405ef4ef3b7c9f5887a64554142bef |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: bdf99cbfa8b5f1dd460f36ef5388a3bbbd846c7a82bbd332676744237cd5c8e5 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support Extension 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
x86_64 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: cc970d10ffbb87ef766bb3c7debce580a376cbf3bfcea881fbeb55cb6b01ec59 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 3d9bc4a8bf10ab017ddedf1cc17a9c58b2dcc96ca1ae58515fe8e94f659690d0 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: 33933d304d50176ec058b9b73316a98fa4683825c7504667b050992e42907342 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ad54bdaf05e9d8a6ca7ea3dd377fffe5fa12eb7d73a5172b4fdd72b9aa9a5d5b |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | SHA-256: ce1fb732737fa72ef0e1c2f114d09b93d40e3e29a35d1a8156c798f90c96e979 |
i386 | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 4354a6f7b042a0039fb76d2cdc1319f770e7edb2b13fd95b79546c0477051280 |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 3a5ce2cebff161c1455013a2beb0a2fa3e16b52374ccff63b8b475ffa6e7f4a8 |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: a77f1905fd317a4c4e7698b20128a7daf08cfeb1e7414186157734347f170ede |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: 34dba0ddbf08e134afbb4fb8bfd71545be8db99ab1f30bc746066408da7e7e8f |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.i686.rpm | SHA-256: b032994eaec5b0ede45108fa8eaa0577b86df3a738837528976a6c513c32f9b8 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support Extension (for IBM z Systems) 6
SRPM | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.src.rpm | SHA-256: c7e187d5a23f270707b7aa673ab61171a6263650f87330b7214429393a6c3e6e |
s390x | |
subscription-manager-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: f9b4e3d3e161e292ba11c495aa41bdb751a3de5958fd7dea10554c16ddfc7b4d |
subscription-manager-debuginfo-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: 3edcf2f832cfe6788fd67676af5de633c01eba879f7838713585f8e3cd4d10af |
subscription-manager-firstboot-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: 2ec2a4cc10a85401f2058d0d338c9ca88f34127894bfe5993fa2e2d56b5f6d75 |
subscription-manager-gui-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: ef9e843e02cb1475efb12f3130d2a23c5d405ef4ef3b7c9f5887a64554142bef |
subscription-manager-migration-1.1.23-1.el6.s390x.rpm | SHA-256: bdf99cbfa8b5f1dd460f36ef5388a3bbbd846c7a82bbd332676744237cd5c8e5 |
The Red Hat security contact is secalert@redhat.com. More contact details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/.