Skip updates when installing GUI
I am creating a deployment of RHEL 9.1 using a kickstart file.
The basic install is just RHEL without GUI, but I have implemented a switch in the kickstart file that add the option to install GUI.
The switch looks like this:
echo -n "Do you want to install GUI [Y/N]? "
while true; do
read yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* )
echo "Installing GUI "
yum groupinstall "Server with GUI"
systemctl set-default graphical
echo "Done."
[Nn]* )
* )
echo -n "Please answer Y or N: ";;
However, when doing that the OS ends up being the latest version, which is RHEL 9.2 in this case. Can I prevent that it upgrades to the latest OS version, as I just want RHEL 9.1 to be deployed?