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  • Hypervisor-offline-installation

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    I have a problem with the integration of an hypervisor 6.4 to the manager (3.1) in offline mode, with the following message:

    Failed to install Host tuc. Step: RHEV_INSTALL.  

    followed by an ssh error:

    Host tuc installation failed. SSH command failed while executing at host 'tuc', refer to logs for further information.

    So I check the log and I see those following errors messages:


    2013-05-31 10:19:17,836 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VdsInstaller] (NioProcessor-58) Installation of tic. Received message: . Error occured. (Stage: Running first installation script on Host)

    2013-05-31 10:19:17,881 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.hostinstall.VdsInstallerSSH] (pool-4-thread-48) SSH error running command

    tic:'umask 0077; MYTMP="$(mktemp -t ovirt-XXXXXXXXXX)"; trap "chmod -R u+rwX \"${MYTMP}\" > /dev/null 2>&1; rm -fr \"${MYTMP}\" > /dev/null 2>&1" 0; rm -fr "${MYTMP}" && mkdir "${MYTMP}" && tar -C "${MYTMP}" --no-same-permissions -o -x && "${MYTMP}"/setup -c 'ssl=true;management_port=54321' -O '' -t

    2013-05-31T08:18:50 -S /tmp/ovirt-id_rsa_6542f581-6fd3-4676-b351-1b6dcd5f9375 -p 80 -b -B rhevm tic 6542f581-6fd3- 4676-b351-1b6dcd5f9375 False': Command returned failure code 1 during SSH session

    tic:22' 'umask 0077; MYTMP="$(mktemp -t ovirt-XXXXXXXXXX)"; trap "chmod -R u+rwX \"${MYTMP}\" > /dev/null 2>&1; rm -fr \"${MYTMP}\" > /dev/null 2>&1" 0; rm -fr "${MYTMP}" && mkdir "${MYTMP}" && tar -C "${MYTMP}" --no-same-permissions -o -x && "${MYTMP}"/setup -c 'ssl=true;management_port=54321' -O '' -t

    2013-05-31T08:18:50 -S /tmp/ovirt-id_rsa_6542f581-6fd3-4676-b351-1b6dcd5f9375 -p 80 -b -B rhevm tic 6542f581-6fd3- 4676-b351-1b6dcd5f9375 False'

    2013-05-31 10:19:17,884 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VdsInstaller] (pool-4-thread-48) [76723a3c] Installation of tic has failed. Failure details: SSH command failed while executing at host 'tic', refer to logs for further information. (Stage: Running first installation script on Host)

    2013-05-31 10:19:17,884 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.InstallerMessages] (pool-4-thread-48) [76723a3c] VDS message: SSH command failed while executing at host 'tic', refer to logs for further information

    2013-05-31 10:19:17,888 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.SetVdsStatusVDSCommand] (pool- 4-thread-48) [76723a3c] START, SetVdsStatusVDSCommand(HostName = tic, HostId = b8038776-c9ca-11e2-a5f6- 5f98cc05bc3f, status=InstallFailed, nonOperationalReason=NONE), log id: 1dd6d7e3


    I have made some researches about those problems, and found answers like “to connect via ssh the manager to the hypervisor” which already work between the two machines in my situation.

    I have found a potential moment where the installation failed, when I see the steps realized during the adding phase according to the file, it seems that the integration is stopped after the "Supported kernel version" step.

    The steps that I realized are:

    -Download packages from the RHN.

    -I install those packages on a basic Linux 6.4 as an hypervisor without RHN connexion.

    The installation packages performed with success status, but when I try to add the host, the installation is interrupted after the "Supported kernel version" step.

    Did you know a way to performed the installation?






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