delegate_to targets server being configured
We have automation for configuration setup. We are making Tower and Satellite be able to build RHEL9 boxes. RHEL8 boxes build just fine but the same code throws an error which is perplexing us.
The code is (I have obfuscated the bits you'd expect):
name: Flush handlers
meta: flush_handlers -
name: Stop SSSD
name: sssd
state: stopped -
name: Flush SSSD cache # noqa 301
ignore_errors: True
command: sss_cache -E -
name: Reboot server
msg: "Reboot initiated by Ansible For System Initial Deployment"
tags:- core_initial_deployment_reboot
name: Run Satellite Ansible Roles
delegate_to: satelliteserverFQDN
command: "/bin/hammer host ansible-roles play --name {{ inventory_hostname }}" -
name: Configure Default Email Recipients
delegate_to: localhost
notify_recipient: "{{ core_initial_deployment.notify_extra|join(',') }}" -
name: Configure Extra Email Recipients
delegate_to: localhost
when: deployment_notify is defined
notify_recipient: "{{ notify_recipient + ',' + deployment_notify }}" -
name: "Send Initial Deployment Complete Message To {{ deployment_notify }}"
become: True
host: emailserverFQDNhere
from: "Ansible Tower"
subject: "Initial Deployment Of {{ inventory_hostname_short|upper }} Complete"
to: "{{ notify_recipient }}"
cc: ''
body: "{{ lookup('template', 'deployment_notify.j2') }}"
The part failing is:
- name: Run Satellite Ansible Roles
delegate_to: satelliteserverfqdnhere
command: "/bin/hammer host ansible-roles play --name {{ inventory_hostname }}"
And the output of this section is:
TASK [initial_deployment_dev : Run Satellite Ansible Roles] ********************
fatal: [serverbeingsetupFQDN -> {{ foreman.ip }}]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/hammer host ansible-roles play --name serverbeingsetupFQDN", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/bin/hammer'", "rc": 2}
We can see in the logs on "serverbeingsetupFQDN" that Tower is trying to run this on "serverbeingsetupFQDN and not "satelliteserverFQDN"
Is there something amiss here. We've been head scratching for awhile now. Any assistance would be fantastic.