Rhel 9.2 wich files to make a backup of to start again after crash
I want to understand wich exact files I need to make a copy to just fire the server up again and works right away.
I am running a server with this config:
HP G1 800 i7 32gb mem
RHEL 9.2 Server with gui.
1. Windows 11
2. OPNsense with wireguard for acces outside. (Only port for wireguard is open in my router) my first router is a kpn for now. Not made a transistion yet to fully use OPNsense.
3. Truenass Scale for Samba share ( works flawlessly with wireguard vpn)
Assign 4 disks to this vm for zfs raidz2
4. Homeassistant (for Tasmota and knx devices)
The VM qcow files are on a different drive then Rhel.
Rhel is now located on 1 disk. Not really redundancy proof any tips maybe?
Sorry for my messy question! I am a bit ADD and my main job is drawing electric plans for building autocad and stabicad. But my internet in complicated smart ict corner is what I also really want to learn more.
So I was reading and found about linux and then the main used steady commercially product. So I stumble on RHEL.
I works flawlessly for a very long time! No problems when I don’t change things! Had a few emergency mode startup problems but fixed those after reading the journal and googling.
Now I want reproduced more to a real word configuration instead of go and it works. For instance I now use root to login. I know it is not good but for the ease I dit not changed it yet. I searched and found redhat had freeotp and I installed the freeipa server etc but now I want to learn first wich files to copy and backup because I dont want to lose everything:)
Let me know if you understand me and could help me:)
I do had a suggestion to read thomas limoncello book.
Haven’t done that yet.
Wouter van Zijl