after 6.11 upgrade - 3rd party repo syncs fail with Username / Password "This field may not be blank"
Anyone else seeing this?
All existing 3rd party repos failed their sync plan run this week with the same error.
I've tried creating new repos and they work fine.
PulpRpmClient::ApiError Error message: the server returns an error HTTP status code: 400 Response headers: {"Date"=>"Wed, 28 Sep 2022 14:37:38 GMT", "Server"=>"gunicorn", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Vary"=>"Accept,Cookie", "Allow"=>"GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS", "X-Frame-Options"=>"DENY", "Content-Length"=>"89", "X-Content-Type-Options"=>"nosniff", "Referrer-Policy"=>"same-origin", "Correlation-ID"=>"b3a6969d-98e8-4533-a501-8c25220218ce", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers"=>"Correlation-ID", "Via"=>"1.1 satellite-fqdn", "Connection"=>"close"} Response body: {"username":["This field may not be blank."],"password":["This field may not be blank."]}