Taking over Tower Project; looking for direction ...
I've taken over a project that exploits a new Ansible Tower (3.8.2) & GitLab infrastructure. I have Playbooks that I've revised. I'm new to Ansible but have been in similar development since my kids were the ages of my grand kids. I'm hoping someone can recommend kb articles i can follow for the dilemmas in front of me:
Need deterministic details for solving Playbook execution issues: could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: MyPattern. -What line(s) of my playbook are causing this? -Are there log files? -where?
While trying to solve #1, i'm not convinced that my modified playbook as resides in GitLab Repository is making it over to my Ansible Tower instance via the SCM Update (Git_Playbooks). Execution reveals summaries that are meaningless to me: ok=6 changed=2 unreachable=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 Are there corresponding details to these summaries? -Where? How can i tell if my updated playbook has arrived at Ansible Tower instance?
File Management in GitLab is primitive; can't rename files via GUI. Is there a kb on any ad-hoc methods to rename files?
Given the foregoing, i'm wondering if there is any benefit in solving the above issues/inconveniences by upgrading from my version of Ansible 2.9.25, Tower 3.8.2, to current versions. -Is there? -Are there any risks in wrecking my existing configuration?