[MOVED] evaluation licence
Good evening,
I downloaded the RHEL 6 evaluation copy today to check whether it would install on my Thinkpad no probs. Everythings worked fine so I jumped the gun and purchased the RHEL 6 Workstation licence however now I'm unsure whether I will have to do a reinstallation after my evaluation licence is going to expire?
I searched the RH knowledgebase and found this https://access.redhat.com/site/solutions/2009
If you have installed a version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES/WS or Red Hat Desktop and would like to change your evaluation subscription to a fully supported, purchased subscription, you should not have to re-install the operating system. If you maintain the same product then re-installing should not be an issue. For example, your evaluation was Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and you want to purchase Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES.
I don't think I had the option to download the workstation eval so I picked Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (v. 6 for 64-bit x86_64)
I currently customizing my system and I'd rather not have to do it all over again when the trial licence runs out.
Can anybody let me know if I need to download the workstation iso and whether I can keep the current installation.